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Most YA Books Bought By Adults

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Most YA Books Bought By Adults

Faster-paced books appeal to everyone, it turns out

(Newser) - It turns out you're not the only grown-up devouring the Hunger Games. A new study from Bowker Market Research found that 55% of the people buying young adult novels are actually regular adults, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Oh sure, some say they're buying them for younger relatives,...

Monica Lewinsky Hawking Secret New Book

Publishers forced to sign non-disclosure agreement to meet with her

(Newser) - Should Bill Clinton be worried? Monica Lewinsky has been shopping a new book, sources tell the New York Post , and it's so hush-hush that she's making publishers sign a non-disclosure agreement before she'll meet with them. "I'm sure every major publisher was interested in hearing...

Murdoch Contemplates Splitting Up News Corp

Separating publishing would make other media more profitable

(Newser) - After resisting investors' pressure for years, Rupert Murdoch is finally considering splitting his News Corp. media empire in two, dividing publishing and the company's other, more lucrative media units, reports the Wall Street Journal . The Murdoch family would likely maintain its control of both companies, similar to Sumner Redstone'...

10 Reasons to Stop Buying on Amazon

Taxes, 'monopolistic' behavior top the list

(Newser) - Amazon: the evil empire? The Nation seems to think so, warning that Amazon is "well positioned to overpower its rivals" as publishers turn to digital books and the mega-site sells more Kindle books than hardcovers. The lefty mag lists 10 reasons not to do business with Amazon:
  1. Amazon avoids

How One Small Bookstore Outwitted Amazon

The Harvard Book Store installed its own printer

(Newser) - The Amazon steamroller is crushing one neighborhood bookstore after another—which is why Phil Johnson felt sympathy for the man who took over the Harvard Book Store. "I respected his mission, even if I didn’t quite believe in its future," Johnson writes in Forbes . But over a...

Pulitzer Board Just Sucked Life Out of Book Industry
Pulitzer Board Just Sucked Life Out of Book Industry
Ann Patchett

Pulitzer Board Just Sucked Life Out of Book Industry

Prize injects needed excitement into world of literature: Ann Patchett

(Newser) - Sure, there's a possibility that when the Pulitzer Prize board failed to announce a fiction winner, the reason could have been a simple deadlock. But most who heard the news probably didn't assume that, and instead figured "it was a bum year for fiction," writes author...

Amazon Now Moves to Slash E-Book Prices

But DoJ suit expected to be bad news for readers in long run

(Newser) - Just after the Department of Justice launched its antitrust lawsuit against Apple and five major publishers , Amazon announced plans to slash e-book prices. But while the move is expected to cut the prices of major titles from $14.99 to $9.99 or less, analysts believe the benefit to consumers...

JK Rowling Lands Deal for New Adult Book

It will be 'very different' than Harry Potter

(Newser) - JK Rowling is back, but if you're hoping for more adventures starring a certain boy wizard—or anything along the lines of those books—you're out of luck. Little, Brown and Company announced today that it had acquired the rights to publish a new book by Rowling, but...

Amazon Yanks 5K E-Books in Contract Dispute

Publishers group says it was strong-armed to accept new terms

(Newser) - Amazon is playing hardball with a book distributor that refused to give it a bigger share of the pie. The company's Kindle store yanked some 5,000 e-books after Independent Publishers Group, which represents hundreds of independent publishers, refused the online giant's demands. "They decided they didn'...

Amazon Plans Brick-and-Mortar Boutique

Online megastore may also launch national chain

(Newser) - As if traditional publishers don't already hate Amazon . Now the online retailer-turned-publisher is planning to open a small boutique store in Seattle to test the waters for a national chain, Gawker reports via the Good E-Reader blog. The store will sell Kindle e-readers, Kindle Fires, and various accessories—as...

Final Hitchens Book to Hit Shelves Next Year

Morality is based on cancer struggle

(Newser) - For fans of Christopher Hitchens , one final book. A memoir entitled Mortality will be released in early 2012; it's based on a series of articles the journalist wrote for Vanity Fair describing his battle with esophageal cancer, reports the Guardian . A spokesman noted that the book had been in...

E-Books Now Pricier Than Real Books

Publishers set own prices, and set them high

(Newser) - If you're hoping Santa drops a Kindle or Nook under your tree, be forewarned: e-book bestsellers don't cost $9.99 anymore. These days, electronic tomes can cost as much or more than their print counterparts, the Wall Street Journal reports, thanks to a move from the six top...

Brazenly Plagiarized Spy Novel Pulled

Author's debut was 'collage of others' work'

(Newser) - Bookseller Quentin Rowan appears to have forged a writing career entirely by raiding the contents of his shelves. Publisher Little, Brown & Co. recalled every single copy of his debut spy thriller, Assassin of Secrets—written under the pseudonym QR Markham—after discovering that passages had been lifted from more...

Latest Amazon Brainchild: Netflix for Books

But publishers are leery of idea

(Newser) - Amazon is chatting with publishers about starting a subscription-based digital book library—but publishers are reluctant to jump on the bandwagon. Under the Netflix-like proposal, consumers would pay a yearly fee to get access to the library, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . Publishers, however, are concerned that such a...

Glenn Beck Launches Own Book Imprint

First non-Beck book is by... a YA author?

(Newser) - Glenn Beck may be leaving Fox but you’ll still see a lot of him at the bookstore. Beck’s Mercury Radio Arts has signed a deal with Simon & Schuster both to publish a bunch of Beck’s own books, and to create Mercury Ink, a division devoted to...

Google to Bite at Apple With Digital Newsstand?

Google trying to drum up support among publishers, say insiders

(Newser) - Google is considering launching a digital newsstand that would cater to users of smartphones and tablets that run Android, setting the stage for a competition with Apple for publishers’ support. Apple’s iTunes already sells a number of popular periodicals; Google has reportedly held talks with Time Inc., Condé Nast,...

JK Rowling May Write More Harry Potter Books

Ending series was a 'bereavement,' author tells Oprah

(Newser) - JK Rowling may yet write more adventures for Harry Potter and friends, the world-famous author tells Oprah Winfrey . The Hogwarts crew is "in my head still," Rowling said, and new tales "could definitely" move her pen. After all, Rowling said, writing Potter was always more an act...

E-Readers Read More
 E-Readers Read More 

E-Readers Read More

Device owners read more slowly, make up for it by reading everywhere

(Newser) - If your New Year’s resolution was to read more, you might want to buy an e-reader. About 40% of e-reader owners say they read more than they used to, according to a new study. On average, they say, they finish 2.6 books a month compared to a traditional...

Highest-Paid Authors in US
 Authors in US 

Highest-Paid Authors in US

James Patterson, Stephenie Meyer lead the way

(Newser) - A tribute of sorts to Harry Potter: JK Rowling isn't putting out new Potter books, but sales of existing ones still put her in the top 10 of the year's highest-paid authors. (She came in 10th with $10 million.) Read the full Forbes list here , but here's the top...

Readers Swoon for Amish Romance

Novels depicting the simple life fly off the shelves

(Newser) - Getting tired of True Blood? If sex-soaked entertainment has lost some of its punch, you might look to the pure, simple pleasures of Amish life and love. That's right: Amish romance novels are flying off the shelves as readers find that nothing scintillates like the chaste. "It's a huge,...

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