Michael Bloomberg

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Lindsey Graham: &#39;Bomb Gadhafi&#39;

 Lindsey Graham: 
 'Bomb Gadhafi' 

Lindsey Graham: 'Bomb Gadhafi'

Not so fast, says McCain

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has a solution for the stalemate in Libya: "My recommendation to NATO and to the administration is to cut the head of the snake off, go to Tripoli, start bombing Gadhafi’s inner circle, their compounds their military headquarters in Tripoli," he told State of the ...

Bill Clinton Fondly Recalls Old Times Square, Hookers

Ex-prez remembers excitement, Mayor Bloomberg perplexed

(Newser) - New York City's Times Square is a lot safer than it used be, Bill Clinton says, but he's still a little nostalgic for the pre-Rudy Giuliani seediness. "I still have vivid memories of it. Romantic, fascinating," Clinton said, recalling a time when he was a wide-eyed...

Ex-NYC Schools Chief: Was it Sexism?

Cathie Black wonders if public drubbing would've been easier on a man

(Newser) - Cathie Black is out as chancellor of New York City's school system, and in her first post-firing/quitting interview, she wonders if sexism was part of the reason why: "If I were a guy, would I have had the pounding that I did?" the former Hearst honcho asks Fortune....

Bloomberg Fires Ill-Qualified Schools Chancellor

Cathie Black had no experience in education

(Newser) - Cathie Black has resigned just three months into her tumultuous tenure as New York City schools chancellor, and city officials tell the New York Times that mayor Michael Bloomberg gave her a strong nudge out the door. Many were stunned when Bloomberg appointed Black in the first place; she’s...

Bloomberg: Cut Labor Costs, Not Union Rights

Governments can benefit from collective bargaining, he writes

(Newser) - As states like Wisconsin face crippling budget deficits, it’s fair for them to scale back on labor costs—but not labor rights, Michael Bloomberg writes today in the New York Times . What needs updating is “government’s relationship with unions,” not the unions themselves. “Organizing around...

Bloomberg Steps in It With 'Drunk Irish' Comment

Irish eyes not smiling on NYC mayor

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was jeered by angry Irish-Americans after making a quip about Irish people's fondness for booze. The New York City mayor, speaking to the American Irish Historical Society, said he lived near the society and was used to seeing a "bunch of people totally inebriated hanging out the...

NYC Probes Arizona Gun Show
 NYC Probes Arizona Gun Show  

NYC Probes Arizona Gun Show

Investigators who 'probably couldn't pass background check' sold guns

(Newser) - Private investigators sent by New York City found it all too easy to buy semiautomatic pistols at an Arizona gun show, even after telling the dealer that they "probably couldn't" pass a background check. The shows are exempt from background checks but dealers are barred from selling weapons to...

Bloomberg: 'I Regret Everything in the World'

Sarcastic mayor pleads for patience with storm cleanup

(Newser) - Rough day for Mayor Bloomberg, who faced the media to plead for patience with storm cleanup. He was at various times "chastened" ( Daily News ), "testy" ( New York Post ), "conciliatory" ( New York Times ) and even sarcastic—as when he replied, "I...

Is Jon Stewart the New Edward R. Murrow?
Is Jon Stewart the New
Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the New Edward R. Murrow?

Role in 9/11 health bill points to journalism's greats

(Newser) - By taking up a cause—the 9/11 health bill—and getting quick results, Jon Stewart is following in the footsteps of news greats and "advocacy journalists" Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, professor of television Robert Thompson tells the New York Times . Murrow helped shift public opinion on the...

Bloomberg to Dems: Suck It Up on Tax Deal

Also, he's not running in 2012. Just so you know.

(Newser) - Joe Biden isn't the only one fed up with Democrats howling about President Obama's tax cut deal with the GOP—Michael Bloomberg today chimed right in, telling Obama he should tell his party faithful to "Suck it up." “This is the best I can do,"...

Sarah Palin: I Believe I Could Beat Obama

Barbara Walters pops the question for an upcoming special

(Newser) - Sarah Palin got quoted for the umpteenth time today saying something to the effect that she might just run for president in two years. And she wouldn't run if she didn't think she could win, right? Right, as per this exchange with Barbara Walters: "If you ran for president,...

Bloomberg Plans a Subway to New Jersey

To replace the tunnel Chris Christie called off

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is hatching a plan to build a subway tunnel under the Hudson River linking Manhattan to Secaucus, NJ. The plan is designed to replace the long-planned tunnel from New Jersey that Chris Christie killed when he came into office, and according to a secret memorandum obtained by the...

Bloomberg, Scarborough 'Eying 2012 Run'

Mayor, MSNBC host may form 'odd couple' independent ticket

(Newser) - New York City's mayor and the host of MSNBC's Morning Joe are exploring the possibility of an "odd couple" run for the White House on an independent ticket, according to the Huffington Post , which cites "well-placed sources." Joe Scarborough, a longtime friend of Michael Bloomberg's, denies that...

Bloomberg's Daughter Fractures Spine in Horse Fall

Georgina Bloomberg knocked out in show-jumping competition

(Newser) - The daughter of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg suffered a concussion and a fractured spine when she tumbled from her horse during a show-jumping competition on Friday. Georgina Bloomberg, 27, is continuing to undergo tests in a Manhattan hospital today. Bloomberg, considered one of the nation's top show jumpers, was...

Schwarzenegger and Pals: Our Infrastructure Is Embarrassing

Bloomberg, Rendell, and Governator all want us to improve transportation

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenneger, Ed Rendell, and Michael Bloomberg teamed up on an op-ed piece in Politico today, arguing that the nation needs to invest heavily in transportation. “Our nation’s infrastructure has been neglected for too long,” the trio writes. They tout the many construction projects and state-of-the-art high-speed...

NYC Seeks to Bar Soda for Food Stamp Users

Mayor to city's poor: Drop weight

(Newser) - Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to add sodas to the list of items New York City's 1.7 million food stamp users can't buy with the stamps. The mayor, as part of an aggressive anti-obesity campaign, has asked federal authorities for permission to ban food-stamp purchases of sugared drinks, the New ...

Bloomberg Endorses Flock of Moderates
Bloomberg Endorses
Flock of Moderates

Bloomberg Endorses Flock of Moderates

He's the anti-Tea Partier

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is going on a Palin-like endorsement streak—only instead of endorsing Tea Partiers and conservatives, he’s backing moderates from both parties. Among his beneficiaries: Meg Whitman, Harry Reid, Lincoln Chafee, and Joe Sestak. Bloomberg says he's looking for candidates who aren't bound by rigid ideology, and are...

Bloomberg: No Smoking in Central Park

Mayor wants to take ban outdoors to cover parks, walkways

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg wants smokers to stay out of Central Park and parts of Times Square. The anti-tobacco mayor has proposed widening the city's smoking ban to cover parks, beaches, pedestrian plazas, and boardwalks, reports the New York Post . Scofflaws, tourist or not, would face a $50 fine under his plan,...

Whitman Has Given a Record $119M to Own Campaign

She breaks Michael Bloomberg's mark

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has dumped another $15 million of her own money into her campaign, which would be a ho-hum development for the former eBay CEO had it not pushed her personal total to $119 million—the most ever by a self-financed candidate. Whitman, who's running about even with Jerry Brown...

Koran Burning Uproar Spreads, but Pastor Defiant

Clinton decries it, Bloomberg defends pastor's right

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has joined the chorus decrying a Florida pastor’s plan to burn Korans on Sept. 11. “Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation,” Clinton said last night at a State Department Iftar meal celebrating Ramadan, according to the Daily ...

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