Bristol Palin

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Bristol Palin Lands Debut Acting Gig

But, uh, she'll just be playing herself

(Newser) - Watch out, Levi Johnston, your baby mama could make it in Hollywood before you do. Bristol Palin scored her first acting gig, although “acting” is perhaps a bit of a stretch: She’ll be playing herself on ABC ’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager, a show...

Bristol: Tightwad Levi Is Lying About Money

She subpoenas pay records from CNN, Playgirl for kid support

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is demanding pay stubs to Levi Johnston from CNN, Playgirl, the National Enquirer, Star magazine, and Entertainment Tonight, claiming her baby daddy is falsely crying poverty to duck his responsibility to support their child. Johnston has argued in a court battle over child support payments that he can't...

You're Right, Palins: Family Guy Writers Are Jerks

Williams reluctantly agrees that Trig gag was just tasteless

(Newser) - Mary Elizabeth Williams would like Family Guy to tone down its shtick a bit, because she agrees with Sarah and Bristol Palin that the show poked unnecessary fun at son Trig...and “I don’t want to have to find myself agreeing with Sarah Palin again for a long...

Sarah, Bristol to Family Guy: 'Heartless Jerks'

Palins use Facebook to air grievances toward Fox

(Newser) - In a moment of restraint, Sarah Palin responded to the Family Guy controversy with a Facebook rant—except it wasn’t a rant, and it wasn't hers. In a post titled “Fox Hollywood—What a Disappointment,” Palin calls the episode that “mocked” son Trig “another kick...

Levi to Bristol: I Can't Afford $1750 a Month
 Levi to Bristol: 
 I Can't Afford $1750 a Month 

Levi to Bristol: I Can't Afford $1750 a Month

Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin continue child support battle

(Newser) - Levi Johnston's child support battle with Bristol Palin wages on—and in the last round, Johnston's lawyer admitted the Playgirl stud's chances of finding success in Hollywood are "unknowable." Johnston shouldn't have to pay the $1,750 per month Bristol wants because his income is "erratic,"...

Palins, Oprah Discuss Bristol's Sex Life

Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin talk abstinence

(Newser) - American's most famous teen mom and her famous mom, Sarah Palin, talked abstinence with Oprah today. Bristol Palin plans to hold to her vow not to have sex until she's married, even though the queen of all media offered her an out: "It's nobody's business when you chose to...

Bristol to Levi: Where's the Child Support?

Palin wants to see some of the proceeds of the Johnston media blitz

(Newser) - If her hunky babydaddy is going to go around stripping for cash, Bristol Palin thinks she and his son should see some of it. Palin filed documents Wednesday demanding that Levi Johnston pay her $1,750 per month in child support, retroactive to the baby's birth over a year ago....

Sarah, Bristol Palin Hit Oprah Tomorrow

Mom will talk Fox News gig, daughter will talk teen pregnancy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is headed back to Oprah Winfrey’s couch tomorrow, the daytime diva’s site announced today, and this time she’s bringing daughter Bristol with her. Mom will chat about her new gig at Fox News, while daughter talks “life as a single teenage mom, premarital sex...

Palins Score $100K for Tabloid Cover

And Bristol 'guarantees' she's going to stay a virgin this time

(Newser) - Sarah Palin continues to clean up in her post-public-servant life, pulling in $100,000 for her mother-daughter appearance on the cover of In Touch magazine with Bristol and both of their babies, the New York Post says. This on top of her $100,000 speaking fees—including the Tea Party...

Sarah, Bristol Talk 'Unreal' Year
 Sarah, Bristol Talk 'Unreal' Year 

Sarah, Bristol Talk 'Unreal' Year

Palin and her daughter also talk Levi Johnston, of course

(Newser) - Finally, Sarah and Bristol Palin have given a serious, in-depth interview…to In Touch Weekly? Yes, it’s true: The would-be VP and her daughter talk about the “unreal and surreal” last few years in a piece—complete with photo spread!—obtained by PopEater . Bristol also talks about...

Bristol Launches PR Firm
 Bristol Launches PR Firm 

Bristol Launches PR Firm

New Palin family business provides PR for pro-abstinence group

(Newser) - Bristol Palin has founded her own "lobbying, public relations, and political consulting services" company, according to paperwork unearthed by NBC's Rachel Maddow. The firm is called BSMP, for Bristol Sharon Marie Palin, mediabistro notes. The 19-year-old is currently serving as a PR ambassador for Candie's Foundation, a group that...

Levi Deserves Joint Custody
 Levi Deserves Joint Custody 

Levi Deserves Joint Custody

Bristol Palin should let Johnston prove himself as a father

(Newser) - Levi Johnston’s Playgirl spread and constant media presence may not make him the best role model in the world—but that’s no reason to deny him custody of his son. “What has Levi done that warrants sole custody for Bristol at this early moment in a child's...

Bristol Seeks Full Custody of Tripp

Levi slams 'vindictive' Sarah

(Newser) - Bristol Palin has sued for full custody of her out-of-wedlock son, charging that daddy Levi Johnston "is not ready for the demands of parenthood," and that his primary source of income has been a "risqué" photo spread in Playgirl and selling stories about his now year-old...

Levi Likes Being a Gay Icon

Gays are 'people, too,' sez Bristol's babydaddy

(Newser) - Despite his conservative, small-town upbringing, Levi Johnston feels at home being a gay icon. Though he says he "never saw" a gay guy on the streets of Wasilla, Alaska, the hockey player-turned-Playgirl model appreciates fans—gay or straight. Gays "are people, too," he tells Joy Behar . "...

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

 'The Wasilla 
 Reads My 

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

Sarah Palin's threat of a libel suit goes a bit awry

(Newser) - Back in the day, public figures were cautioned not to pick fights with people who bought ink by the barrel—namely, newspaper publishers. In the age of the blogger, it's more important to guard against fueling your antagonists with the 21st-century version of ink: attention. Paging Sarah Palin: "The...

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous
Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

New 'author' irresistible to both right and left: parody editors

(Newser) - Sarah Palin remains a major player on the national stage because "neither the left nor the right can get enough of her," write Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, the editors of Going Rouge, the parody that comes out the same day as the former Alaska governor's memoir, Going ...

Levi Gets Off Scot-Free in Palin Book

Not a word after Johnston threatens to spill Sarah dirt

(Newser) - Sarah Palin rips up John McCain and his campaign team in her new book, but retracts her claws when it comes to her near-son-in-law. In fact, her 413-page tome doesn't include a single reference to the daddy of her born-out-of-wedlock grandson, according to AP . Palin has repeatedly skewered Playgirl model...

In Interview, Palin Covers 'Everything': Oprah

But Levi Johnston says not trashing him is a 'smart move' by Sarah

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey taped her interview with Sarah Palin yesterday, posting a video on her Twitter feed (watch it at left) where she says they “talked about everything”—including the campaign, Bristol’s pregnancy, the Palins’ marriage, and, of course, Levi Johnston. Apparently, though, no trash was talked about...

I'll Sue Palins Over Custody: Levi
 I'll Sue Palins
 Over Custody: Levi 
as wasilla turns

I'll Sue Palins Over Custody: Levi

'I'm up to the point where I can't see my kid again,' says Tripp's dad

(Newser) - Levi Johnston says he's “definitely” going to court over custody issues concerning Tripp, his son with Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol. "I'm up to the point where I can't see my kid again. I'm done. I'm sure we'll end up in court,” Johnston tells the Guardian , explaining that...

In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi!
 In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi! 
No Ho Ho

In Time for Xmas: Naked Levi!

Johnston's Playgirl shoot sure to be the highlight of the holiday season

(Newser) - Your Christmas shopping just got a whole lot easier: Naked Levi for everyone! Bristol Palin’s babydaddy is moving forward with his Playgirl shoot in mid-November “in order to get the pictures out for the holidays,” a magazine rep tells the New York Post, further promising that readers...

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