gun rights

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8th-Grader Banned From Wearing Pro-Gun Shirts Sues

Lawsuit calls policy unconstitutional

(Newser) - An eighth-grade student has filed a federal lawsuit accusing his northern Nevada school district of violating his First Amendment rights by telling him his pro-gun T-shirt violates the district's dress code. The suit filed in US District Court in Reno alleges the Washoe County School District policy prohibiting depictions...

South Carolina Bill Would Allow Secession From US

This time the issue is gun rights

(Newser) - South Carolina wants to have the option of seceding from the US—again—if it feels the government does anything that goes against the Second Amendment. The Hill reports three Republican legislators in South Carolina introduced a bill Thursday that would let the state debate secession specifically "if the...

NRA: 'Harden Our Schools,' Fear 'Socialist' Democrats

NRA breaks silence after Parkland, targets media, gun-control advocates

(Newser) - "Many in legacy media love mass shootings," NBC News quotes NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch as saying Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "You love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold." A week after 17 people were killed at a school shooting in...

We Shouldn't Let Young Men Own Semiautomatic Rifles

Columnist Ross Douthat thinks the right to own certain weapons should be phased in with age

(Newser) - Conservative columnist Ross Douthat supports the right of individuals to own weapons, but last week's massacre in Florida has him floating a specific compromise on gun control. In a New York Times op-ed, Douthat suggests limiting the rights of young people to own semiautomatic rifles such as the AR-15....

2 Musicians at Vegas Show Voice New Fears

Jason Aldean is afraid to raise kids now; Caleb Keeter changes mind on gun control

(Newser) - The singer who was performing when the shooting began in Las Vegas says he can't comprehend the violence of Sunday night. "Something has changed in this country and in this world lately that is scary to see," wrote Jason Aldean on Instagram . "This world is becoming...

At Georgia Colleges, Guns OK in All but Most 'Sensitive Places'

Gov. Deal wanted certain areas excluded

(Newser) - Gov. Nathan Deal signed legislation Thursday allowing people with permits to carry concealed handguns on Georgia's public college campuses, despite the objections of state university leaders and his own veto of a campus-carry measure last year. Deal shocked fellow Republicans with strenuous objections to guns on campus in last...

Obama Gun-Control Measure Is Reversed

It would have affected about 75K people with mental illnesses

(Newser) - President Trump has undone one of his predecessor's final executive actions, a measure designed to make it harder for the mentally ill to own guns. The issue is a little more complicated than the usual gun-control debate, however: This time, both the NRA and the ACLU opposed the measure....

People Are Furious Over Guy's 'Black Rifles Matter' Sign

Creator says Black Lives Matter should be 'flattered'

(Newser) - A Maine town's chamber of commerce has been receiving complaints from tourists regarding a large, hand-painted sign on a private lawn that reads "Black Rifles Matter," reports the AP . Linc Sample, the sign's creator, tells NECN that his work in Boothbay Harbor is about gun rights,...

Ruling in Case That Broke Clarence Thomas' Silence

SCOTUS declines to open gun access for misdemeanor domestic violence

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas broke a decade of silence when the case was being heard, and now, a ruling: The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that even those convicted of reckless, rather than intentional, domestic abuse can be denied gun-ownership rights under a federal ban. The case involved two Maine men who...

Trump May Be Breaking With GOP, NRA on Gun Control

He wants to talk about keeping people on terror watch lists from buying guns

(Newser) - Someone check Hell for ice cubes because it appears Donald Trump has broken with the GOP to side with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The Atlantic reports Trump is seeking to meet with the NRA about keeping people on terror watch lists from buying guns. “If Con Man Don...

'Mass Farting' Meets Fake Gun Massacre

Protesters take to the streets in Austin, Texas

(Newser) - The gun-rights debate has apparently boiled down to a fake mass shooting and machines that spit out fart noises. It all happened Saturday in Austin, Texas, where pro-gun activists staged a mock gun-massacre at a church and anti-gun protesters countered with what they called a "mass farting," the...

Gun-Rights Groups Holding Fake Mass Shooting at UT

'An armed society is a polite society'

(Newser) - Two Texas gun-rights groups will be holding a "mock mass shooting" at the University of Texas in Austin on Saturday in an effort to put an end to gun-free zones in the state, the Austin American-Statesman reports. Actors armed with cardboard guns will go around "shooting" other actors...

Ben Carson: Guns Would Have Helped Jews During Holocaust

Presidential candidate makes another controversial remark

(Newser) - During a CNN interview Thursday that was largely spent defending his controversial comments after the Oregon campus shootings , Ben Carson made another controversial statement, this time about the Holocaust. "I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people...

NRA's Top Lawyer Was Convicted of Murder

But a high court overturned Robert Dowlut's sentence

(Newser) - The NRA's top lawyer argues in favor of gun ownership for self-defense—but it turns out he was convicted of shooting a woman in cold blood 50 years ago, Mother Jones reports. In 1964, a jury found Robert Dowlut guilty of killing his girlfriend's mother in South Bend,...

Judge Strikes Down DC Handgun Ban

Says ban on guns outside the home violates Second Amendment

(Newser) - The District of Columbia's ban on carrying handguns outside the home is unconstitutional, a federal judge has ruled. In a 19-page ruling made public yesterday, US District Judge Frederick J. Scullin concluded that the Second Amendment gives people the right to carry a gun outside the home for self-defense....

Target 'Respectfully' Says Leave Your Guns at Home

Even in communities where carrying a gun in public is legal

(Newser) - Please don't bring your .38 to Target anymore. The company—whose logo is, ironically, basically a shooting range target—has "respectfully" requested that customers keep their firearms at home and out of stores—even in communities where carrying a gun in public is legal, USA Today reports. Moms...

Supreme Court OKs Challenge on Law Against Lying

Court also strikes down 'straw man' gun purchases

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that an anti-abortion group can challenge an Ohio law that bars people from making false statements about political candidates during a campaign. The high court said the Susan B. Anthony List does not have to wait until it is prosecuted under the law to...

NRA: Sorry We Called Open-Carry Crew 'Weird'

Walks back surprising statement from last week

(Newser) - Well, so much for that: On Friday, a statement appeared on the website of the NRA's lobbying arm that Talking Points Memo called "amazing" and "remarkably frank," but days later, the organization has backtracked. Why? Well, the initial statement—which the head of the lobbying arm...

Joe the Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Rights'

Victim's dad counters that one's rights don't negate one's responsibilities

(Newser) - Samuel Wurzelbacher, perhaps better known as Joe the Plumber, watched Richard Martinez sobbing over the shooting death of his only son in the Isla Vista rampage, and responded thusly in an open letter on : "I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and...

Georgia Gov Signs 'Guns Everywhere' Bill

Guns now allowed in schools, bars, churches, government buildings, and more

(Newser) - If you want to pack heat at your local bar, church, school or government building, then Georgia is now the state for you. Gov. Nathan Deal today signed a law allowing firearms in all of those places and more, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The law allows schools and churches to...

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