Rick Santorum

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GOP Debate No. 19 Kicks Off in Florida
 Romney, Gingrich Tussle 
 Over Immigration, Money 
GOP Debate No. 19

Romney, Gingrich Tussle Over Immigration, Money

Comparing our investments is like comparing mouse, elephant, says Newt

(Newser) - Tonight's Jacksonville, Florida, debate is a biggie for more reasons than one: It's the last before the state's Tuesday primary; it does not, like Monday's debate , feature a ban on applause; Newt Gingrich knows he needs to bring it ; and ... after a seemingly endless stream of...

Santorum to Rape Victims: Save 'Horribly Made' Gift

'You have to make the best of a bad situation,' and have the baby, he says

(Newser) - He certainly has a way with words—and Rick Santorum is still getting ripped for some of them. Santorum last week urged rape victims to protect the "horribly created" pregnancies that may result as a "broken" gift from God. Rape victims who become pregnant should "make the...

GOP Hands 2012 to Obama With Loser Lineup

Voters don't want Barack, but they really don't want these guys: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - President Obama is going to win the election in November, and the Republicans only have themselves to thank. "That's what happens when you run with losers," notes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal . Forget Obama's wealth of policy troubles: "It doesn't matter that...

Mitt Lands Blows Newt, Debate Too Tame
 Romney Jabs Hard, 
 but Debate Too Tame 
Winners, Losers

Romney Jabs Hard, but Debate Too Tame

Local issues, quiet crowd make for dullish contest

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate wasn't the most exciting of the primary process, with a focus on local Florida issues and an audience instructed to keep quiet. While newly combative Mitt Romney revved up the contest by attacking Newt Gingrich's lobbying for Freddie Mac and ethics as...

Mitt, Newt Come Out Swinging
 Mitt, Newt Come Out Swinging 

Mitt, Newt Come Out Swinging

They jab over Freddie Mac 'lobbying,' taxes

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich came out throwing verbal punches —at each other—in tonight's Florida GOP debate. They traded boast for boast and barb for barb as the first questions presented the contest as a faceoff between the two. Gingrich attempted to appropriate the mantle of Ronald...

It&#39;s Time to Overturn Roe v. Wade
 It's Time 
 to Overturn 
 Roe v. Wade 
rick santorum

It's Time to Overturn Roe v. Wade

And only Rick Santorum is serious about doing that: Rick Santorum

(Newser) - If you want a president who will actively fight to overturn Roe v. Wade, Rick Santorum is your man. As he explains in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece today, the other Republican candidates "simply check the pro-life box," whereas Santorum "fight[s] the battle in the trenches...

Flush Romney Camp Rules Fla. Airwaves

Florida ads expensive, Mitt rivals low on funds

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination may suddenly be more competitive than experts predicted, but in the next big primary state, Florida, Mitt Romney has the airwaves pretty much all to himself, reports the Los Angeles Times . Florida is one of the more expensive ad markets in the nation, and...

Rick Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed by Gay-Rights Activists, Occupiers
 Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed 

Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed

Gay-rights activists, Occupiers storm primary night rally

(Newser) - Adding insult to his third-place injury , protesters crashed Rick Santorum's South Carolina primary party last night, chanting "Rick, Rick, Rick, bigot, bigot, bigot" and glitter-bombing the candidate. As Santorum closed out a speech in which he hailed family values, gay-rights activists and members of Occupy Charleston shouted "...

How Gingrich Won SC— Conservatives

'Very' and 'Somewhat' conservatives went Gingrich, 'liberals' went Romney

(Newser) - So how did Newt Gingrich pull off his stunning upset in South Carolina yesterday? Unsurprisingly, by appealing to conservatives, writes Politico . Exit polls indicate that 45% of people calling themselves "very conservative" went to Gingrich, vs. 20% to Rick Santorum and 10% to Ron Paul—Mitt Romney took just...

Debate a &#39;Triumph for Gingrich&#39;
 Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich' 

Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich'

Santorum shined but it was Newt's night, pundits say

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul all had their moments in last night's GOP debate, but it was Newt Gingrich's night thanks to his fiery first five minutes , pundits say.
  • Rick Santorum took the fight to Gingrich and Romney and was the "central mover in the

Gingrich Blasts CNN On 'Trash' First Question

Santorum gets aggressive as final four candidates debate in SC

(Newser) - The most tumultuous day of the campaign (see reasons one , two , and three ) wrapped up tonight with a CNN debate , and the fireworks started immediately when moderator John King asked Newt Gingrich the first question—about his ex-wife's "open marriage" interview. After blasting the media's "...

Iowa Was Actually &#39;a Split Decision&#39;
 Iowa Was Actually 
 'a Split Decision' 
recount results

Iowa Was Actually 'a Split Decision'

Who won? Well, either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum

(Newser) - We'll never know for sure who actually won the Iowa caucuses. After a recount, Rick Santorum was found to have finished ahead of declared winner Mitt Romney by 34 votes, but the results from eight precincts are missing and will never be certified—meaning "it’s a split...

GOP Played Fast, Loose With Truth in Debate

Fact Checkers point out inaccurate attacks

(Newser) - The air was thick with half-truths and distortions at last night's combative Republican debate. Here's how fact-checkers score the bout:
  • Nearly every fact-checker blasted Mitt Romney for asserting that President Obama "has opened up no new markets for American goods around the world." Actually, Obama has

Good Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges
 Solid Night for Romney, 
 as Gingrich Emerges 

Solid Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges

Strong performance leaves Gingrich looking like top anti-Romney

(Newser) - Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed from last night's Republican debate in South Carolina, while consensus pegs Newt Gingrich as the best of the rest. A breakdown of the chatter:
  • This was Gingrich's "best debate of the entire race," decides Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . The

Colbert: I Blew Huntsman Out of GOP Race

Plus, host explains why God should endorse him

(Newser) - Sure, pundits came up with a million reasons Jon Huntsman exited the GOP presidential race yesterday, but Stephen Colbert knows the truth. After all, Huntsman dropped out right after Colbert announced he was forming an exploratory committee , the Comedy Central host pointed out last night. "Folks, do you see...

Still-Standing GOP Line-Up Zeroes In on Romney Again

 GOP Rivals 
 Gang Up on 


GOP Rivals Gang Up on Romney

Unflustered Mitt parries attacks, feisty Newt draws cheers

(Newser) - Republican rivals zeroed in again on Mitt Romney in the South Carolina debate tonight as they made a last-ditch, all-out effort to make certain he doesn't run away with the GOP nomination. They challenged his conservative credentials, his ability to create jobs, his flip-flops—and called on him to...

Rick Santorum Earmarks: Former Senator Was Prolific at Securing Earmarks, Campaign Cash Followed
Rick Brought Home $1B
in Pork—and Big Donations

Rick Brought Home $1B in Pork—and Big Donations

Former senator was a 'vigorous practitioner' of securing earmarks

(Newser) - In Rick Santorum's days in the Senate, lawmakers didn't have to disclose their earmarks—but a New York Times analysis shows that Santorum had a lot of them, and that they were often followed by large campaign contributions from the companies they benefited. In one defense bill, for...

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

Romney&#39;s Lead Vanishing in South Carolina
Romney's Lead Vanishing
in South Carolina
Poll numbers

Romney's Lead Vanishing in South Carolina

Gingrich nipping at his heels in new poll

(Newser) - Could South Carolina be Mitt Romney's first stumbling block? A new Insider Advantage poll has Romney falling to 23% in the state, an insignificant two points ahead of Newt Gingrich's 21%. Rick Santorum is well behind them with 14%, followed by Ron Paul with 13%, Jon Huntsman with...

Blame These 3 Billionaires for Drawn-Out GOP Primary

They're contributing millions to candidates that aren't Romney

(Newser) - If you can't believe how many Republican presidential candidates are still in the race and you fear the possibility of a drawn-out primary that leads to a lower chance of unseating President Obama ... blame these guys. Politico reports on the three billionaires who are contributing millions to groups attacking...

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