Pope Benedict XVI

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Israeli Rabbis Cut Off Vatican Over Holocaust Dispute

Pope attempts to smooth ties with conciliatory remarks

(Newser) - Israel’s senior rabbinical body has severed ties with the Vatican, saying Bishop Richard Williamson should recant his statements denying that millions of Jews were "deliberately gassed" during the Holocaust. The chief rabbinate expressed “sorrow and pain” at the decision, which follows worldwide outrage among Jews and progressive...

Jews Rip Pope for Reinstating Holocaust Denier

Pope's reinstatement of controversial leader threatens Jewish-Catholic relations

(Newser) - Jews across the globe are reacting with fury to Pope Benedict XVI's reinstatement of an excommunicated bishop who denies the Holocaust, the Guardian reports. Former British bishop Richard Williamson, excommunicated in 1988 for his membership in an extremist Catholic sect and defiance of church authority, claims that no Jews died...

Pope Benedict Makes His YouTube Debut

Vatican begins series of weekly video updates

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI began his planned series of YouTube video releases today. The pope’s official channel already includes clips from the Vatican media service, and will later offer weekly updates featuring Benedict’s meetings with dignitaries, papal audiences, and recordings of daily events, reports the Italian news agency ANSA....

Pope to Reinstate Bishop Who Denies Holocaust

Hardliner rejected Vatican reforms for being too tolerant of other faiths

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI is planning to welcome four rebel bishops excommunicated by his predecessor back to the Catholic Church, reports the Times of London. The ultra-conservative bishops reject the liberal reforms of the Second Vatican Council. One of them, Richard Williamson, openly endorses the anti-semitic tract Protocols of the Elders ...

Vatican Goes Viral With YouTube Channel

Viewers can watch Pope and church events

(Newser) - The Vatican is teaming with Google to get more tech-savvy: It will soon have its own YouTube channel, Reuters reports. Visitors to the page will have a front-row seat to church events and papal appearances. More details will emerge at a Friday press conference with Vatican leaders and a Google...

Vatican, Israel Scrap Over Gaza Remark

Cleric defends calling Palestinian enclave 'concentration camp'

(Newser) - Israel slammed a Vatican official today for calling Gaza “a big concentration camp,” Reuters reports. Israel denounced the comparison by Cardinal Renato Martino as “the vocabulary of Hamas propaganda.” “We are astounded to hear from a spiritual dignitary words that are so far removed from...

Vatican Splits Off From Italian Law

Vatican will no longer rubber stamp Italian laws before adopting them

(Newser) - The Vatican is getting a divorce from Italian law. The Pope has decreed his city-state within Rome will no longer automatically endorse Italian legislation, but will scrutinize bills for conflicts with Roman Catholic doctrine before adopting them. It's the first time the Vatican has distanced itself from Italy's laws—and...

Pope Calls for Peace in Christmas Speech

Middle East, Africa conflicts must be resolved: Benedict

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI passionately called for peace in the Holy Land during his annual Christmas message, delivered from the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica. “The horizon seems once again bleak for Israelis and Palestinians,” he said, praying for hope against war, terrorism, and injustice. He also appealed...

Benedict Ushers in Christmas

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI ushered in Christmas as midnight struck at the Vatican, leading the celebration of Midnight Mass in the splendor of St. Peter's Basilica. Thousands of pilgrims, Romans, and tourists packed the basilica for the midnight service given by the 81-year-old pope. For those unable to enter, giant screens...

Critics Rip Pope's 'Homophobic' Speech

Pontiff's call for defense of gender roles seen as stoking homophobia

(Newser) - Gay and Christian groups have slammed Pope Benedict XVI's remarks that defending the “natural order” of man and woman is as important as protecting the rainforests, the Times of London reports. British Catholic leaders have countered that the pontiff didn’t explicitly mention homosexuality in his annual Christmas speech,...

Pope: Save Rainforest —and Heterosexuality, Too

Benedict's Christmas message decries erosion of 'traditional' gender roles

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI used a Christmas address today to call for a defense of heterosexuality, which he suggested was as endangered as the rainforest.  He called homosexuality and deviance from gender norms "a destruction of God's work." The pontiff said "the tropical forests do deserve our...

Vatican Condemns Cloning, Morning-After Pill

Get out of here with your fancy science, church says

(Newser) - Embryos deserve “the dignity proper to a person,” the Vatican declared today in an uncompromising doctrinal declaration on reproductive science, its first in more than 20-years. The long-awaited document condemns everything from embryonic stem-cell research to human cloning to the morning-after pill, which falls “within the sin...

Kmiec As Vatican Ambassador Is No Insult

(Newser) - Douglas Kmiec’s possible appointment by Barack Obama as ambassador to the Vatican shouldn’t raise any hackles and—pro-lifers' views to the contrary—would not be an insult to the church, Henry Farrell writes on Crooked Timber. “Kmiec continues to state his opposition to abortion,” Farrell writes....

Alleged Abuse Victims Can Sue the Vatican

(Newser) - Alleged victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests can move ahead with a lawsuit against the Vatican, the Wall Street Journal reports. A federal appeals court in Cincinnati ruled that the Vatican can be held liable for negligence in the thousands of such cases reported in the US. A Vatican...

Catholics, Muslims Seek Common Ground at Vatican

Christian-Muslim talks emphasize common belief

(Newser) - Clerics of the world’s two largest faiths are meeting at the Vatican this week to improve relations between the long-divided communities. Muslim clerics invited Christians to dialogue after comments Pope Benedict made in 2006 that implied Islam was violent and irrational. The mostly male Vatican members and imams will...

Vatican Will Root Out Gay Priests With Sex Tests

New guidelines keep gays from priesthood

(Newser) - The Catholic Church plans to screen gay men out of the priesthood with psychological tests aimed to detect "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" in seminary candidates, the Scotsman reports. Under the new guidelines, issued yesterday by the Vatican, potential priests will also be screened for "grave immaturity" and “imbalances”...

'Hitler's Pope' Closer to Sainthood

Benedict XVI prepares to beatify controversial Pius XII

(Newser) - The most controversial pope of modern times may soon be a step closer to sainthood, reports Der Spiegel. Pius XII—known by many as "Hitler's Pope" because of his lack of action during the Holocaust or criticism of the Nazis—is about to be beatified, despite decades of dispute....

Ga. Won't Stay Execution Despite Witness Reversals

Carter, clergy, NAACP have asked for life sentence for Troy Davis

(Newser) - A man sentenced to die tonight in Georgia is looking to the US Supreme Court after the state’s parole board and top court rejected clemency yesterday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Troy Anthony Davis was convicted in 1991 for murdering a police officer, but seven prosecution witnesses have since recanted...

Pope Calls for Holding Line on Divorce

Benedict, in France, urges bishops to ignore trends

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI urged bishops to uphold the Catholic tradition of marriage today during a 150,000-strong mass in Lourdes, the French town where apparitions of Madonna reportedly appeared in 1858, AFP reports. Benedict pledged not to allow divorced Catholics into the church and told bishops to "uphold firmly,...

Madonna Dedicates 'Virgin' to Pope

Ruffles pontiff's feathers during Rome concert

(Newser) - During a performance in Rome Saturday night, Madonna dedicated her hit single "Like a Virgin" to the Pope, Reuters reports. "I dedicate this song to the pope, because I'm a child of God. All of you are also children of God," the 50-year-old announced on the stage...

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