Mexican border

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Rand Paul Pitches Electric Underground Border Fence

Proposal baffles fellow Republicans

(Newser) - Border fence proposals are a dime a dozen among Republican candidates, but Rand Paul's is different: it's underground, and it's electrified. "My plans include an underground electric fence, with helicopter stations to respond quickly to breaches of the border," state the Kentucky senatorial hopeful's website—although Republican officials...

Napolitano: The Border Is More Secure Than Ever

And crime is down in border states, too

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano pushed back against immigration alarmists yesterday, even as she touted the the White House's latest efforts to secure the border. The Obama administration will deploy an unmanned aerial drone in Texas, and allow local police communities to temporarily “deploy” to assist the National Guard along the border,...

Obama Asks Congress for $600M Border Security Boost

Calls funds for staffing, fence repairs an 'emergency'

(Newser) - With Arizona's controversial new anti-illegal-immigrant law being blamed on weak federal enforcement, Barack Obama has formally asked Nancy Pelosi for $600 million to beef up security along the US/Mexico border. The president says the request will address “urgent and essential needs” and should be considered an emergency. The money...

Video Undercuts Border Agent's Self-Defense Claim

Mexican teen shot at border 'had smuggling record'

(Newser) - A US Border Patrol agent's account of the fatal shooting of a teen at the Mexican border this week is contradicted by a video obtained by CNN. The video, shot by a witness on the Mexican side of the border, shows an officer aiming at a suspect 60 feet away....

Mexico Furious After US Border Guard Kills Boy, 15

Teen was throwing rocks, say Yank officials

(Newser) - Mexico has demanded the US investigate the shooting of a 15-year-old Mexico boy by Border Patrol agents under a bridge linking El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. The FBI says the boy was part of a group of suspected illegal immigrants who were throwing rocks at an agent. Witnesses and Mexican...

Mexican Pirates Stalk Texas Lake

Cartel gunmen robbing fishermen

(Newser) - The best bass-fishing lake in America is being terrorized by Mexican pirates. Several American boaters on Falcon Lake, which straddles the US-Mexican border, have been robbed in recent weeks by boatloads of armed Mexicans believed to belong to the Zeta cartel. Most of the incidents have happened on the Mexican...

Ariz. Cop Shot By Smugglers; Manhunt on
 Smugglers Shoot 
 Arizona Cop; 
 Manhunt On 

Smugglers Shoot Arizona Cop; Manhunt On

Local politicians demand feds help seal border

(Newser) - Law officers backed by helicopters came under fire as they hunted gunmen in Arizona's desert early today after a sheriff's deputy was wounded by suspected illegal immigrants believed to be smuggling marijuana. Pinal County Deputy Louie Puroll exchanged fire yesterday afternoon with a band of five suspected smugglers in a...

Ariz. Immigration Law Foes Seek Obama's Help

Refried-bean swastikas smeared on state capitol's windows

(Newser) - The furor over a new Arizona immigration law showed no sign of cooling today, as protesters reportedly smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the windows of the state capitol, according to MSNBC . More demonstrations for and against the provision are scheduled for this week. Opponents of the...

Obama Halts Work on 'Virtual Border Fence'

Funds diverted to 'cost effective' methods

(Newser) - President Obama has stopped work on a controversial high-tech "virtual border fence" between the US and Mexico, and will divert some of the $50 million in stimulus funds planned for the system to other border security equipment. The move likely signals the death of a 5-year Secure Border Initiative...

Drug Moles Infiltrate Border Patrol

Hiring rush making it easier for cartels to corrupt agency

(Newser) - The US Border Patrol has been stepping up its efforts to recruit agents and so have the Mexican cartels. Investigators say the traffickers, faced with tightened, high-tech security along the border, are trying to corrupt border agents any way they can and to plant their own people in jobs. The...

Busiest US-Mexico Crossing Closed After Gunfight

US agents open fire on coordinated effort to smuggle in illegal immigrants

(Newser) - A coordinated effort to get illegal immigrants into the US devolved into a gunfight today in San Diego, and shut down the busiest US-Mexico border crossing. Four people were injured after US agents opened fire on three vans attempted to speed through the San Ysido Port of Entry from Tijuana...

Mexican Immigrants Stay Put, Despite Recession

Fewer entering US, report finds

(Newser) - The recession hasn’t sped the return of Mexican immigrants home from the US, a Pew report finds, though the number of Mexicans entering the US has continued to decline. Some 433,000 people returned to Mexico last year, versus 479,000 two years before, the Washington Post reports. But...

Drug Smugglers Head to Sea on .... Surfboards?

(Newser) - Improved security along the US-Mexico border has pushed enterprising smugglers to the sea in any manner of craft, the New York Times reports. Authorities have been catching twice as many illegal immigrants as usual—and seized 7 times the typical quantity of drugs—in recent months from boats and beaches,...

Two Minutemen Leaders Held in Ariz. Slayings

Dad, 9-year-old girl killed in raid to steal cash, drugs, cops say

(Newser) - Two of three people arrested in the Arizona murder of a 9-year-old and her father were involved with a small anti-illegal immigrant group, the AP reports. Shawna Forde, the founder of Minutemen American Defense, and Jason Bush, its operations director, were charged with murder, assault, and burglary in the home...

Massive Drug Tunnel Found Under Mexico Border

Elaborate smuggling tunnel to Arizona has electricity, ventilation system

(Newser) - The US Border Patrol has uncovered one of the biggest and most sophisticated smuggling tunnels under the Mexican border it has ever seen, CNN reports. The 83-foot tunnel to Arizona from Nogales, Mexico, was still under construction when it was found after a tipoff from somebody who heard construction sounds....

Dude Busted for Smuggling Pot on Surfboard

(Newser) - A Mexican surfer off a California beach was busted for trying to smuggle 24 pounds of pot on his board, reports the Los Angeles Times. When suspicious cops on the beach close to the Mexican border ordered the surfer to come ashore, he heaved a duffel bag into the water....

11 Mutilated Bodies Found in Arizona Van in Mexico

Bodies left with threatening messages from drug cartels

(Newser) - Mexican police have found the shot and mutilated bodies of 11 men in a stolen van with Arizona plates near the US border, Reuters reports. The arms and legs of most of the bodies had been hacked off. Threatening messages believed to be from a drug cartel were left with...

US Fears al-Qaeda Bioattack From Mexico

(Newser) - US counterterrorism officials are worried that al-Qaeda may mount a biological attack from Mexico and could even seek to collaborate with domestic terrorists, the Washington Times reports. The fears are bolstered by a February video from Kuwait al-Qaeda recruiter Abdullah al-Nafisi. In the video, Nafisi boasted that anthrax “carried...

Border Tribe's Land a Drug Smuggler's Paradise

(Newser) - Law enforcement expects to seize $1 billion worth of pot along one stretch of southern Arizona this year, and that’s just 20% of the marijuana they believe will be smuggled into the area from Mexico. But there’s little they can do about it, NPR reports; the region is...

Mexican Migration Plummets
 Mexican Migration Plummets 

Mexican Migration Plummets

Would-be migrants wary of paying smugglers' fees as jobs dry up

(Newser) - The number of Mexicans heading to the US has plunged as the American job market continues to tank, the New York Times reports. Census data from the Mexican government shows that emigration—with the vast majority to America—was down 25% in the year ending August 2008, and there has...

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