Kathleen Parker

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Seriously? Obama Picks Now to Yuk It Up on 'Ferns'?

Kathleen Parker isn't sure this is the right time for the president to be silly

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker was no fan of President Obama's Between Two Ferns interview . What with situations including "Ukraine, Crimea, Vladimir Putin, China, Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, North Korea or other trouble spots, never mind a missing airplane," this seems like far from an ideal time for the president...

Hey, Pundits: Think Before You Say 'Nazi,' 'Katrina'

Bush was no member of Third Reich; ObamaCare is no deadly storm: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Ask a pundit, and you might learn that ObamaCare is this president's Katrina; or, as Sarah Palin recently attested, that that national debt is like slavery. Plenty of others have called George W. Bush and/or President Obama a "Nazi." It's time to rein in these comparisons,...

Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination
Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination

Hey, America: Cut the Character Assassination

Attacks on Clinton are part of a larger problem: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - When Hillary Clinton took full responsibility for the Benghazi attack , critics accused her of "falling on her sword" to protect the president. Then, when she suffered a concussion and had to postpone her congressional testimony on the matter, those same critics accused her of faking her illness to dodge...

GOP Doesn't 'Get' Women

 GOP Doesn't  
 'Get' Women 
kathleen parker

GOP Doesn't 'Get' Women

Conservative columnist berates 'suicidal' party

(Newser) - From Sen. Susan Collins to Herbert Hoover's great-granddaughter, leading conservative women are stumped by the GOP's recent record on women's issues, writes one of their leading voices. Instead of treating women as equals, top Republican men see them as "totemic and unknowable," notes Kathleen Parker...

Kathleen Parker Leaving Her CNN Show

Eliot Spitzer Will Remain as Show Gets New Format

(Newser) - Parker Spitzer is no more. After weeks of rumors , CNN announced today that Kathleen Parker is leaving the 8pm show she co-hosted with Eliot Spitzer, reports the Wrap . The former governor will remain, and show will be renamed The Arena starting Monday. Joining Spitzer will be E.D. Hill and...

Parker Spitzer to Lose Kathleen Parker?

Show's ratings haven't improved since debut

(Newser) - CNN may replace Kathleen Parker on its Parker Spitzer show, which has posted weak numbers against competitors, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . CNN lost a third of its evening viewers last year, and the 8pm show has struggled to grow its audience in the three months since its launch....

Irate Parker Threatens to Ditch Spitzer

Turns out she's not a huge fan of Spitzer

(Newser) - Parker Spitzer could soon be just ... Spitzer. Kathleen Parker is so unhappy with her role on the new CNN show that she's threatening to walk, sources tell the New York Post . The conservative columnist thinks she's playing second fiddle to co-host Eliot Spitzer, and she actually did walk off the...

Spitzer, Parker Hone Their 'Flirtatious Bickering'

Will Tracy-Hepburn routine have legs for upcoming CNN show?

(Newser) - Can the man known as a "scowling attorney general" and a "grimacing governor" (not to speak of call-girl customer) really morph into a cable TV charmer? In their first joint interview, Eliot Spitzer and his CNN co-host Kathleen Parker entertain a pair of Wall Street Journal reporters with...

Spitzer's CNN Show Looks...Bad
 CNN Show 
 Looks ... Bad 

Spitzer's CNN Show Looks ... Bad

Promo for 'Parker Spitzer' is a bit awkward, to say the least

(Newser) - CNN released its first promo for Eliot Spitzer's new show with Kathleen Parker, and it's called...Parker Spitzer. That "would be a good name for a sitcom that took place at a wacky law firm. Or a bad name for a hotel," writes Alex Pareene on Salon . And...

Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin
Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin
Kathleen Parker

Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin

She defends her column—and reveals their family ties

(Newser) - Well. Kathleen Parker today defends her previous column about Barack Obama being our first female president but sees her critics' point that it's not easy for black man to get angry in public (he'll be seen as Angry Black Man). She then offers this twist: She doesn't see him "...

Barack Obama Is a Woman
 Barack Obama Is a Woman 
Kathleen Parker

Barack Obama Is a Woman

He's paying the price for his talk-it-out mentality

(Newser) - If Bill Clinton was our first black president, “then Barack Obama may be our first woman president,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . He's not exactly girlie, but he's “suffering from a rhetorical-testosterone deficit.” Much as Toni Morrison wrote that Clinton “displays almost every...

Kathleen Parker - The Tea Party's allegiance to no one

 Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own 

Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own

Movement only hurts itself by trying to purge the impure

(Newser) - Don't expect to see Kathleen Parker speaking at any Tea Party events: The prominent conservative has come out against the movement in a Washington Post column warning that Tea Partiers have "allegiance to no one." Parker takes the Tea Party to task for seeking to purge Republican incumbents...

Post Snags 4 Pulitzers, Times 3; Enquirer Shut Out

John Edwards coverage fails to boost supermarket tabloid

(Newser) - The Washington Post won four Pulitzer Prizes today, one more than the archrival New York Times—and four more than the National Enquirer, which entered its coverage of the John Edwards sex scandal . In a breakthrough for online journalism, Sheri Fink of ProPublica won for an investigation of euthanasia at...

Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; Parker: Why He's Wrong
 Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; 
 Parker: Why He's Wrong 
opposing views

Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; Parker: Why He's Wrong

She thinks we can expect taxpayer dollars to fund abortions

(Newser) - Bart Stupak and Kathleen Parker take the fight over abortion funding to the op-ed pages of the Washington Post today.
  • In his column , Stupak takes exception to Parker calling him a "backstabber" in a previous column and insists that President Obama's executive order is an "ironclad" guarantee that

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

 Stupak Abortion 
 a Lie 
Kathleen Parker

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

Democrats resorted to political flim-flam to pass health care bill

(Newser) - Bart Stupak tried to be a hero for social conservatives everywhere in the health care debate, but when “all the power of the moment was in his frail human hands, he dropped the baby,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . The deal Stupak struck with Barack Obama...

Legalizing Pot May Be Women's Work
 Legalizing Pot 
 May Be Women's Work 
Kathleen parker

Legalizing Pot May Be Women's Work

Today's users don't fit the stoner stereotype: Parker

(Newser) - Good for AG Eric Holder for announcing that the Justice Department will let medical marijuana laws stand, writes Kathleen Parker—at last, the 14 states that give cannabis to the chronically ill won't face further raids by the feds. But it's not enough: 44% of Americans favor full legalization, and...

Leave Wilson Alone: Parker
 Leave Wilson Alone: Parker 


Leave Wilson Alone: Parker

Outbursts par for the course in partisan politics

(Newser) - After Joe Wilson's “you lie” outburst, we may need to add “Joewilsoning” to the lexicon, as in, “OMG, he Joewilsoned right in the middle of the sermon!” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Still, the reaction to the outburst seems a wee bit overblown. Wilson...

2 Words Could Clean Up 'Death Panel' Mess: Parker

'A simple amendment' would put debate to rest

(Newser) - Sarah Palin went way too far in suggesting “death panels” would kill her loved ones—but  the wording of the House health bill authorizing payment for end-of-life consultations is worrisome, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. “A simple amendment would do much to cool tempers.” The...

Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker
Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker

Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker

Is it any surprise that birthers are common down there?

(Newser) - Asked recently what was wrong with his party, Ohio Sen. George Voinovich didn’t hold back. “It’s the Southerners,” he said. “They get on TV and go ‘errrr, errrr.’ People hear them and say, ‘These people are Southerners.’” No one’s...

Sexist? Racist? Chill Out, GOP Pundits
Sexist? Racist?
Chill Out,
GOP Pundits

Sexist? Racist? Chill Out, GOP Pundits

Sotomayor's right; her gender and ethnicity do matter

(Newser) - The conservative chattering class needs to chill out about Sonia Sotomayor, writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Bloggers are frothing with rage over Sotomayor’s infamous comment that a Latina woman might make better decisions than a white man. “Could a white man get away with saying something...

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