Pervez Musharraf

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Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

Eager Mobs Await Bhutto Return

(Newser) - Mobs of excited supporters were gathering in Karachi today, eagerly awaiting the return of  former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto under heavy guard after 8 years in self-imposed exile. Some 20,000 soldiers and police were patrolling the city in the wake of threats by Islamist militants to assassinate Bhutto...

Court Threatens Bhutto Return
Court Threatens Bhutto Return

Court Threatens Bhutto Return

Pakistan court to decide if Musharraf can offer Bhutto amnesty

(Newser) - The power-sharing arrangement aimed at stabilizing Pakistan's shaky government has hit yet another snag, the BBC reports. Pakistan's Supreme Court, which has already held up certifying President Pervez Musharraf's re-election win until it rules on challenges, now says it must rule on whether the amnesty  granted to Benazir Bhutto on...

Battles Rage on Border of Pakistan and Afghanistan

Death toll skyrockets as soldiers clash with pro-Taliban militants

(Newser) - Violence has reached a fever pitch in Waziristan, where at least 45 Pakistani soldiers and 150 pro-Taliban militants have died during intense fighting over the past 3 days. Unconfirmed reports say another 50 rebels and an unknown number of civilians died today, according to the BBC. Pakistan’s ceasefire with...

Copter Crash in Kashmir Kills Musharraf's Guards

Officials deny terrorist involvement

(Newser) - A helicopter escorting Pervez Musharraf crashed near Pakistan’s border today, killing four and injuring eight others, including the newly reelected president’s spokesman. Authorities denied any terrorist involvement, blaming the crash on engine failure. Witnesses reported hearing a loud bang and speculated that it may have been a missile...

Musharraf Victory Likely Will Stand

Analysts predict court won't void Pakistan leader's victory

(Newser) - The official ruling is 10 days off, but it’s likely Pakistan’s Supreme Court will uphold the re-election of President Pervez Musharraf, analysts tell Reuters. The court could still rule Musharraf ineligible because he ran while head of the army, but it probably won’t take such drastic action....

Musharraf Wins Contested Vote
Musharraf Wins Contested Vote

Musharraf Wins Contested Vote

Courts will confirm mid-October

(Newser) - Pervez  Musharraf all but swept the presidential balloting in Pakistan's parliament and four provincial assemblies today. But he won't  be declared the winner in his highly contested bid for re-election until the Supreme Court rules on the legality of the voting. The court has given itself until Oct. 17 to...

Musharraf and Bhutto Reach Accord, at Last

But new Supreme Court ruling casts Pakistani election into doubt

(Newser) - After months of negotiations, Pervez Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto have struck a deal that paves the way for him to win re-election and for her to return to Pakistan. The accord includes full amnesty not only for Bhutto but for all public figures charged with corruption from 1988 to 1999,...

Bhutto Says Power-Sharing Deal Is Close

Talks with Musharraf could be finalized in next few hours

(Newser) - A power-sharing deal between former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto and embattled President Pervez Musharraf is back on, Bhutto said today in an about-face from yesterday, when she declared that talks were stalled and her party would boycott Saturday's presidential elections. In exchange for amnesty and a well-worded national reconciliation ordinance,...

Bhutto to Boycott Vote, Says Corruption Charges Remain

Claims deal 'stalled' on Musharraf inaction

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto announced today her party would boycott Saturday’s presidential elections, saying power-sharing talks with Pervez Musharraf are “totally stalled." The former PM said Musharraf was also lying about having dropped corruption charges against her, the Guardian reports. “He is not prepared to give a level...

Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror
Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror

Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror

Musharraf's troubles delays new strategy

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf’s efforts to keep Pakistan's presidency are increasingly distracting its military from devising new strategies for its fight with the Taliban and al-Qaeda—a fight it is losing. As casualties mount, the military is retreating from battles with better-armed insurgent forces, which have taken over Pakistan’s tribal...

Pakistani Prez Drops Charges Against Bhutto

Musharraf boosts hopes of power-sharing deal with longtime rival

(Newser) - Pakistani politics took another hairpin turn today when Pervez Musharraf dropped longstanding corruption charges against ex-PM Benazir Bhutto, reviving prospects of an alliance between the rivals. Musharraf is hoping Bhutto dissuades her party from joining the 85 parliament members boycotting Saturday's presidential election to rob it of legitimacy. Bhutto was...

Musharraf Incites Walkout, Picks Army Successor

86 members of parliament resign to protest Musharraf's military ties

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf named spy chief Ashfaq Pervez Kiani today to replace him as head of the Pakistani army if he wins Saturday’s presidential election, reports the BBC. Eighty-six members of parliament resigned to protest the upcoming election, which they claim is illegal due to Gen. Musharraf's concurrent military position....

Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling
Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling

Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling

Journalists, lawyers clash with police over decision allowing Musharraf to seek another term

(Newser) - Protests broke out in Pakistan today after lawmakers approved Pervez Musharraf's run for re-election. Protesters, led by journalists and lawyers. clashed with police, who hurled tear gas and brandished riot batons outside a federal building. At least 3 demonstrators were hospitalized and 2 journalists arrested after the melee, CNN reports.

Musharraf Wins Case, Will Run For Reelection In Uniform

Pakistani court rejects challenges to dual role

(Newser) - Gen. Pervez Musharraf has won his case in Pakistan's Supreme Court to run for president while remaining chief of the army, the BBC reports. The verdict deals a blow to opposition parties, who had hoped the court would invalidate Musharraf's dual campaign before the  parliamentary vote next week. it comes...

Opposition Will Boycott Musharraf Election

Vow to resign from parliament next week

(Newser) - Pakistani opposition leaders vow to vacate their legislative seats to protest President Pervez Musharraf's bid for re-election next week, the BBC reports. Members of the influential MMA religious alliance say they will resign from parliament and four provincial assemblies, which decide who will be the next president.

Pakistani Judge Frees Political Prisoners

With Musharraf ruling imminent, government clamps down

(Newser) - The chief justice of Pakistan’s Supreme Court today told the government to release more than 100 opposition workers and politicians, the New York Times reports. The arrests were aimed to prevent protests as the court deliberates President Pervez Musharraf's right to run for re-election—a candidacy Musharraf made official...

Power-Sharing Deal in Pakistan All but Lost

Bhutto runs candidate against Musharraf, MPs prepares boycott

(Newser) - The showdown over the political future of Gen. Pervez Musharraf took another turn today as the party of Benazir Bhutto threatened to boycott presidential elections and quit parliament. The Guardian writes that Bhutto, who was set to strike a power-sharing deal with Musharraf, is angry that the president has not...

Osama Attempts to Re-Take Al-Qaeda Reins

Media blitz aims to reassert power, unite fractured terror group

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s sudden media blitz this month isn’t just a message to the West—it’s also to his own fractured terrorist organization, a Taliban official tells Newsweek. An al-Qaeda faction had long told bin Laden to remain secluded for his own safety, advice the spotlight-loving leader...

Musharraf Collars Leaders of Opposition

Hopes to prevent disruption to his re-election campaign

(Newser) - Pakistani police began rounding opposition leaders up into "preventive custody" yesterday to keep them from interfering with President Pervez Musharraf's bid for re-election. Many detained were outspoken supporters of Nawaz Sharif, whom Musharraf overthrew in 1999. Warrants seek to incarcerate anti-Musharraf leaders who might incite  "disruption and acts...

Pakistani Parliament Vows to Quit
Pakistani Parliament
Vows to Quit

Pakistani Parliament Vows to Quit

Musharraf's gambit to resign military post after election not a hit

(Newser) - Gen. Perez Musharraf’s promise to resign his military post only if he is re-elected president in October drew howls of protest today from Pakistani opposition parties, who threatened a mass resignation in Parliament. “He is blackmailing,” one leader told the AP. “We reject this conditional offer...

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