
Stories 121 - 129 | << Prev 

Obama Takes 10-Point Lead
 Obama Takes 10-Point Lead 

Obama Takes 10-Point Lead

(Newser) - Barack Obama has opened a double-digit lead over John McCain in the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Obama is up 52% to 42% in the poll, up 4 points from 2 weeks ago and his widest lead to date. While voters continue to view McCain as the candidate best prepared...

Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls
 Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls 

Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls

(Newser) - The start of early voting in Florida today brought hordes to polling places, forcing voters to contend with long lines and voting machine failures, the Miami Herald reports. Miami-Dade and Broward counties added a million registered voters each to their rolls this year. The crowds signaled the usefulness of the...

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal
Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

And if Obama loses, it'll be for the same reason

(Newser) - If Barack Obama loses in November, the media will surely cite the Bradley Effect, the theory that voters lie to pollsters to hide racial biases. It’s named after Tom Bradley, the black mayor of Los Angeles who lost the 1982 governor’s race in California, despite huge leads in...

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain
 Robocalls Are 
 Legit: McCain 

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain

Defends use of same tactic used against him in 2000

(Newser) - John McCain defended his use of robocalls on Fox News Sunday, arguing his attacks on Barack Obama are different from the slanderous calls that targeted him during the 2000 primaries, Politico reports. “These are legitimate and truthful and they are far different than the phone calls that were made...

A Baseball Nerd Turns to Election Stats

Nate Silver was right on the Rays; he's now calling the presidency

(Newser) - Give the sheer number of political polls being produced, and the history of many of them proving wrong, it takes a seriously smart statistician (and something of a nerd) to predict the presidential race with any authority. Nate Silver, the man who "revolutionized the interpretation of baseball stats,"...

McCain's Down, But Not Out
 McCain's Down, But Not Out 

McCain's Down, But Not Out

History shows that McCain can surge

(Newser) - With Obama pulling well ahead of the Straight Talk Express, "the 2008 campaign seems poised to enter its Harry Truman phase," writes Walter Shapiro in Salon. But a November comeback isn’t out of the question. Shapiro runs down four factors that could push McCain into the White...

Mac's Health an Issue in Poll
 Mac's Health an Issue in Poll 

Mac's Health an Issue in Poll

(Newser) - Nearly half (47%) of Americans are worried that John McCain, if elected, would not finish his first term in good health, a CNN poll shows. Nearly 20% percent of respondents thought the same about rival Barack Obama. Only 7% of those questioned said that the health of a candidate would...

Pollsters to Voters: Be Straight With Us

Gay-marriage ban fails in surveys, but are respondents lying?

(Newser) - Polls indicate that a California ballot measure to ban gay marriage will fail by a substantial margin—but that might be because respondents are lying to pollsters to avoid seeming homophobic, the Sacramento Bee reports. A recent study sponsored by supporters of the measure hints that polls do understate support...

Women Swing Back to Barack
 Women Swing Back to Barack 

Women Swing Back to Barack

Sarah Palin's candidacy shook up the race, but polls show female support in line with past elections

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s novel influence on the presidential campaign appears to have waned, and the “gender gap” among voters has reverted to that in past elections, the Chicago Tribune reports. That means women favor Democrat Barack Obama over Republican John McCain. Women will support Obama by a margin of...

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