Michele Bachmann

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Bachmann Won't Rule Out Dropping the Minimum Wage

She also advocates reducing corporate taxes

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann says everything would be on the table in her administration when it came to trying to boost employment—including dropping the federal minimum wage. Asked yesterday if she would consider changing the minimum wage to make US labor costs more competitive with overseas costs, she replied, "I'...

Forget 'Humble Service'— Ego Prods Politicians to Run

Vanity, swag inspire presidential candidates: Frank Bruni

(Newser) - Investment bankers admit to greed and actors confess their vanity, but "politicians feel compelled to perform an elaborate pantomime of unalloyed altruism," groans Frank Bruni in the New York Times . Michele Bachmann was called to run by God? Rick Perry by his wife? "Oh please," writes...

GOP Needs Bachmann —as a Perry Buffer

Steve Kornacki: She can clear the way for a more electable candidate

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is bad news for the GOP on two fronts, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . She might somehow win the nomination and thus "cost her party an utterly winnable election," or, more likely, she could push the other candidates too far to the right and play into...

Bachmann Security Tangles With Reporters

Pushing, even threats of violence, accuse journalists

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign is brash and boisterous—and increasingly rough with the reporters covering it, reports Politico . In less than two months, there have been at least five incidents reporters have called unusually hostile, including a Norwegian reporter who says an aide threatened to break his arm. Bachmann'...

Bachmann Mixes Up Elvis's Birth, Death Dates

She wishes him a happy birthday

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann stopped in Spartanburg, South Carolina, for a campaign rally today. A fan of the King, Bachmann has said in the past that she has some Elvis songs on her iPod. At the start of her rally, she asked the crowd to wish him a happy birthday, notes CNN...

Dominionism— the Scary Bond Between Perry and Bachmann

Both candidates tied to movement that calls for Christian world rule

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are far more than just two hard-right Christian candidates angling for the GOP presidential nomination—both have ties to a scary, theocratic movement called Dominionism, writes Michelle Goldberg at the Daily Beast . While many have pooh-poohed those worrying about a Christian sect bent on world...

Mike Lupica: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry a Gift to Barack Obama
 Perry a Gift 
 to Obama 

Bachmann, Perry a Gift to Obama

Mike Lupica: GOP destroying its chances with 'fringe candidates'

(Newser) - With the economy weak, the president is looking vulnerable; “the Republicans have Obama right where they want him,” writes Mike Lupica in the New York Daily News . But with Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry in the lead, the party is shooting itself in the foot. For his part,...

At GOP Event, Perry 'Down-Home', Bachmann a 'Diva'

Michele comes off as too stand-offish for just folks, says Politico

(Newser) - Now that Michele Bachmann has Texas Gov. Rick Perry's hot breath on her neck, she's looking more like a ... diva. That's the assessment of Politico , which found Perry coming off as a get-along, down-home kind of guy at his first major campaign event with Bachmann. Bachmann, on...

Michele Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families' (Meet the Press Video)
Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families'
'meet the press'

Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families'

Candidate dodges questions on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - Another tidbit from Michele Bachmann’s media victory lap today: On Meet the Press , Gawker notes, Bachmann dodged (and dodged again… and again…) David Gregory’s repeated attempts to get her to address her 2004 comments that being gay is “personal enslavement.” Instead, she consistently said, “...

Bachmann: 'I've Been a Fighter'

Rep does victory lap after big win in Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - If you can't turn the channel this morning without running into Michele Bachmann, do not adjust your set: The Minnesota rep is taking her victory lap on all five major network shows, reports Politico . Highlights:
  • On her leadership : "I've been on the front lines, and I have

Pawlenty Drops Out of Race

Disappointing finish in Iowa straw poll dooms campaign

(Newser) - Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call this morning that he would announce on ABC's This Week that he was ending his campaign after a disappointing finish in the Iowa straw poll yesterday....

The Quiet Winner of Iowa Poll: Romney
 The Quiet Winner 
 of Iowa Poll: Romney 

The Quiet Winner of Iowa Poll: Romney

With Rick Perry in race, Mitt needs a strong Bachmann

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann vanquished Tim Pawlenty and the other Republican also-rans in yesterday's Iowa straw poll , so let the real battle royale for the right begin—Bachmann vs. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . "She crushed her biggest mainstream competitor," he writes, and Ron Paul,...

Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

Ron Paul finishes second, Pawlenty third; Perry gets 718 write-ins

(Newser) - Rick Perry may have cast a big shadow over the Republican field today, but Michele Bachmann had a pretty good day, too: She won the Ames straw poll, with 4,823 votes of the nearly 17,000 cast, reports Politico . Ron Paul finished a close second (4,671), followed by...

Tim Pawlenty Blew it in Last Night's Debate: Steve Kornacki

 You Blew It, Pawlenty 

You Blew It, Pawlenty

He should have gone after Romney, not Bachmann: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty came off like a desperate candidate with a misguided strategy in last night's debate , writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Going after Michele Bachmann instead of Mitt Romney? Really? He probably figured he needed to do so because she is his chief rival in tomorrow's Ames straw...

Bachmann: 'Submission' Means Respect

Candidate asked if she'd be submissive to her husband

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann believes wives should be submissive to their husbands—she has said she obtained a tax law degree only because her husband told her to—so would she remain submissive to her husband as president? That question from the Washington Examiner’s Byron York last night drew boos from...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

GOP Candidates Square Off in Iowa

Ames debate much feistier than last go-round

(Newser) - Eight GOP hopefuls castigated President Obama and each other tonight in a frequently testy debate in Ames, Iowa. Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann were especially hostile to each other early, while Mitt Romney largely avoided any one-on-one battles and focused on the president. Overshadowing the debate: News that Rick Perry,...

Tonight's Ames Debate: What to Watch For

Bachmann, Romney, Pawlenty, et al fight for the No. 1 slot

(Newser) - There's plenty riding on Saturday's Ames Straw Poll, but have patience: The Ames debate comes first, and there's more than a little bit riding on that, too. Politico notes that while it's not the most important debate of the campaign, it is one that is likely...

Stewart Scolds Newsweek for 'Crazy Eyes' Bachmann

Use her words against her, not a bad photo, Daily Show host says

(Newser) - Newsweek's Michele Bachmann story this week came with a highly unflattering cover photo, even drawing criticism from some of the GOP hopeful's foes. Jon Stewart also slammed the magazine for the choice of photo, accusing Newsweek of adding weight to conservative claims of liberal media bias. "One...

How to Define Michele Bachmann? Extreme

 How to Define 

How to Define Bachmann? 'Extreme'

'New Yorker,' 'Newsweek' profiles reveal Tea Party favorite's challenges for 2012

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann kicks off the week as the subject of two profiles: A Newsweek cover story (whose cover image many, many people are calling creepy ) and a New Yorker piece. Both suggest she's poised to do well in Iowa’s upcoming straw poll, but faces major hurdles to...

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