John Warner

14 Stories

Longtime Va. Senator, Liz Taylor's Sixth Husband, Dies at 94

Republican John Warner had an independent streak that infuriated hardcore conservatives

(Newser) - Former Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia, a former Navy secretary who was once married to Elizabeth Taylor, has died at 94, his longtime chief of staff said Wednesday. Warner died Tuesday of heart failure at home in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife and daughter at his side, Susan A....

Lawyers Rush In to Grab Work From Lobbyists

Having fewer restrictions on lawyers' activities attracts clients

(Newser) - The Obama White House may have toughened rules on lobbyists, but the bonanza of new spending and regulation ushered in by the new administration has created a gold rush of lobbying opportunities, nonetheless, and law firms are horning in on the action, Politico reports. Staffing up with experts who provide...

Iraq Has $79B Budget Surplus
 Iraq Has $79B Budget Surplus 

Iraq Has $79B Budget Surplus

GAO says Bagdad sitting on a lot of money, raising complaints from US senators

(Newser) - The Iraqi government could end this year with as much as a $79 billion cumulative budget surplus, based largely on ever-increasing oil revenues, US congressional auditors say. A report by the Government Accountability Office made public today prompted renewed calls from senators that Baghdad pay more of the bill for...

Oil-Rich Iraq Should Fund Reconstruction, Say Senators

US taxpayers are footing bill instead

(Newser) - Why isn't an Iraq that's rolling in oil dollars funding its own reconstruction? senators Carl Levin of Michigan and John Warner of Virginia want to know. The Armed Services' Committee honchos wrote the Government Accountability Office saying Iraq is doing little to help itself despite a projected $100 billion in...

New Iraq NIE Likely to Remain Secret

Officials keen to keep report classified after Iran estimate flap

(Newser) - Intelligence officials may keep the results of a new assessment on Iraq confidential when it's completed next month, the Washington Post reports. The new National Intelligence Estimate will be given to Congress, but intelligence officials are gunshy about making it public because of the brouhaha that erupted when they released...

Senators: Vets Need New GI Bill
Vets Need
New GI Bill

Senators: Vets Need New GI Bill

Hagel, Webb argue US owes it to today's soldiers

(Newser) - The US needs a spruced-up GI Bill for today's veterans, Chuck Hagel and Jim Webb say in an op-ed in today's New York Times. The Vietnam vets argue that the measure "was one of the most important pieces of legislation in our history" and call for a new version...

Dems Fail to Bring Troop Bill to Senate Vote

Warner defection kills bill to mandate time between deployments

(Newser) - Senate Democrats were unable to muster enough GOP support today to bring to a vote a bill that would have given US troops more down time between overseas deployments. A late defection by Republican John Warner was the death knell for the bill, the Wall Street Journal reports, sponsored by...

Popular Ex Gov Will Run for Va. Senate Seat

Democrat Mark Warner After GOP John Warner's spot

(Newser) - Instead of running for the presidency, popular former Virginia governor Mark Warner will run for Senate, according to sources. He hopes to succeed Republican John W. Warner (no relation) and convert a formerly reliable Republican Senate seat. It would be the first time Virginia had two Democratic senators in 38...

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit
Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Question haunts congressional hearings

(Newser) - When David Petraeus led the 101st Airborne into Iraq in 2003, he made a rhetorical request: "Tell me how this ends." That question hung in the air during 2 days of testimony before Congress. McClatchy's Newspapers' Warren Strobel summarizes press sentiment when he concludes that the general failed...

Warner Will Retire in 2009; Dems Eye Va. Senate Seat

80 year old statesmen will "quietly step aside"

(Newser) - After 28 years, John Warner will call it quits in 2009, after his fifth Senate term. The GOP stalwart who recently parted ways with President Bush on Iraq strategy announced his retirement today, sending Virginia Democrats and Republicans alike into a tizzy, the Washington Post reports. "I'm going to...

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq
Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Senators, candidates use Sunday shows as firing range to lob verbal bombs at Maliki

(Newser) - Verbal bombs flew over the fate of US troops in Iraq this morning, heating up the debate as Congress awaits next month's troop surge report. John Warner, on “Meet the Press,” warned President Bush to “put teeth in these comments that we are not there forever” while...

GOP Senator: Start Bringing Troops Home

Warner raps Iraq PM, calls for limited pullout by Christmas

(Newser) - In a significant break from his previous support for the White House's Iraq policy, John Warner said today wants to see some US troops home by Christmas. The influential ex-chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has opposed Democratic attempts to force withdrawal, CNN reports, but now says a partial...

GOP Senate Bigwigs Push for Iraq Shift

Lugar, Warner seek redeployment, want specifics by October

(Newser) - Two of the GOP's most respected foreign policy experts want troop realignment in Iraq, and they proposed Senate legislation yesterday that calls for the White House to have a plan in place by mid-October. The move by Richard Lugar and John Warner was the latest sign of disintegrating Republican support...

GOP Weighs Hollywood Ending for Cheney

Sally Quinn: Thompson offers perfect solution

(Newser) - GOP decision-makers are so fed up with Dick Cheney that they've been searching for a replacement, without much success—until recently. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post, inveterate insider Sally Quinn lays out an ingenious plan: Use heart surgery scheduled for this summer as an excuse to oust the...

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