Senate Republicans

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2010 to Bring 10 GOP Promises
 2010 to Bring 10 GOP Promises 

2010 to Bring 10 GOP Promises

John McCain says 2010 could be 'seminal election'

(Newser) - In a bid to break its reputation as the "party of no," Republicans will present a 10-point plan of action for 2010. John McCain told an Arizona radio station that the GOP is preparing the pledges to be enacted if the party takes back both houses of Congress....

Democrats Will Keep the Senate
 Democrats Will Keep the Senate 
Nate Silver

Democrats Will Keep the Senate

Republicans have seats of their own to defend

(Newser) - Republicans are probably going to gain ground in 2010, but oddsmakers giving them a 30% chance to retake the Senate are crazy, according to Nate Silver. Sure, you can see the scenario in which the Republicans could gain the 10 seats they need—they’re favored to pick up Democratic...

Hours Later, Reid Kills New Jobs Bill

Says Baucus measure gives too much ground in trying for GOP votes

(Newser) - Just hours after Max Baucus unveiled an $87 billion jobs bill that had the support of two Republicans on his Senate Finance Committee, Majority Leader Harry Reid shot it down, saying the measure bent over backward to score GOP support, and went beyond the goal of creating jobs.

Showdown Looms as Abused Filibuster Frays Senate Tempers

GOB blocks routine nomination, has Dems eying reform options

(Newser) - Last night's GOP filibuster of a routine nomination to the National Labor Relation Board left Democrats livid, and considering reforms to stop a filibuster-happy GOP from crippling the Senate. "I'm in my thirty-sixth year. I've never seen anything like it," Sen. Pat Leahy told the Huffington Post . Leahy...

Shelby Drops Holds on Obama Nominees

Alabama Republican says he was just trying to get the president's attention

(Newser) - Richard Shelby has decided to release the holds he's been using to block more than 70 Obama nominees in hopes of scoring two lucrative projects for his home state. The Alabama senator, who was hammered by Democrats for obstructionism, said he used the holds "to get the White House's...

Obama Calls GOP's Bluff With Health Care Summit

President thinks Republican ideas will look worse in the spotlight

(Newser) - President Obama threw Washington a curve yesterday when he invited the GOP to a televised bipartisan health care discussion, and even though he might wind up right back where he started, it’s a good move. “It is a call-the-bluff moment, with the president daring Republicans to put their...

Mighty America Descends Into Farce
Mighty America Descends
Into Farce

Mighty America Descends Into Farce

Paralyzing GOP tactics make us look like 18th-century Poland

(Newser) - When Richard Shelby put a hold on all outstanding Obama nominees last week, it reminded Paul Krugman of 18th-century Poland. Back then, the country’s legislature was run by unanimous consent, so anyone could block any legislation by shouting, “I do not allow!” Sound familiar? The US Senate,...

Obama Will Host Bipartisan Health Care Talks—on TV

GOP, Dem leaders to hash out reform with president

(Newser) - President Obama will discuss the future of health care reform with both Republicans and Democrats in a televised meeting later this month. Obama is looking to make good on two campaign pledges that critics say he has neglected since taking office: engaging in meaningful bipartisan negotiations and doing so with...

Patrick Kennedy Slams Scott Brown

Ted Kennedy's son calls successor's candidacy a 'joke'

(Newser) - Scott Brown sped up his swearing-in because despite having touted his independence during his Senate campaign, "he's in the tank for the Republicans," says Patrick Kennedy, predecessor Ted Kennedy's son. Patrick Kennedy, a Rhode Island congressman, says Brown suddenly demanded to be seated a week earlier than previously...

Larry King Better Than Feds at Interrogation: McConnell

Senate's top Republican blasts Obama on terror

(Newser) - Perhaps a little too pumped up by his new 41-59 majority in the Senate, Republican leader Mitch McConnell lashed the Obama administration for allowing would-be Detroit bomber Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab to lawyer up.

GOP Filibusters Routine Obama Nomination

All 60 Senate Dems needed to confirm Labor Department solicitor general

(Newser) - It took all 60 Senate Democrats yesterday to break a filibuster over the confirmation of a fairly run-of-the-mill mid-level Obama appointee. New York Labor Commissioner Patricia Smith is hardly a liberal radical—she has support from her state’s Chamber of Commerce, and several New York Republicans in the House—...

Joe Wilson: I'll Be a 'Gentleman' Tonight
 Joe Wilson: I'll Be 
 a 'Gentleman' Tonight 
state of the union

Joe Wilson: I'll Be a 'Gentleman' Tonight

Republicans don't think there will be any outbursts mid-speech

(Newser) - House Republican Whip Eric Cantor has attempted to preempt any members of his party tempted to pull a "Joe Wilson" during the president's State of the Union address. "I hope there are no outbursts tonight" Cantor said, but added that he hopes Obama has "listened and learned"...

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term
Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Liberal Democrats join rising tide against Fed chair's reappointment

(Newser) - Two Democratic senators said today they won't vote to reappoint Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman. Barbara Boxer and Russell Feingold added to the groundswell of opposition imperiling a second 4-year term for Bernanke, which requires 60 votes. “Our next Federal Reserve chairman must represent a clean break from the...

GOP's Inhofe: 'I Believe in Racial And Ethnic Profiling'

And 'all terrorists are Muslims or Middle Easterners'

(Newser) - Republican James Inhofe is all for racial profiling, political correctness be damned, he told a Senate committee hearing today on the Fort Hood shootings. Why? Because “all terrorists are Muslims or Middle Easterners.” Check the video above for the Oklahoman’s statement.

GOP Wants Brown Seated ASAP ... Just Like Kennedy

But state must certify first, Senate rules say

(Newser) - As the victory of Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate race sinks in around Washington, Republicans are pushing for Brown to be seated as soon as possible—and using “a novel and ironic precedent,” Brian Beutler and Eric Kleefeld write. Senate rules require a victory be officially certified...

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat
 Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat 

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat

Republican upset puts Dems' national agenda at risk

(Newser) - Scott Brown scored an enormous Republican upset today, winning the Massachusetts US Senate seat long held by the late Ted Kennedy by a 52%-47% margin over Democrat Martha Coakley. The loss sunders the Democrats’ filibuster-proof, 60-vote supermajority in the Senate, and throws into doubt the future of health-care reform—along...

ND Sen. Dorgan Won't Run for Re-Election

Term is up this year; move a 'total stunner' to fellow Democrats

(Newser) - In a move one Democratic aide called a “total stunner,” North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan announced today that he won’t run for re-election this fall. Dorgan, 68, says “this decision does not relate to any dissatisfaction that I have about serving in the Senate,” and...

Dems Block GOP War Bill Filibuster

Gates slams tactic to delay health bill

(Newser) - Senate Democrats beat back a Republican attempt to filibuster a huge Pentagon spending bill in a post-midnight session last night. Republican success would have forced the government to seek a new stopgap way to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, delaying health care legislation in the process. Three Republicans...

Senate's Reading Marathon Ends Early
 Senate's Reading  
 Marathon Ends Early 
parliamentary maneuvers

Senate's Reading Marathon Ends Early

Sanders pulls amendment after GOP delaying tactic

(Newser) - Pity the poor Senate clerk's office, which finds itself at the center of parliamentary games. Staffers spent nearly three hours today reading aloud an amendment—a move forced by Republican Tom Coburn to gum up the works—before independent Bernie Sanders angrily yanked it back. They had gotten only to...

Senate Sends Obama $1.1T Spending Bill

3 Republicans vote yea, 3 Dems vote nay

(Newser) - Working on a second consecutive weekend, the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill today, with the support of three Republicans but the opposition of three Democrats. The measure has already cleared the House and now advances to President Obama, who is expected to sign it. With pressing...

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