Senate Republicans

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GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan
 GOP Balks at  
 Stimulus Plan 

GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan

Republicans, Democrats trade charges of under-the-table partisanship

(Newser) - The $825 billion stimulus plan before Congress has hit a wall of Republican objections despite the president's call for bipartisan unity, reports the Washington Post. GOP lawmakers charge that Democrats have shut them out of the decision-making process and that the plan pours cash into Democratic agenda items like arts...

Strong Candidates Give GOP Hope for Open Senate Seats

No dearth of Republican recruits for 2010 races in Fla., Mo., Ohio

(Newser) - Don’t let the stories about how grim 2010 looks for the Senate Republicans fool you. The spate of retirements in swing states is no boon, to be sure, but, Politico reports, the GOP will have no trouble coming up with good candidates in Florida, Ohio, and Missouri. A state-by-state...

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010
GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

Wave of retirees in competitive states leaves party open

(Newser) - The 2010 election isn’t looking any better than the past two for Senate Republicans, CNN reports. When two-term Ohio Sen. George Voinovich threw in the towel yesterday, he became the fourth Republican incumbent to step down and leave a potentially competitive race. Democrats have lost only Hillary Clinton and...

Ohio Sen. Voinovich Won't Run in 2010

Empty GOP seat would give Dems chance to pad majority

(Newser) - Two-term GOP Sen. George Voinovich will retire in 2010 rather than seek reelection, the AP reports, raising Democrats’ hopes to snag an additional seat in the battleground state of Ohio. Voinovich's announcement, expected today, comes as two other Republican senators in swing states have said they won't run again. Just...

Obama to Market Stimulus Plan

Republicans hoping to delay bill may filibuster

(Newser) - The incoming Obama administration plans to launch a nationwide political push for a quick passage of his $775 billion economic stimulus plan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Says adviser David Axelrod: “There shouldn't be endless debate about it.” Republicans acknowledge that they can’t stop his plan, but...

Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi
 Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi 

Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi

Prez-elect on charm offensive with key Republican legislators

(Newser) - As Barack Obama readies a massive agenda, he’s been keeping key Republicans on speed-dial, the Hill reports. Though he seemed more comfortable with big crowds during the campaign, the prez-elect is reaching out to touch Republicans likely to be both adversaries and collaborators alike. “I think this seems...

GOP May Grill Bill at Hillary's Hearing

Lawmakers likely to raise conflict of interest issues

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are considering calling on Bill Clinton to testify at his wife's confirmation hearing for secretary of State, Politico reports. It's unusual for anybody apart from the nominee to testify at a confirmation hearing. But GOP lawmakers are concerned about Bill's worldwide business dealings and their potential impact on...

Lame-Duck Senators Could Swing Auto Vote

Ten ousted or retiring Republicans have potentially historic role

(Newser) - If the Senate votes next week on a $34 billion auto-industry bailout, 10 of the votes will come from lame-duck Republican senators—a potentially decisive margin. Having been ousted in November or planning to retire, they’ll have their say on a potentially historic bill without having to worry about...

McCain Will Campaign for Chambliss in Ga. Runoff

Election could influence balance of power in Senate

(Newser) - John McCain will stump for Saxby Chambliss this week as the Republican Senator drums up support for a Dec. 2 runoff vote against Democrat Jim Martin, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Chambliss has also secured Mike Huckabee to campaign for him in Georgia. Martin, meanwhile, has pleaded with President-elect Barack Obama...

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP
 Old Guard Will 
 Win Battle for GOP 

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP

Defeat likely to send party further to the right, ensuring future losses

(Newser) - A battle between reformers and traditionalists for the soul of the GOP lies in the party's immediate future, David Brooks writes in the New York Times—and the reformers don't stand a chance. The conservative old guard, with Rush Limbaugh as its loudest mouthpiece and Sarah Palin as its heroine,...

10 Senate Races to Watch
 10 Senate Races to Watch 

10 Senate Races to Watch

Dems could pick up 8 seats; GOP could oust Landrieu in La.

(Newser) - With 35 Senate seats up for grabs Tuesday, Chris Cillizza, in the Washington Post, predicts Democrats will flip eight. Two more are close calls for the Dems, while the GOP has one hope for a pickup. Starting with the most likely:
  1. Virginia is in the bag for Mark Warner; he

Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain
Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain

Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain

Fellow GOP senators and Vietnam vets 'fundamentally disagree' on key issues

(Newser) - Though Chuck Hagel and John McCain have plenty in common as Republican senators and Vietnam veterans, the Nebraskan says foreign policy is why he’s not on board. “In good conscience, I could not enthusiastically—honestly—go out and endorse him,” Hagel tells the New Yorker, “when...

Anti-Washington Tide Threatens GOP Stalwart

Dems aim to oust Kentucky's McConnell, claim 60 Senate seats

(Newser) - The rising Democratic tide is threatening to wash over a Republican pillar: Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, is fighting for his political life in the deep-red state, reports the Washington Post. McConnell barely leads, and national Democrats are working hard to tip the race. A McConnell defeat...

Dems Wield Cash in Battle for Southern Senate Seats

Unseating McConnell, Dole, others possible with funds high, GOP popularity low

(Newser) - With a huge fund-raising edge allowing for wide advertising blitzes, Democrats are pushing hard for Senate seats in red states even recently thought unwinnable, Alexander Bolton writes in the Hill. In North Carolina, Dems see a chance to unseat Elizabeth Dole; in Georgia, Saxby Chambliss; in Mississippi, Roger Wicker; and...

Senate Version of Bailout Grows Sweeter, Fatter

(Newser) - The Senate version of the bailout bill has ballooned to more than 400 pages as legislators flesh out details in hopes of gaining passage as soon as tonight, Politico reports. The marquee measure boosts FDIC coverage of individual accounts from $100,000 to $250,000, with numerous lower-profile provisions intended...

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations
Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

McCain's scorn, growth of government programs behind shift in support

(Newser) - Pharmaceutical firms have been a stalwart Republican ally—$22 million of the industry’s $30 billion in contributions went to GOP congressional candidates in 2002—but drug makers are increasingly supporting Democrats, Jeanne Cummings reports in Politico. Programs such as President Bush’s prescription-drug plan mean half of pharmaceutical sales...

Nat'l Review: Stevens, Get Out
 Nat'l Review:
 Stevens, Get Out

Nat'l Review: Stevens, Get Out

Indicted Republican senator 'disgraced himself and his office'

(Newser) - Newly indicted Ted Stevens should resign as soon as possible, write the editors of the National Review. The Alaskan senator, who is accused of seven counts of making false statements, legally “deserves the benefit of the doubt—but not from an ethical standpoint,” they note. “The facts...

Ted Stevens Indicted on 7 Felony Counts

Octogenarian Republican alleged not to have disclosed gifts

(Newser) - A federal grand jury in Washington has indicted Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens on 7 felony counts of making false statements in connection with a 4-year-long corruption probe, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The 84-year-old Republican is charged with failing to report on Senate financial disclosure forms gifts of more than...

Republicans in Tight Senate Races to Skip St. Paul

Candidates call decision unrelated to president's low ratings

(Newser) - Most Republicans in tough Senate races this fall are ducking the GOP convention or have failed to confirm, the National Journal reports. Of those nine candidates in 12 targeted races, none are blaming President Bush's low ratings or John McCain's strained relationship with conservatives. Senators like Ted Stevens and Susan...

Obama's Iraq Stance Sparks Sunday Battle

McCain backers say he's retreating from pullout plan

(Newser) - Senatorial supporters of Barack Obama and John McCain dueled on talk shows today over Obama's latest remarks on Iraq, Politico reports. Sen. Joe Lieberman called Obama a flip-flopper on This Week for his plan to "refine" Iraq pullout plans. On Face the Nation, Sen. John Kerry accused McCain backers...

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