Election 2012

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Romney Campaign $11M in Debt
 $11M in Debt 
he borrowed $20M

Romney Campaign $11M in Debt

Primary dough dried up as he waited to tap into general election bucks

(Newser) - The Mitt Romney campaign borrowed $20 million last month, and is still $11 million in debt, reports the National Review. The campaign borrowed the money to cover expenses while waiting to tap into tens of millions of dollars in general-election funds, which it could not do until Romney was officially...

Romney Defends Remarks, as Obama Takes a Dig

Republican goes on Fox to clarify views

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took to Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News today to defend his comments that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and see themselves as "victims" who depend on the government, reports Politico . He may be taking plenty of heat , but Romney sees this as a...

Did &#39;47%&#39; Video Cost Mitt the Election?

 Did '47%' Video 
 Cost Mitt the
OPINION roundup

Did '47%' Video Cost Mitt the Election?

Pundits analyze Romney's income tax assertion

(Newser) - Leaked video of a May Mitt Romney fundraiser—in which the candidate calls half the country self-proclaimed 'victims' —has the pundits swarming, with some saying it just might cost him the election. Here's what they're saying:
  • The video "has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for

More Romney Video: Peace in Middle East Impossible

We'd 'kick the ball down the field': candidate

(Newser) - Mother Jones has more from the Mitt Romney fundraiser that yielded yesterday's off-the-cuff footage . This time, Romney is discussing foreign policy, particularly his feeling that "there's just no way" to establish peace between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians, he says in the tape, have "no...

College &#39;Bro&#39;: How I Punked Fox
 College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox 

College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox

Max Rice promised what program wanted: disenchantment with Obama

(Newser) - Columbia College Chicago film student Max Rice knew he could snag Fox in a national TV prank after a friend of a friend reached out in a phone call seeking conservative graduates to blast President Obama on television. "When I picked up the phone, my ears perked up at...

Mitt Stands By Slams on Freeloading Voters

'My campaign is about helping people take responsibility'

(Newser) - Never explain, never apologize seems to be the strategy Mitt Romney is following after he was caught on a video obtained by Mother Jones calling half of American voters freeloaders. His comments, he admits, were not "elegantly stated," Romney told reporters last night in California. "I'm...

Obama Files Trade Complaint Against China

Accuses Romney's companies of being 'pioneers in outsourcing'

(Newser) - Barack Obama launched a trade enforcement case against China today, arguing that it had unfairly subsidized its automobile exports—and he didn’t hesitate to make political hay of it. As he announced the policy in Ohio, Obama took a swipe at Bain Capital's record on outsourcing, the New ...

Citizens United Anti-Obama Film Set to Bombard TV

'The Hope and the Change' airing on 12 stations

(Newser) - Coming to a dozen TV stations near you, for the next seven weeks: An hour-long film in which former Obama supporters talk about their disillusionment with the president. The Hope and the Change—directed by the same guy who made pro-Sarah Palin film The Undefeated —debuted at the Republican...

Insiders Skewer Top Romney Strategist
Insiders Skewer Top Romney Strategist

Insiders Skewer Top Romney Strategist

Aides call Stevens flighty, say he dumped Mitt's RNC speech

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's top strategist goes under the microscope this morning in a lengthy Politico piece, in which insiders dish on a flighty and unpredictable Stuart Stevens, depicting him as a "tortured artist" who many don't much care for. Case in point: Stevens ditched Romney's original convention...

Rodeo Clown Ripped for 'Racist' Michelle Dig

Now California quipster may get ax

(Newser) - A California rodeo clown will likely lose his job after sharing what spectators ripped as a racist joke about the first lady over the microphone during a bronc and bull-busting event. The clown quipped that Playboy had offered Ann Romney $250,000 to appear in the magazine, and the White...

Netanyahu to US: Don't Give Iran a Nuclear 'Touchdown'

Israeli PM continues to push US to draw 'red line' around Tehran

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his assault on Iran via US airwaves, imploring Americans not to let Iran score a nuclear "touchdown." "They're in the red zone. They're in the last 20 yards, and you can't let them cross that goal line,...

McCain Blames 'Disengaged' White House for Libya Attack

GOP says Obama policies, not video, are root of problem

(Newser) - John McCain today took the Benghazi consulate attack that killed Chris Stevens and laid the blame squarely at the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., blasting the Obama administration's policy of diplomatic "disengagement" as ultimately responsible, reports Politico . "Prior to 9/11, we had a policy of containment. Then...

Warren-Brown Race Finally Goes Negative

Truce held for a while, but Warren felt pressure to hit harder: Politico

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown pledged to run a civil race in Massachusetts, and they've kept it remarkably free of negative attacks. Until now. Politico says Warren felt heavy pressure from Democratic leaders, including Chuck Schumer, to start hitting harder, leading to this week's ad calling out the...

Poll: Romney Loses Advantage on Economy

Obama now viewed as better candidate to turn it around

(Newser) - President Obama's convention plea for patience with his economic plans might have resonated: Mitt Romney is no longer viewed as the better candidate to fix the economy and create jobs in a new poll by CBS and the New York Times . Obama's advantage couldn't be slimmer—47-46—...

Romney Goes on Live!, Shares Way Too Much

He likes to wear what to bed?!

(Newser) - Mitt Romney went into total TMI mode during a taping of Live! with Kelly and Michael today. The appearance will air Tuesday, and the Daily Mail offers a sneak peek of what you have to look forward to:
  • His bedtime attire: "As little as possible."
  • Why he loves

On Policy, Romney Has a Pants Problem

Kimberley Strassel says Romney needs to explain himself, not just attack Obama

(Newser) - In Once Upon a Time in the West, Henry Fonda shoots someone for wearing a belt and suspenders, musing that you can't trust a man who "can't even trust his own pants." Americans largely agree, and that's why Mitt Romney is losing; when it comes...

Romney Aides Lay Out Tough Foreign Policy

And imply Obama is responsible for ambassador's death

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's aides are using the crisis in the Middle East as a backdrop to flesh out their candidate's foreign policy, and it's a hawkish one, the New York Times reports. Aides said that if Mitt Romney had been president over the past four years…
  • The US

Poll: Obama Leading in Key Swing States

Romney trailing in Florida, Ohio, Virginia

(Newser) - President Obama has a healthy lead in the three swing states most vital to victory, according to the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC/Marist poll. Mitt Romney is trailing by five points in Florida and Virginia and by seven points in Ohio, the poll found. Victory for Mitt Romney will be...

Romney Tones Down Criticism Over Protests

But he says US lacks 'leadership' in foreign policy

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is making news for what he didn't say today: He stopped his criticism of the Obama administration's response to the unrest in the Mideast. At a stop in Virginia, Romney paid tribute to the four Americans killed in Libya—though a heckler accused him of politicizing...

Wait, Isn't Mitt Romney Supposed to Be Boring?

Gail Collins thinks he's looking a little unhinged lately

(Newser) - Up until now, we'd all assumed that a President Romney would be a lot less rash than Candidate Romney. There was a deal: Anything goes in the campaign, "as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to...

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