Election 2012

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Romney a Fan of ... Israel's Socialized Health Care

Mitt praises health care system at fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney simply cannot wait to repeal ObamaCare, but he is a fan of Israel's health care system … which has been socialized since its founding in 1948, BuzzFeed points out. During his visit to the country, Romney today praised Israel for spending so little on health care: "...

Democrats Meddling With GOP Primaries

Attack ads go easy on less threatening hopefuls: observers

(Newser) - Democrats are launching attack ads aimed at Republican Senate primary candidates—but the ads may actually be designed to get the easiest target nominated, insiders in both parties say. The apparent strategy follows Harry Reid's 2010 work in support of Republican Sharron Angle, who won her primary before losing...

Pot Will Be Legal, And Soon
 Pot Will Be Legal, and Soon 

Pot Will Be Legal, and Soon

Julian Brookes thinks Colorado, or some other state, will take the leap

(Newser) - This November, three states will vote on whether to legalize marijuana for old-fashioned "getting-high purposes." Colorado is the best bet—one poll has the public behind the bill by a 61-27 margin—but Oregon and/or Washington might as well, and even if all of them chicken out, Julian...

&#39;You Didn&#39;t Build That&#39; Attacks Are Working
'You Didn't Build That'
Attacks Are Working

'You Didn't Build That' Attacks Are Working

One columnist thinks it's all about race

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign is looking "rattled" these days, and it's because of his "you didn't build that" comment regarding small businesses, argues conservative columnist Kimberly Strassel in the Wall Street Journal . Obama says it was taken out of context, but Mitt Romney and Republicans are...

Carl Lewis on Romney Gaffe: He Should 'Stay Home'

Olympic legend joins the crowd pummeling Romney for criticizing games

(Newser) - Mitt Romney got yet another high-profile tongue-lashing for having the effrontery to suggest that London wasn't ready for the Olympics—while in London. "Every Olympics is ready, I don't care whatever he said," nine-time US gold medalist Carl Lewis told the Independent . "I swear, sometimes...

Romney's London Trip a Winner... for Obama

Candidate makes gaffe after gaffe: Nicholas Watt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been doing his opponent some serious favors during his trip to London. He's managed to offend the British public with remarks about Olympic preparedness , prompting a witty comeback from David Cameron. He let slip that he'd met with the boss of MI6 . And he called...

Bloomberg Endorses Scott Brown

NYC mayor hosting fundraiser for Mass. senator

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg holds a number of left-leaning views, but technically the New York City mayor is a political independent—and he’s definitely leaning to the right when it comes to the Massachusetts Senate race. Politico reports that Bloomberg is hosting an Aug. 15 fundraiser for incumbent Scott Brown, who...

Battle Over Voter-ID Laws Opens in Pennsylvania

Opponents say they're designed to hit minorities hardest

(Newser) - As the political war across the country over voter-ID laws rages, one crucial battle began today in the swing state of Pennsylvania. A state court will decide whether tough new rules disenfranchise low-income voters. The trial will likely last seven days, but the outcome will probably not be the final...

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points
 Poll: Obama Up 
 by 6 Points 

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points

Negatives up for Obama and Romney, but overall, few changes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, the shooting at the Aurora theater, the Bain Capital debate, and a mediocre jobs report have hit the headlines in the last 30 days, but none of it seems to be having much of an effect on the presidential polls. President Obama is up...

Coming From Massachusetts: Hill's First Gay Republican?

Richard Tisei thinks his sexuality could actually be an advantage

(Newser) - Richard Tisei is hoping to become Capitol Hill's first openly gay Republican this November—and he thinks his sexuality might actually help. Being gay is a "non-issue" in Tisei's left-leaning district, he tells the Hill ; indeed, he thinks being pro-gay-marriage and pro-choice will be marks in his...

Chavez Bashes Romney, Says Obama's a 'Good Guy'

He says opponent Henrique Capriles, Romney have same agenda

(Newser) - Well here's an endorsement President Obama almost certainly didn't want. Hugo Chavez likened his current election rival, Henrique Capriles, to Mitt Romney on Saturday, saying that Capriles isn't truly a friend to the poor. "I believe the person to best explain the loser's agenda isn'...

New Anti-Obama Super PAC 'Borrows' Military Logos

'Special Operations for America' targets Obama over Osama raid

(Newser) - Special Operations for America, a new anti-Obama super PAC launched this week, accuses the president of stealing glory from the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. But it has been a little light-fingered itself, Mother Jones finds. The group's website and social media pages are plastered with the insignias...

Morgan Freeman Gives Obama Huge Campaign Boost

Donates $1M to pro-Obama super PAC

(Newser) - Priorities USA Action, the super PAC supporting President Obama, has been struggling, raising just $6 million last month —and one-sixth of that came from a single source: Actor Morgan Freeman is putting his money where his mouth is, Politico reports, donating a cool million bucks to the super PAC....

Mitt: Obama Is 'Demonizing' Success

But he's not a monster, Romney tells voters

(Newser) - Mitt Romney went on the offensive yesterday, accusing President Obama of starting a class war and "demonizing" success. Romney, addressing remarks Obama made last week about the role government plays in helping create businesses, said the comments show how "out of touch he is with the character of...

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

 Obama Ditches 

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

He often gives stump speeches without it, notes the Hill

(Newser) - In his latest appearances, President Obama has left behind a trusted friend: his teleprompter. The speechmaking tool has been absent during speeches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia, and the change is clear as the president refers to written notes rather than gazing left and right, writes Amie Parnes at the...

Mitt Slaps Obama Singing Ad, Foiled By Copyright Claim

Romney's response ad gets yanked from YouTube

(Newser) - President Obama recently jeered at Mitt Romney with a campaign ad featuring Romney's terrible rendition of "America the Beautiful." Team Romney's attempted shot back, using a clip of Obama singing "Let's Stay Together," fell short on a couple of levels: Obama can actually ...

Still Awaiting Ticket to GOP Convention: Sarah Palin

Romney needs to bring Palin 'in the tent,' say Tea Party conservatives

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention in Tampa is just over a month away, but Sarah Palin, the megawatt star of the last convention, says her invitation to appear must've gotten lost in the mail. The Mama Grizzly hasn't exactly been a roaring Romney supporter, beyond the "Anybody but...

Record for Biggest Super PAC Haul Goes to ... Romney

Restore Our Future raises $20M to pro-Obama group's $6M

(Newser) - Obama supporters have their work cut out for them: In June, pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future raised $20 million, a rep tells the Washington Post . That's a record for any super PAC. Meanwhile, the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action set its own best mark last month—with just...

Romney's New Target: Obama's 'Political Payoffs'

Campaign to point to favoritism among donors

(Newser) - With political chatter centered on Mitt Romney's Bain record , the candidate is ready to fight back: "We're turning the page," says an adviser. So get ready for a new offensive, dubbed "Obama's Political Payoffs and Middle-Class Layoffs." The Romney tactic aims to demonstrate...

Aide: Romney 'Retroactively Retired' From Bain

Leave of absence became permanent, Gillespie tells CNN

(Newser) - Senior Romney adviser Ed Gillespie muddied the waters further while trying to clear up the question of when Mitt really left Bain Capital. "There may have been a thought at the time that it could be part-time," Gillespie told CBS' Face the Nation when asked about Romney's...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>