Election 2012

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>

Everybody Slams Limbaugh
 Everybody Slams Limbaugh 

Everybody Slams Limbaugh

Also, will Eric Cantor or Rand Paul be vice president nominee?

(Newser) - Today's talk show theme: Pile on Rush Limbaugh. The conservative talk show host took a bipartisan drubbing worthy of a gold-stuffed piñata, reports Politico , as both sides lambasted his slut comment and subsequent apology . A sampling:
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "I know he apologized, but forgive me if

Eric Cantor Endorses Romney

Just ahead of Super Tuesday, joins chorus of GOP seeking unity

(Newser) - Christmas came early today for Mitt Romney: With just days before the Super Tuesday primary bonanza, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has given the candidate his endorsement, reports Politico . Appearing on Meet the Press this morning, Cantor signaled that he wanted an end to the primary bloodletting: "W e...

Only Santorum 'Drubbing' Can Save GOP

Like Dems in 1980s, GOP has forgotten center: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - The Republicans need to nominate Rick Santorum, and not just because he would ensure President Obama's re-election. No, an even more important reason is that Santorum represents the most extreme wing of today's GOP, and only his nomination and "drubbing" will force the party to return to...

Americans Elect on Ballot in 17 States and Counting

Third party continues push to get in all 50 states

(Newser) - Americans Elect may not have a presidential candidate or a platform, but the upstart third party continues to grow: It's now assured of appearing on the presidential ballot in 17 states, with 18 more well on the way, reports the AP . Come November, it expects to be in all...

George Will: Obama Is Probably Going to Win

Republicans should focus on controlling Congress, he writes

(Newser) - Conservative columnist George Will sizes up Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum's chances of winning the presidency and offers this up to Republicans: Hey, there's always 2016. Politico got a sneak peek at Will's Sunday column, in which he argues that Republicans are probably going to lose the...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Ohio

Super Tuesday outcome too close to call in new poll

(Newser) - Ohio is by most accounts the most important prize at stake in next week's Super Tuesday voting, and right now it's too close to call, says a new poll from Quinnipiac University . The survey has Rick Santorum at 35% and Mitt Romney at 31%, within the margin of...

Romney a Virginia Shoo-In, but Few Like Him

Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich aren't on the state's ballot

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a more than healthy lead in Virginia, despite the fact that not a whole lot of people there actually like him. Romney leads Ron Paul 56% to 21% in a new Roanoke College poll —Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich didn't manage to make it onto...

Santorum Took State Cash for Kids' Schooling

...despite fact that he wants government out of education

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been telling America it's time to take federal and state government "out of the education business," leaving schools in local hands. Indeed, he proudly home-schools his own children—but it seems he's not above using state money to do so, the AP reports....

Clinton: Romney's Dad 'Turning Over in Grave'

Saving auto industry is Obama's greatest achievement, Bill says

(Newser) - Bill Clinton got personal yesterday while attacking Mitt Romney over his opposition to the auto industry bailout. "Every time I hear Mr. Romney talking about this I think his daddy must be turning over in his grave. We could not afford to lose a million and a half to...

Rick Cries Foul as Mitt Gets Extra Michigan Delegate

We explained the rules wrong, state GOP says

(Newser) - Michigan's GOP has outraged Rick Santorum's campaign by flip-flopping on how delegates are awarded. Before this week's primary, officials repeatedly said two delegates would be awarded for each congressional district, with two at-large delegates to be split between candidates who received more than 15% of the vote....

What Mitt Romney&#39;s Not Saying About Social Security
What Mitt Romney's Not Saying About Social Security
Gail Collins

What Mitt Romney's Not Saying About Social Security

Gail Collins on the real way to fix the system

(Newser) - Mitt Romney recently gave a speech on Social Security, and no one noticed—people were distracted by all the empty seats. But Gail Collins was listening. "Romney has several ideas for Social Security, all involving cuts in benefits," she reports in the New York Times . Chief among them:...

Romney Wins Wyoming Caucuses
 Romney Wins 

election 2012

Romney Wins Wyoming Caucuses

But the results are nonbinding, and represent 2,108 caucusers

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has captured the Wyoming caucuses, an unorthodox series of county straw polls that took place over the last three weeks and wrapped up last night. Romney looks to have bagged about 39% of the vote, while Rick Santorum took 32%, Ron Paul nabbed 21%, and Newt Gingrich brought...

Romney Accused of Birth Control Flip-Flop

Obama, Santorum campaigns pounce on Blunt amendment answer

(Newser) - The Obama and Santorum campaigns cried "flip-flop" yesterday after Mitt Romney took both sides on a Senate bill rolling back a requirement for employer health plans to cover birth control. "I’m not for the bill, but look, the idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception...

Next Big Primary: Ohio
 Next Big Primary: Ohio 

Next Big Primary: Ohio

Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich all have a reason to compete in must-win state

(Newser) - With Arizona and Michigan in the books, the countdown to "Super Tuesday" has begun. But not all of the March 6 states are created equal. Expect the campaigns to set up shop in Ohio, a state without which, the Washington Post points out, no Republican president has ever been...

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

 Mitt Romney 
 Holds Onto 
 Lead, Sort Of 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

Pundits weigh in on what his Michigan, Arizona victories mean

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have had to sweat a little, but he won in both Michigan and Arizona last night. Is he the favorite for the nomination again? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • We'll let Romney himself have the first word: "We didn't win by a lot,

Mitt, Rick to Nearly Split Michigan Delegates

Santorum takes votes from north, west of state

(Newser) - Rick Santorum narrowly lost the popular vote in Michigan's GOP primary, but he has a consolation prize: nearly half of the state's delegates. Santorum, who won six congressional districts in the north and west of the state, will have at least 12 of the state's 30 voting...

Limbaugh Slams Romney for 'Hair on Fire' Dig

He accuses Romney of insulting conservative base

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has ticked off Rush Limbaugh by saying he's not willing to make outrageous accusations against President Obama just to excite the conservative "base," and win votes. "It’s very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments,” Romney told reporters ahead of the...

Romney Wins Michigan
 Romney Grabs Michigan 

Romney Grabs Michigan

He squeaks out victory over Santorum in must-win state

(Newser) - Mitt Romney needed a win in Michigan and he got one, though the narrow margin of victory in the state where he was born and raised may worry supporters, reports the Wall Street Journal . Romney ended up taking 41% of the vote, Rick Santorum finished a few points behind with...

Colbert's PAC Woos More Texans Than Romney's

Scores 15 donors of more than $200

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert may not have won any primaries, but he's beaten Mitt Romney by at least one measure. Colbert's super PAC received $200-plus donations from 17 Texans, compared to 15 for Mitt Romney, the Houston Chronicle reports. The Supreme Court ruling that paved the way for super PACs...

GOP Senator Olympia Snowe to Retire

Big setback for Republicans in Maine

(Newser) - Republican Olympia Snowe said today she will retire from the Senate rather than seek re-election, reports the Kennebec Journal . The Washington Post sees it as bad news for her party in the very blue state of Maine. Democrats will likely be favored to take the seat the moderate Snowe has...

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>