Election 2012

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Good Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges
 Solid Night for Romney, 
 as Gingrich Emerges 

Solid Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges

Strong performance leaves Gingrich looking like top anti-Romney

(Newser) - Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed from last night's Republican debate in South Carolina, while consensus pegs Newt Gingrich as the best of the rest. A breakdown of the chatter:
  • This was Gingrich's "best debate of the entire race," decides Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . The

Colbert: I Blew Huntsman Out of GOP Race

Plus, host explains why God should endorse him

(Newser) - Sure, pundits came up with a million reasons Jon Huntsman exited the GOP presidential race yesterday, but Stephen Colbert knows the truth. After all, Huntsman dropped out right after Colbert announced he was forming an exploratory committee , the Comedy Central host pointed out last night. "Folks, do you see...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes ... in April

When he'll most likely have clinched the nomination

(Newser) - Calm down, everyone. Mitt Romney will release his tax returns … just as soon as he has clinched the GOP nomination. "If I become our nominee, and what's happened in history is people have released them in about April of the coming year and that's probably what...

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren: Kill Super PACs

Rivals issue joint call for ceasefire on third-party cash in their race

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren agree on at least two things: They'd each like to be the junior senator from Massachusetts, and they both want outside money in the form of super PACs to stay out of their race to achieve that goal. The pair issued a joint call...

Nevada Prostitutes 'Pimpin' for Ron Paul'

Clients encouraged to donate to his campaign

(Newser) - The latest group to get into Ron Paul's corner: prostitutes. Working girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, launched a "Pimpin' for Paul" campaign weeks ago that's getting new attention thanks to a recent CNN segment. "If a client comes into the...

Departing Huntsman Scolds Rivals

Admits there's a 'gap' between him and Romney

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman ended his run for president the same way he began it : by decrying negative campaigning. In a speech announcing the suspension of his campaign today , Huntsman scolded his rivals for the tone of the race. "Our common goal is to restore bold and principled leadership to the...

Jon Huntsman Quitting and No One Cares
 No One Cares 
 That Huntsman 
 Is Quitting 


No One Cares That Huntsman Is Quitting

Was his whole campaign just a run-up to 2016?

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is dropping out of the presidential race today—but does anyone care? "The only people really depressed about Jon Huntsman’s exit from the race are people who wouldn’t in their wildest dreams have voted for him—or any Republican candidate, for that matter," writes...

Rick Santorum Earmarks: Former Senator Was Prolific at Securing Earmarks, Campaign Cash Followed
Rick Brought Home $1B
in Pork—and Big Donations

Rick Brought Home $1B in Pork—and Big Donations

Former senator was a 'vigorous practitioner' of securing earmarks

(Newser) - In Rick Santorum's days in the Senate, lawmakers didn't have to disclose their earmarks—but a New York Times analysis shows that Santorum had a lot of them, and that they were often followed by large campaign contributions from the companies they benefited. In one defense bill, for...

Why Huntsman Is Dropping Out, Endorsing Romney

He doesn't want to get in Mitt's way in SC, officials explain

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman will officially drop out of the presidential race and endorse Mitt Romney at 11am today in South Carolina—but why? Just last Tuesday, Huntsman was suggesting that Romney was "pretty much unelectable" after his statement about liking to fire people . Politico explains:
  • Huntsman "didn’t want

Gingrich to Release Tax Return in Days

Presses Mitt Romney to follow his lead

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he is ready to release his income tax return and will do so on Thursday, just two days ahead of the South Carolina primary —and he thinks Mitt Romney would do well to follow his example. "Gov. Romney, if he plans to stay in the...

Jon Huntsman to Drop Out of GOP Race

Will make announcement tomorrow, endorse Mitt Romney: campaign officials

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman will withdraw from the race for the Republican presidential nomination tomorrow. Campaign officials tell the AP that Huntsman will endorse Mitt Romney at an event in South Carolina in the morning. The former Utah governor placed third in last week's New Hampshire primary despite devoting much of...

If Romney Wins SC, It&#39;s Over: Graham
 If Romney 
 Wins SC, 
 It's Over: 
talk show roundup

If Romney Wins SC, It's Over: Graham

Consensus says GOP could have its candidate with a Mitt Win

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert (ahem, rather, his Super PAC) may have been ripping "serial killer" Mitt Romney today, but real politicians were also getting their licks in on the Sunday shows, reports Politico . Most eyes were on the Palmetto State's primary on Saturday, and cue the fat lady if Romney...

Colbert's PAC: Romney's a 'Serial Killer'

Also thinks he stands a pretty good shot at becoming pope

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is getting called a lot of names these days, but none quite so un-endearing as "serial killer." That's the latest nickname for the GOP frontrunner in an ad being run by Stephen Colbert's former Super PAC, and the comedian today went mano a mano...

Romney Slipped Broke Woman Cash

God 'told me to pray for Romney,' says South Carolina woman

(Newser) - Corporations might be people, but Mitt Romney is more like an ATM these days: At a rally in South Carolina, the GOP candidate responded to an unemployed woman's tale of woe by opening his wallet and forking over what aides say was $50 or $60. The Washington Post notes...

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

Sorry, Mitt, America Isn&#39;t a Business
 Sorry, Mitt, 
 America Isn't 
 a Business 
Paul Krugman

Sorry, Mitt, America Isn't a Business

The goal isn't to boost profits: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is running on the premise that America needs a successful businessman to become CEO and turn it around. There's a glaring flaw in that argument, writes Paul Krugman of the New York Times : "America is not, in fact, a corporation. Making good economic policy isn’t...

Colbert's Super PAC Buying Ads in SC

Jon Stewart throws his newfound money around

(Newser) - Looks like newly-minted presidential candidate Stephen Colbert is going to have a mostly unregulated "independent" super PAC throwing thousands of dollars' worth of ads around on his behalf in South Carolina—just like a real candidate! Yes, the "Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Colbert Super PAC," now...

Ron Paul Has Already Changed the Game
 Ron Paul 
 Has Already 
 the Game 
charles krauthammer

Ron Paul Has Already Changed the Game

He's nearly brought libertarianism into mainstream: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The "biggest story yet of this presidential campaign"? Easy, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . It's Ron Paul. He has just about brought libertarianism "to a position of prominence in a major party," doing for his cause what Jesse Jackson did for African-Americans in...

Newt Mocks Mitt for Speaking French

'Just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too,' Gingrich ad says

(Newser) - There's still more than a week to go until the South Carolina primary but Newt Gingrich's campaign may have already reached the bottom of the barrel. His campaign's new "French Connection" ad, in an effort to portray Mitt Romney as just another Massachusetts liberal, points out...

'Mexican Mitt' Rips Romney on Twitter

He parodies ex-governor's push for Latino vote

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney battles for Latino support, a new Twitter account has popped up to parody his efforts. User @MexicanMitt launched the feed by tweeting, "Corporations are peoples, my amigos!" The account appeared yesterday, following the real Romney's comment this weekend that his father was born in...

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