Election 2012

Stories 1281 - 1300 | << Prev   Next >>

Newt Gingrich Surges to No. 1 in Iowa Poll

Ron Paul in second, also gaining support

(Newser) - With less than a month to go until Iowa caucuses, the GOP nomination there is looking like a three-candidate race—and leading the way is Newt Gingrich, reports the Des Moines Register . Gingrich was the top choice of 25% of likely caucus voters in the latest Selzer & Co. poll,...

Ron Paul to Boycott Donald Trump Debate

Scathing statement says it's 'beneath the office of the presidency'

(Newser) - Ron Paul has decided to join Jon Huntsman in skipping the Donald Trump-moderated Newsmax debate , and his campaign didn’t mince words in explaining why. “The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate … is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the...

Flawed Newt Gingrich Is 'Comeback Kid': Peggy Noonan

 Gingrich Is 
 'Comeback Kid' 
Peggy Noonan

Flawed Gingrich Is 'Comeback Kid'

Nobody saw this coming, except Newt: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan (or whoever writes the headlines for her columns) declares Newt Gingrich the "comeback kid of 2012" today in the Wall Street Journal . She is as surprised as anyone: "What happened is a better story than the establishment didn't know what the base was thinking,"...

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Both 'Significantly Flawed': Charles Krauthammer
 Swallow and Pick One 
Charles Krauthammer

Conservatives: Swallow and Pick One

Gingrich, Romney both 'significantly flawed': Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The Republican race now boils down to Gingrich vs. Romney, writes Charles Krauthammer in the National Review , and he doesn't sound very happy about it. They are "two significantly flawed frontrunners": Romney isn't a "core conservative" or really a core anything, while Gingrich has the conservative...

Anti-Romney Ad Stars ... OJ Simpson

Mitt has been around a long time, American Bridge PAC points out

(Newser) - What is OJ Simpson doing in an ad about Mitt Romney? Pointing out just how long Romney’s been in the political game. A new ad from the American Bridge PAC takes aim at Romney’s recent assertion that he’s an outsider who has no political career by showing...

Bachmann: Gays Do Have Marriage Equality

Meaning, they can marry ... a person of the opposite sex

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann has a news flash for all of us: Gays already have marriage equality. As she explained to a high school student at a town hall meeting this week, "They can get married ... they can marry a man, if they're a woman, or they can marry a...

Rick Perry Explains Campaign Gaffes to Jay Leno on 'Tonight Show'
 Perry Explains Gaffes to Leno 

Perry Explains Gaffes to Leno

Says he calls his dogs by the wrong name

(Newser) - Rick Perry dropped by the Tonight Show last night to chat about the campaign, and faced quite a few questions about his various gaffes. After noting that Perry had provided him with "a lot of material," Leno asked about that elusive third agency , as well as why Perry...

Herman Cain: I'll Decide Whether to Stay in Presidential Race by Monday
 Cain: I'll Decide by Monday 

Cain: I'll Decide by Monday

Sets first actual deadline for deciding whether to stay in race

(Newser) - Herman Cain has been vague about when exactly he'll decide whether to stay in the presidential race, but last night on Fox News he set a firm deadline for the first time, Politico reports. "I’m going to make a decision before Monday," he told Sean Hannity....

One Theory on Why Rick Perry Is Flailing

Some back in Texas blame his recent back surgery

(Newser) - Vanity Fair is out with a lengthy profile of Rick Perry and his sputtering campaign, complete with one Austin Democrat warning not to count him out just yet. It also floats what it says is a theory quietly circulating in Texas about why Perry has flopped on the national...

Bachmann Campaign Swipes Homeschoolers' Email List

It was 'inadvertent,' campaign assures homeschooling group

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's already-struggling campaign is in hot water now that it's been busted for co-opting a homeschooling email list without permission. The president of the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators informed members of the breach in a recent email obtained by the Iowa Republican , noting that two...

Mitt's Dilemma: Dealing With Newt

Campaign struggles to combat Gingrich's rise

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign strategists were right about Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain—none have proven to be a long-term threat. But, the Washington Post notes, they weren't ready for Newt Gingrich. As polls show that the primary is increasingly becoming a two-man race, Romney...

Jon Huntsman's Daughters Sing GOP Version of Justin Timberlake's 'SexyBack'
Huntsman Girls Sing
GOP Version of 'SexyBack'
paging justin timberlake

Huntsman Girls Sing GOP Version of 'SexyBack'

Apologies to Justin Timberlake

(Newser) - There really are no words for this, but we'll try: Jon Huntsman's daughters are back, with another foray into the world of YouTube videos (this time sans mustaches ) spotted by Politico . This time they're singing, doing their best 2012-flavored rendition of Justin Timberlake's "SexyBack....

Perry: I'll Send Bureaucrats to a 'God-Awful Place'

He says it would be his way or the highway

(Newser) - Watch out federal workers: If you don’t agree with his small-government views, President Rick Perry would send you to someplace like Siberia. At a campaign event in New Hampshire today, Perry vowed to fill the government with “individuals that understand my core philosophy that government should do a...

Gingrich Takes Shot at Fox News

 Takes Shot 
 at Fox News 
oh, snap!

Gingrich Takes Shot at Fox News

Says that unlike Fox analysts, he has to know what he's talking about

(Newser) - Former Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich isn't exactly speaking highly of his former colleagues. While at a town hall event in South Carolina last night, the GOP contender was asked about whether, as president, he would support funding for certain HIV/AIDS treatments. "What you said is information...

Non-Lobbyist Newt Gingrich Acted a Lot Like a Lobbyist

Ex-speaker hawked clients' products, arranged meetings

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s consulting clients all signed contracts saying that Gingrich “does not provide lobbying services of any kind,” but what he did for them looks an awful lot like lobbying to the New York Times . Gingrich actively hawked his clients’ products in his presentations to lawmakers, and...

Ginger White: Cain Gave Me Money, Took Me on Trips

Alleged mistress talks to 'Good Morning America'

(Newser) - Ginger White dished up more details of her alleged affair with Herman Cain today on Good Morning America , calling their 13- or 14-year relationship an "on-and-off," "very casual affair." She divulged that Cain "flew me on several trips," including to a Mike Tyson-Evander Holyfield...

If Herman Cain Drops Out of Republican Race, Who Benefits?
 Who Benefits 
 if Cain Quits? 


Who Benefits if Cain Quits?

Cain dropping out could work either way for Romney, pundits say

(Newser) - The news that Herman Cain is "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of allegations of an extramarital affair has left pundits wondering which candidate would come out on top if the Cain Train came to a halt. A look around the blogosphere:
  • Some of Cain's Tea Party and

Gingrich Swipes at Romney's Flip-Flopping

'I wouldn't lie to the American people' to become president, he says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich took on Mitt Romney yesterday in a phone call with South Carolina radio station WSC , CNN reports, calling himself “a lot more conservative” than his competitor for the Republican presidential nomination. “There needs to be a solid conservative alternative to Mitt Romney,” he said, adding...

Was Newt Gingrich Trying to Fail, Producers-Style?

It sure looks like Gingrich was in this for the money, Steve Kornacki says

(Newser) - “We may be witnessing the political world’s answer to The Producers,” writes Steve Kornacki of Salon : “It’s called the Newt Gingrich presidential campaign.” For the uninitiated, Mel Brooks’ comedy is about a greedy showman who tries to make a musical that will flop—and...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Backs Rick Perry for 2012, Will Announce Endorsement Next Week: Source
 Sheriff Joe Backs Rick Perry 

Sheriff Joe Backs Rick Perry

Will announce endorsement next week: source

(Newser) - Arizona’s fiery Sheriff Joe Arpaio has chosen his candidate for 2012, and it’s Rick Perry. The self-styled “America’s Toughest Sheriff” will endorse the Texas governor next week, a source confirms to ABC News and NBC News . Perry has reportedly spoken by phone with the illegal immigration...

Stories 1281 - 1300 | << Prev   Next >>