Election 2012

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Ignored, GOP's Gay Candidate Wants to Debate

Fred Karger wants to send a message to people still in the closet

(Newser) - Fred Karger huddled in the closet for his entire 30-year career as a political strategist, keeping his sexuality a secret as he worked on nine presidential campaigns, including those of Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. The 61-year-old Republican—who came out five years ago and is the first openly...

Michele Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families' (Meet the Press Video)
Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families'
'meet the press'

Bachmann Won't Call Gay Couples With Kids 'Families'

Candidate dodges questions on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - Another tidbit from Michele Bachmann’s media victory lap today: On Meet the Press , Gawker notes, Bachmann dodged (and dodged again… and again…) David Gregory’s repeated attempts to get her to address her 2004 comments that being gay is “personal enslavement.” Instead, she consistently said, “...

Bachmann: 'I've Been a Fighter'

Rep does victory lap after big win in Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - If you can't turn the channel this morning without running into Michele Bachmann, do not adjust your set: The Minnesota rep is taking her victory lap on all five major network shows, reports Politico . Highlights:
  • On her leadership : "I've been on the front lines, and I have

Pawlenty Drops Out of Race

Disappointing finish in Iowa straw poll dooms campaign

(Newser) - Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is dropping out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call this morning that he would announce on ABC's This Week that he was ending his campaign after a disappointing finish in the Iowa straw poll yesterday....

Sarah Palin Hits Iowa State Fair as GOP Candidates Descend on Ames
 Palin Drops In 
 on Iowa Fair 

Palin Drops In on Iowa Fair

Maybe-candidate clearly trying to stay in spotlight as race heats up

(Newser) - Probably just a coincidence, but as GOP presidential hopefuls were whipping up their best barbecue ahead of today's straw poll in Ames, Sarah Palin decided to pay a visit yesterday to the Iowa State Fair. Though she contended she was simply accepting an invitation, Palin was well-received: She was...

Tim Pawlenty Blew it in Last Night's Debate: Steve Kornacki

 You Blew It, Pawlenty 

You Blew It, Pawlenty

He should have gone after Romney, not Bachmann: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty came off like a desperate candidate with a misguided strategy in last night's debate , writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Going after Michele Bachmann instead of Mitt Romney? Really? He probably figured he needed to do so because she is his chief rival in tomorrow's Ames straw...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

Rick Perry Interview With Mark Halperin of Time: I Have a 'Calmness in My Heart' About Running

 Rick Perry: 
 in My Heart' 
 About Run 

Rick Perry: 'Calmness in My Heart' About Run

New poll shows him near top of GOP field

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry doesn't quite make his candidacy official in an interview with Mark Halperin of Time , but he does say he has a "calmness in my heart" about a possible run. (He is expected to declare on Saturday .) No wonder he's calm: He's...

Ames Poll Will Make or Break Pawlenty

Experts agree: Candidate needs a strong finish

(Newser) - "For Tim Pawlenty, it's Ames or bust," declares Politico , which rounds up opinions from a number of experts—all of whom agree that Pawlenty must do well in this Saturday's straw poll. He's spent seven figures in the state and has been focused on courting...

Rick Perry to Announce Run in SC

May not be formal launch, but will make intentions clear

(Newser) - Fresh off his weekend prayer rally, Rick Perry will head to South Carolina on Saturday to make clear he's going to toss his hat into the 2012 presidential race, reports Politico. In so doing, the Texas governor will upend the current field of Republicans seeking the nomination, as well...

How to Define Michele Bachmann? Extreme

 How to Define 

How to Define Bachmann? 'Extreme'

'New Yorker,' 'Newsweek' profiles reveal Tea Party favorite's challenges for 2012

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann kicks off the week as the subject of two profiles: A Newsweek cover story (whose cover image many, many people are calling creepy ) and a New Yorker piece. Both suggest she's poised to do well in Iowa’s upcoming straw poll, but faces major hurdles to...

Rick Perry: 'I Pray for Obama'

Prays for him to wake up, smell the coffee; will headline prayer rally today

(Newser) - President Obama may have a dented credit rating, lousy approval ratings, and China carping at him, but at least he's got Rick Perry pulling for him—sort of. The Texas governor and possible White House contender tells CBN that he keeps the president in his prayers: "Frankly I...

2012 Rivals Pounce on AAA Downgrade

GOP contenders pummel Obama's handling of economy

(Newser) - Last night's downgrade of the US' triple-A credit rating was the political equivalent of blood in the water for Republican presidential candidates, who immediately pounced on President Obama's handling of the economy, reports Politico. A taste of the blood-letting:
  • Michele Bachmann: “The United States has had a

Nader 'Almost 100%' Certain Obama Will Face Primary

He's just not sure what the 'stature' of the candidate will be

(Newser) - The debt ceiling deal has so inflamed liberals that "the chances of there being a challenge to Obama in the primary are almost 100%," Ralph Nader said yesterday in an interview with the Daily Caller . Nader has said for a while that he’s trying to get someone...

Why Obama Might Lose
 Why Obama Might Lose 

Why Obama Might Lose

Don't believe the hype that the president is unbeatable: Politico

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that despite everything, Barack Obama is so politically adept, and his Republican opponents so flawed, that he’ll cruise to victory in 2012. “Don’t buy into it,” advise Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen of Politico , who offer an in-depth look at everything ailing...

How Obama Will Celebrate the Big 5-0

With, what else? A fundraiser

(Newser) - President Obama got what he wanted for his birthday , so now he can celebrate turning 50 under a little less pressure. The big day is tomorrow, but the festivities start tonight in his hometown of Chicago, where he will fly this afternoon, reports the Tribune . A $35,800-a-head dinner fundraiser...

For Some, Political Giving Nears Addiction

New class of donors gives often when the mood (or news) strikes

(Newser) - When it’s as easy as pushing a button on your smartphone, donating to candidates can become an itch that needs constant scratching. Thousands of Americans give to their favorite politicians over and over again in what the Washington Post likens to an addiction. The newspaper counts 1,300 people...

Debt Battle Sets Stage for Hyper-Partisan 2012 Election

Expect stark contrasts, not mushy generalities

(Newser) - As nasty as the debt ceiling fight was, it was just a warm-up for the 2012 presidential election, which is shaping up to be a major referendum on the size, role, and philosophy of government, reports the Washington Post . “This had nothing to do with the debt ceiling,”...

Newt Bought His Twitter Following: Ex-Staffer

Most of Gingrich's 1.3M followers are fake, former staffer says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might be way behind in the GOP polls, but he's kicking butt on Twitter—with 1.3 million followers to the fewer than 70,000 Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann each claim. A former staffer says the reason for the discrepancy is simple: The Gingrich campaign has...

Bachmann Skips Iowa Stops to Vote 'No' on Debt Deal

'Someone has to say no. I will'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is taking a break from the stump to vote against the debt deal. “Someone has to say ‘no.’ I will,” she said in a statement issued last night. “The 'deal' ... spends too much and doesn't cut enough,” she said. “...

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