President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Illegal Obama Uncle Obama Onyango Probed After DUI Arrest
 Illegal Obama 
 Uncle Had 
 SSN, License 

Illegal Obama Uncle Had SSN, License

Obama Onyango had valid Social Security number for 19 years

(Newser) - The headline birthers dream of—"Illegal Kenyan Immigrant Obama Busted"—has become reality with the arrest of a relative of President Obama's in Massachusetts. Obama Onyango, a half-brother of Obama's father, was charged last week with drunk driving after nearly slamming his SUV into a police...

Rush Limbaugh: 'Melanin Is Thicker Than Water,' and Colin Powell Will Vote for President Obama
 Is Thicker 
 Than Water’ 


Limbaugh: ‘Melanin Is Thicker Than Water’

Rush doesn't believe 'ideal Republican' will turn his back on Obama

(Newser) - Colin Powell said this weekend that he wasn't all that sure about voting for President Obama this election, but Rush Limbaugh says that's a load of hooey, reports ThinkProgress . When it comes down to it, the "titular head of the Republican party, the ideal model Republican" will...

Limbaugh: Obama Wanted Irene 'Disaster'

Says prez wanted 'excuse for his failing economy'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh not only says the media oversold Hurricane Irene —he argues that Obama was "hoping" it would be a widespread "disaster" to justify the nation's economic woes, the Huffington Post reports. "I'll guarantee you Obama was hoping this was going to be a...

Hey, Media: Tone Down the 'Theocracy' Fears

Journos' 'language of conspiracy' stems from lack of understanding: Ross Douthat

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry’s time in the spotlight has brought back a “fear of theocracy” not seen since the days of George W. Bush. Liberals are concerned that “Christian extremism is again on the march,” writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times . And while...

Obama's Pick for Economic Adviser: Alan Krueger

Labor economist, Princeton prof worked in Treasury Department

(Newser) - President Obama is set to nominate Princeton labor economist Alan Krueger as his top economic adviser. Krueger, who helped lead the Treasury Department through Obama’s first two years in office, would become the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. In the position, he’d likely urge government action...

Obama on Irene: 'This Is Not Over'

In statement, president warns that impact will continue

(Newser) - Despite Tropical Storm Irene's weakened punch, President Obama urged those in its path to stay vigilant and warned that the storm's impact would continue to be felt for some time. "This is not over," Obama said today in a statement from the Rose Garden. "The...

Economy Can't Stop Obama Vacation ... but Irene Can

President warns Americans: 'Don't wait. Don't delay'

(Newser) - Economic woes couldn't keep Barack Obama from taking his 10-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard—but it looks like Hurricane Irene can. The president will cut his trip short, announced the White House. He's packing his bags today and returning home tonight, rather than sticking with his planned...

AFL-CIO Prez: Obama in Bed With Tea Party

AFL-CIO leader warns organization could ditch Democratic convention

(Newser) - America's top union official delivered a verbal slap to President Obama today, saying Obama has hopped aboard the Tea Party bandwagon while throwing jobs under the bus, reports Talking Points Memo. So it's decision time, says the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka: Obama can buckle down on unemployment, or...

Americans Down on Economy, Blame Bush

86% cite 'poor' economy; 51% say it's Dubya's fault

(Newser) - Americans' views on the economy have dimmed this summer. But so far, the growing pessimism doesn't seem to be taking a toll on President Obama's re-election prospects. More people now believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, a new AP-GfK poll shows, and confidence in Obama'...

Obama Installs Racially Charged Painting

Norman Rockwell work includes racial epithet

(Newser) - The nation's first black president has hung a painting with the N-word outside the Oval Office, in a nod to the civil rights movement, reports Politico. President Obama last month had Norman Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With" installed in the White House; the painting shows...

Joe Nocera: National Labor Relations Board's Boeing Complaint Shows Democrats Slowing Job Growth
 Hey, Obama: Dems 
 Slow Job Growth, Too 
joe nocera

Hey, Obama: Dems Slow Job Growth, Too

Labor agency's action against Boeing is case in point: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - President Obama has been rightly railing against Republicans for blocking job-creation measures, but they're not the only ones. Boeing is ready to start building its 787 Dreamliners partially in a new South Carolina plant, home to 5,000 nonunion workers. But the National Labor Relations Board wants to leave...

US to Rebels: Don't Party, Seek Revenge Iraq-Style

Obama administration fearful of Iraq-style chaos, looting, and violence

(Newser) - Rebels have already gleefully displayed the jeweled pistols they've taken from Moammar Gadhafi's family's homes—and the Obama administration is likely hoping the pillaging ends there. The White House is working furiously with rebels to ensure that Libya does not descend into the chaos, looting, and violence...

Poll: Obama in Dead Heat With GOP Candidates

Bachmann, Romney, Paul, Perry all roughly even with prez

(Newser) - If the election were held today, it would be too close to call between President Obama and any of the GOP front-runners, according to the latest Gallup poll . Obama would be in a dead heat within the margin of error against Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, or Rick Perry,...

Get Ready for Earful From Obama Aides

President needs trash-talking surrogates ahead of election 2012: Michael Scherer

(Newser) - Amid press conferences and big speeches, President Obama spent his first two years in office as “his own messenger.” But expect that to change in the run-up to the next election, writes Michael Scherer in Time . In those first two years, Obama lacked a solid team of spokespeople;...

President Obama Leads Sarah Palin by 17% in Poll
 Obama Would Wallop
 Sarah Palin: 50% to 33%

Obama Would Wallop Sarah Palin: 50% to 33%

Generic GOP candidate still leads Obama by 6 points

(Newser) - President Obama should be rooting for Sarah Palin to join the race and take her mama grizzly act all the way to the Republican nomination. A new Rasmussen Reports survey shows that if Election Day were today, Obama would trounce Palin 50% to 33%, better than the 47% to 38%...

Top 10 Presidential Getaways
 Top 10 Presidential Getaways 

Top 10 Presidential Getaways

Martha's Vineyard isn't the only game in town

(Newser) - President Obama is chilling in swanky Martha's Vineyard this week ... again. And while the Massachusetts hotspot is a vacation destination that has attracted presidents Kennedy and Clinton, Time r uns down a list of other noted places where commanders in chief have gone to unwind:
  • Florida White House: Richard

President Obama, Family Begin Vacation on Martha's Vineyard
 Obamas Begin Vacation 

Obamas Begin Vacation

Trip to book shop, golf, security briefing round out day one

(Newser) - President Obama began his should-he or shouldn't-he vacation at Martha's Vineyard today, and the White House made a point to release a photo of him getting a national security briefing, notes the Hill . He also played some golf, but the big splash came when he and Malia and...

You Make Your Own Luck, Mr President
 You Make 
 Your Own Luck, 
 Mr President 
Charles Krauthammer

You Make Your Own Luck, Mr President

Krauthammer: He should stop blaming fate, and Republicans

(Newser) - President Obama likes to blame two things for the economic mess we're in, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post : bad luck and Republicans. Each is preposterous, Krauthammer adds. Yes, we've seen troubles with Japan, Europe, the Arab Spring, and on and on, but Obama is supposed to...

Syria Kills 2 Protesters After &#39;End&#39; to Military Effort
Syria Fires on Thousands of Protesters; 10 Dead

Syria Fires on Thousands of Protesters; 10 Dead

Wave of arrests follows West's calls for Assad to step down

(Newser) - Despite their president’s claim that military operations are over , Syrian security forces have shot at thousands of protesters across the country, killing at least 10 today following two deaths last night . The first attacks came hours after Barack Obama called for President Bashar Assad to step down , the AP...

Obama: Assad 'Slaughtering' His People, Must Go

US to announce new sanctions against Syria later today

(Newser) - After weeks of brutal violence that has left more than 2,000 Syrians dead, President Obama today called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign for the first time and announced new sanctions against the country, reports the AP . "We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a...

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