President Obama

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37K Followers Ditch Obama After Twitter Bomb

@BarackObama tweets handles of GOP legislators, state by state

(Newser) - President Obama's crack campaign staff, normally oh-so-tech-savvy, got a little crazy with Twitter yesterday—and @BarackObama is down about 37,000 followers as a result. The president again used his account yesterday to keep up the pressure on Congress to reach a debt ceiling deal, tweeting, "The time...

New US Fuel Standards: 54.5 MPG by 2025

Obama hails new goal with automakers

(Newser) - Announcing new fuel-efficiency standards, President Obama hailed his administration’s deal with automakers as “the single most important step we’ve ever taken as a nation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.” With mileage standards almost doubling, Americans will save some $8,000 per vehicle on fuel,...

Obama: Solution to Avoid Default Must Be Bipartisan

In latest speech, president promises to work all weekend long

(Newser) - In his latest debt limit speech, President Obama today urged Democrats and Republicans to come up with "a plan that I can sign by Tuesday"—a plan that has support in both parties. "There are plenty of ways out of this mess," he said, but any...

Democrats to Obama: Use the 14th Amendment

Leaders in the House say he shouldn't rule it out

(Newser) - Desperate times: Some high-ranking Democrats say President Obama should invoke the 14th Amendment and raise the debt ceiling on his own. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, made the pitch to the Democratic Caucus this morning, reports the Hill . By doing so, Obama would bring "needed stability to our...

Boehner Delays Vote After CBO Says Plan Falls Short

House speaker reworking debt measure to meet projections

(Newser) - John Boehner's debt ceiling plan has had a lousy day: In the latest setback, the Congressional Budget Office says it doesn't cut as much as Boehner thought—the CBO puts the figure at $850 billion over a decade, instead of the $1.2 trillion promised by the House...

White House Raises Veto Threat on Boehner Plan

But the bill won't pass Senate anyhow, says administration

(Newser) - As John Boehner’s debt bill approaches a likely vote tomorrow, the White House has issued a veto threat. The brief statement tells Congress that “the president’s senior advisors would recommend that he veto” Boehner’s plan in the event that it passes Congress. But President Obama’s...

Let's Kill the Debt Ceiling— Permanently

Why suffer from 'problems we've created for ourselves'?

(Newser) - All this talk about raising the debt ceiling when the fact is—like almost “every other democratic country”—we shouldn’t have one at all, writes James Surowiecki in the New Yorker . “There’s no debt limit in the Constitution,” and Congress already has a way...

Dear GOP, You Won, Let&#39;s End the Fight
 Dear GOP, 
 You Won, 
 Let's End 
 the Fight 
Fred Thompson

Dear GOP, You Won, Let's End the Fight

Fred Thompson: It's time to declare victory and move on

(Newser) - Republicans already have wrung impressive concessions from President Obama in the debt ceiling talks, writes former senator and one-time presidential candidate Fred Thompson. Might they get more? Possibly, but it's not the worth the risk of default to find out. "I respectfully suggest that you rake in your...

Americans Fed Up With Obama, GOP on Economy

GOP scores lower, but Obama's numbers plummeting

(Newser) - When it comes to the economy, the public is getting increasingly fed up with pretty much everyone in Washington. Roughly equal numbers blame President Obama and the Republicans for the state of the economy, according to a new Washington Post poll. And though Obama scores slightly higher than Republicans when...

Obama, Boehner an &#39;Unsettling Spectacle&#39;
 Obama, Boehner 
 an 'Unsettling Spectacle' 

Obama, Boehner an 'Unsettling Spectacle'

Speeches long on politics, short on solutions

(Newser) - President Obama and John Boehner gave dueling speeches last night, and the news was not good. Here's what the pundits are taking away from it all:
  • If people—or markets—were looking for reassurance, “they were out of luck,” observes Politico . Instead, Obama and Boehner “treated

Jon Stewart to Congress: Get the F Out

Train wreck is too 'complicated' to avoid for lame-o crew

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has a message for Congress : If you can't deal with the budget, "Get the F out." Thanks, guys, we're edging "ever closer to self-inflicted economic collapse," says the frustrated comedian. "The 112th Congress has been completely unable to muster a debt...

Obama Television Address: 'Reckless' If We Can't Cut Debt Ceiling Deal
 If We Can't 
 Cut Deal 


Obama: 'Reckless' If We Can't Cut Deal

President pleads for compromise in primetime address

(Newser) - President Obama took to the airwaves tonight, charging that the only ones standing in the way of a balanced compromise to the nation's debt crisis are those Republicans in Congress who are insisting only on spending cuts. "The American people may have voted for divided government, but they...

Obama Plans 9pm Address
 Obama Plans 
 9pm Address 

Obama Plans 9pm Address

Boehner will offer rebuttal after

(Newser) - President Obama will address the nation at 9pm tonight, in the wake of dueling debt ceiling plans offered this afternoon by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Boehner, whose proposal is coming under fire from conservatives, will give a short rebuttal afterward. All networks will carry...

Congress Has Blown By 6 Debt Limit Deadlines So Far

But today's the absolute last one—right?

(Newser) - Today is, supposedly, the absolute last day for debt limit legislation to be introduced in the House if the US wants to avoid defaulting on Aug. 2. As we wait to see if lawmakers make the deadline, Uri Friedman, writing in in the Atlantic Wire, looks at all the deadlines...

Obama Makes Push for Latino Voters

Speaks today with largest Hispanic advocacy group

(Newser) - President Obama will speak today to La Raza, the country’s top Hispanic advocacy group, as he aggressively pursues the Latino vote in 2012. He’s already been the first sitting president since JFK to visit Puerto Rico, nominated the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice, given a major speech on...

Bachmann Finally Fires Back at Pawlenty

Compares fellow Minnesotan to Obama

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty hasn’t been shy about attacking Michele Bachmann: He has called her Congressional record “nonexistent” and expressed concern over her ability to lead while suffering migraines. Now, ahead of the Ames, Iowa, straw poll, Bachmann is finally hitting back at the former governor of her state, ABC...

Debt Ceiling Showdown: Default Looms as John Boehner, Harry Reid Prepare Dueling Proposals
 All Hope Lost for Debt Deal? 

All Hope Lost for Debt Deal?

Boehner believes proposal must hit House today

(Newser) - We may very well be at zero hour: John Boehner has privately told Republicans that in order to get a debt ceiling measure signed by President Obama by the Aug. 2 deadline, it must be introduced in the House today. But despite the increasing likeliness of a US default, Politico...

John Boehner on Debt Deal: Two-Step Deal Is Only Option
 2-Step Deal 
 the Only Choice 

Boehner: 2-Step Deal the Only Choice

(Newser) - John Boehner was a late addition to Fox News Sunday today, and painted a two-step deal as the only alternative left. "It's not physically possible to do all of this in one step," Boehner told Chris Wallace, advocating a short-term fix through early next year; President Obama...

'Corrosive' Partisanship Drives DC's Gridlock

Divided government requires compromise, critic opines

(Newser) - Washington's hyper-partisan gridlock is far worse than the usual political squabbling; in fact, this political breakdown "could be as corrosive to the political system as the possible financial default looming could be to the economy," writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post . Voters have chosen divided government...

Obama- Boehner: Breakup of the Summer

President lets loose with 'primal scream' as the bromance ends

(Newser) - "No drama Obama" was nowhere in sight last night as debt ceiling talks broke down and John Boehner left the building. The president's heated half-hour presser—in which he lambasted Republicans' "seeming inability to arrive at any kind of position that compromises any of their ideological preferences"...

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