President Obama

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'Decision Time': McConnell, Reid Work on Plan B

Standard & Poor's threatens to downgrade US credit, too

(Newser) - With negotiations looking more hopeless than ever, a modified version of Mitch McConnell's backup plan is starting to get some serious traction, reports the Wall Street Journal . Conservatives originally swatted down McConnell's idea—basically giving President Obama the ability to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion...

McCain: Bachmann Reminds Me of ... Obama

Her refusal to lift the debt ceiling is misguided, he says

(Newser) - This probably hurts more than any Jon Stewart video : John McCain compares Michele Bachmann to President Obama of all people in an interview with the National Review . “There are Republicans who are committed, like Michele Bachmann, to vote against raising the debt limit under any circumstances,” he says....

Book Scuttles Obama's Health Care Story

His mother had health insurance when she died, and it paid up

(Newser) - A recent book on President Obama’s mother undermines his oft-told story that his mother spent the final years of her life battling insurance companies over her medical bills. The book, by New York Times reporter Janny Scott, reveals that Ann Dunham actually had health insurance that readily paid her...

EJ Dionne: President Obama Has the 'High Ground' in Deficit Debate; Faces Challenge from Eric Cantor
 Obama Has 
 'High Ground' 
 in Deficit Fight 

ej dionne

Obama Has 'High Ground' in Deficit Fight

But he'd better watch out for Eric Cantor

(Newser) - President Obama has “called Republicans’ bluff on the debt,” writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post . With a little help from Eric Cantor, Obama has shown that Republicans’ top goal has nothing to do with the deficit—instead, they want to maintain low taxes on corporations and the...

Obama on Debt Talks: 'I Will Not Yield'

...even though 'this may bring my presidency down'

(Newser) - We already knew last night's debt talks did not go well —but not only did President Obama leave "abruptly," he really put his foot down, Talking Points Memo reports: "I have reached the point where I say enough," he said, according to those present....

Cantor: Angry Obama Left Meeting

But a Democrat says the session was already over

(Newser) - Shhh, nobody tell Moody's . Today's debt ceiling talks at the White House may have been the testiest yet. As Eric Cantor tells it, the president "lost his temper" and "abruptly" ended the meeting by walking out of the room, reports Politico . But a Democrat offered a...

Election 2012: Obama, DNC Rake in $86M
 Obama Rakes in $86M for 2012 

Obama Rakes in $86M for 2012

Cash for his re-election bid pouring in, again riding on small donors

(Newser) - Here's a welcome bit of budget news for President Obama: He and the DNC raked in $86 million in the last three months for the 2012 election campaign, reports Politico . Of that, Obama's campaign took in $47 million, while some $38 million headed to the DNC's war...

McConnell Offers 'Backup Plan' to Avert Default

It would give Obama the power (and blame) to raise debt ceiling

(Newser) - Another day, another round of meetings and threats , and still no deal on the debt ceiling. But the big news looks to be a surprise "backup plan" from Mitch McConnell that would give President Obama unprecedented power to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion in three installments...

Obama: No 'Guarantee' of Social Security Checks

Without deficit deal, there may not be enough cash 'in the coffers'

(Newser) - If Democrats and Republicans can’t strike a deficit deal, retirees may not get their Social Security checks early next month, says President Obama. “I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the...

Obama: I Won't Sign Any 'Stop-Gap' Debt Deal

President says budget talks will continue 'every day'

(Newser) - Compromise was the theme of President Obama's press conference today, during which he acknowledged that yesterday's budget talks did not result in a deal—but promised that "we're gonna meet every single day until we get this thing resolved." He insisted that he and "...

US to Yemen's Saleh: Get Out

White House calls for 'immediate transition'

(Newser) - The White House is not-so-subtly telling Yemen's embattled president to hit the road, with top counterterror adviser John Brennan telling Ali Abdullah Saleh yesterday to “fulfill expeditiously” his pledge to step down. Brennan “called upon” Saleh “to sign the GCC-brokered agreement for peaceful and Constitutional political...

Last Night's Budget Talks Got Us Nowhere

New huddle, press conference planned today

(Newser) - With just three weeks to go until the US defaults on its debt, White House and congressional officials are planning to resume talks today after a disappointing session yesterday, reports the Washington Post . Last night's 75-minute talks went nowhere, with both sides digging in to their positions and adjourning...

McConnell: Big Deficit Deal Is Dead

Top Republican blames White House insistence on tax hikes

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is jumping right on John Boehner's pronouncement last night that a broad deal on the deficit is impossible, reports Politico. Appearing on Fox News Sunday this morning, the Senate's top Republican said the White House's insistence that a $4 trillion deal be accompanied by tax...

Boehner to Seek Smaller $2T Deal

Deal reached impasse over issue of tax increases

(Newser) - John Boehner has informed Barack Obama that he wants to pursue a smaller $2 trillion deficit reduction deal, not the larger effort sought by the White House. In a statement issued after that conversation, Boehner said the issue of taxes ultimately killed efforts to reduce the deficit by as much...

Paul Krugman: President Obama Seems to Have Accepted Republicans' Economic Fixes

 Obama Now 
 Talking Like 
 a Republican 
Paul Krugman

Obama Now Talking Like a Republican

Paul Krugman: It's getting harder to trust him on the economy

(Newser) - The way President Obama is talking lately, it sounds an awful lot like he's accepted the "economic fallacies" of Republicans, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . He seems more concerned about cutting the deficit and slashing spending than creating jobs. It's possible this is part...

House Speaker John Boehner: No Budget Deal 'Imminent'
Boehner: No Budget
Deal 'Imminent'

Boehner: No Budget Deal 'Imminent'

But one must be struck before Aug. 2, says speaker

(Newser) - President Obama may be upbeat in public about the latest budget talks, but John Boehner? Not so much. No budget deal is “imminent,” the House speaker said today, and the parties still face "serious disagreements." Boehner sounded a bit more optimistic only yesterday, telling House...

Obama on Jobs: 'We've Still Got a Long Way to Go'

President urges Congress to act on several initiatives to juice economy

(Newser) - President Obama didn't try to put a pretty face on today's bleak unemployment figures : The numbers confirm "what most Americans already know," he said: "We still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do." He urged Congress to pass...

Liberals Are Steamed —and It Matters

Progressives in Congress could scotch debt deal: Nate Silver

(Newser) - We won't know for a while what, if any, deal will emerge on the debt ceiling. Or what, if anything, that might mean for Social Security and other entitlement programs. But this much is clear: Liberals are livid that President Obama even raised the possibility of touching them, reports...

Budget Meeting 'Very Constructive': Obama

Everybody meets again on Sunday

(Newser) - President Obama called the latest budget meeting “very constructive,” as both parties “came here in a spirit of compromise.” In a post-meeting press conference, Obama noted that while he and GOP leaders are “still far apart on a wide range of issues,” work would...

Obama's Dad Told Feds Baby Would Be Adopted Out

His father told immigrations officials he'd be given up at birth

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s father once told immigration officials that he and Ann Dunham were planning to give their then-unborn child up for adoption, writes Sally Jacobs for the Boston Globe . The elder Obama had been under scrutiny from federal immigration officials, who feared that he had another wife in Kenya....

Stories 2201 - 2220 | << Prev   Next >>