President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Maureen Dowd: Barack Obama, Come Out of the Closet
 Come Out 
 of the Closet 


Barry, Come Out of the Closet

It's time to stop playing both sides on every issue

(Newser) - While Andrew Cuomo was leading the charge on gay marriage, Barack Obama was sitting on his hands and "evolving," complains Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, which, "as any girl will tell you, is the first sign of a commitment-phobe." He trumpeted gay rights at...

Obama Steps Into Budget Talks

President will meet with key lawmakers next week

(Newser) - Step aside, Joe. A day after congressional Republicans called off debt-reduction talks with Vice President Joe Biden, the White House announced President Obama will meet directly with key lawmakers next week, reports the Washington Post . Obama will meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on...

Obama Wins One, Loses One in House Over Libya

Symbolic measure to cut off funds fails

(Newser) - House Republicans wanted to deliver a one-two rebuke to President Obama today over Libya, but they'll have to settle for half that:
  • Good news for Obama: A GOP-led measure to cut off funds for the military operation failed 238-180. It was a surprise victory for the administration, notes the

France Backs Obama's Afghan Drawdown, Plans Its Own

Sarkozy has 4,000 troops there

(Newser) - A mere 12 hours after President Obama spoke on his Afghanistan drawdown, France offered its support for the plan. It will also begin a pullout of its 4,000 troops next month, “in a proportional manner and in a timeframe similar to the pullback of the American reinforcements,”...

Obama: Gay Couples Deserve Same Rights as All

But he doesn't endorse same-sex marriage at LGBT event

(Newser) - President Obama told a gala LGBT fundraiser in New York last night that he believes "gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country" but he stopped short of calling for legalization of gay marriage, despite hecklers' demands. The president has described his position...

Once Burned, Afghans Fear Repeat of 1989

Troop withdrawal could lead to instability, some fear

(Newser) - Political leaders in Afghanistan are concerned that President Obama's decision to start withdrawing US forces could lead to a repeat of the US withdrawal in 1989, when Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence was allowed to gain major influence. "We don't want to go back 20 years when [ISI...

Speech Was Obama&#39;s &#39;Mission Accomplished&#39;
 Speech Was Obama's 
 'Mission Accomplished' 
Dana Milbank

Speech Was Obama's 'Mission Accomplished'

All he needed was a flight suit

(Newser) - He may not have unfurled a banner or donned a flight suit, “but make no mistake: President Obama gave his own version of a ‘mission accomplished’ speech last night,” writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Last night the president declared—“perhaps prematurely”—that the...

GOP Hopefuls React to Obama War Speech

Pawlenty, Romney hawkish as Huntsman calls for faster withdrawal

(Newser) - The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan could become a major bone of contention among the GOP's 2012 hopefuls, judging by their differing responses to President Obama's speech outlining the US drawdown.
  • Tim Pawlenty took the most hawkish position, calling the decision to bring all the surge forces

Obama: 'Time to Focus on Nation-Building' at Home

33K 'surge' troops will be home by next summer

(Newser) - President Obama outlined his Afghanistan strategy in a prime-time address tonight, with no late surprises on the numbers: As expected , the US will bring home 10,000 troops by the end of 2011 and rest of the "surge" force (about 23,000 troops) by the end of next summer,...

Obama to Bring Home 30K Troops by End of 2012
Obama to Bring Home 30K Troops by Fall of 2012
speech preview

Obama to Bring Home 30K Troops by Fall of 2012

That's faster than the military would like in Afghanistan

(Newser) - A few hours ahead of President Obama's prime-time address on Afghanistan, administration officials are leaking some main points to the AP , Washington Post , and the New York Times :
  • Obama will bring home 10,000 troops this year and another 20,000 or so by the end of next summer.

Libya Fight Is War on Dictionary

 Libya Fight 
 Is War on 

Libya Fight Is War on Dictionary

Apparently it's not 'war' if Americans aren't killed: Jonathan Schell

(Newser) - The Obama administration says the Libya conflict isn’t war because it doesn’t “involve the presence of US ground troops, US casualties, or a serious threat thereof.” So “war is only war, it seems, when Americans are dying,” writes Jonathan Schell in the Los Angeles ...

Obama to Pull 10K Troops From Afghanistan

Officials say that's the number he's settled on for 2011

(Newser) - President Obama will outline his plans for starting to get American troops out of Afghanistan in a speech to the nation tomorrow night, and officials tell the Los Angeles Times that the magic number for 2011 will be 10,000. That's more than what many were hoping to hear:...

GOP's Obama Impersonator Stunned by Backlash

Audience loved his performance, says Reggie Brown

(Newser) - The comedian hired to impersonate President Obama at the Republican Leadership Conference says he's surprised by the stinging backlash to his over-the-top performance . “I don’t think I crossed any sort of lines," with his racially tinged jokes, Reggie Brown tells the Washington Post , claiming he would...

Bill Clinton's 14 Ways to Create Jobs

Clinton prepares for Global Initiative meeting—on fixing America

(Newser) - If unemployment seems like an insurmountable problem, never fear: Bill Clinton is here, and he has solutions—14 of them, which he’ll bring next week to the first US-focused meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative. Among the highlights of his jobs blueprint, as shared with Newsweek :
  • Make it easier

Obama on Gay Marriage: 'Evolving,' Warming

President may be considering an endorsement of the issue

(Newser) - Barack Obama was in favor of gay marriage before Senator Obama was against it, and now President Obama is again considering the issue, having said publicly that his views are "evolving." Obama will headline a pair of events for the gay community in coming weeks, and as he...

First Lady’s Africa Trip Re-Ignites Criticism

Africa advocates say White House overlooks troubled continent

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's trip to southern Africa this week is giving new life to criticism that the Obama administration is overlooking the troubled continent, reports the Washington Post . The president has been to sub-Saharan Africa only once since taking office— a 24-hour trip to Ghana in 2009 —and critics...

GOP Yanks Crass Obama Impersonator
GOP Yanks Crass
Obama Impersonator

GOP Yanks Crass Obama Impersonator

Comedian told racial, gay jokes before organizers removed him

(Newser) - A President Obama impersonator at a Republican gathering in New Orleans yesterday was pulled off the stage after making a series of off-color racial and gay jokes, reports the Washington Post . The comedian, Reggie Brown, came out to the music of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA,"...

Obama, Boehner Tee Off in Golf Summit

They hit the links with Joe Biden, John Kasich

(Newser) - Who knows what they'll talk about in the cart— foreign policy , maybe?—but President Obama and John Boehner have begun a round of golf together at Andrews Air Force Base, reports Politico . They're joined by Joe Biden and Ohio's Republican governor, John Kasich, notes AP . "Did...

Obama's 'Second Job': Coach on Sasha's Team

President stresses importance of being a dad in radio address

(Newser) - Is there a responsibility as demanding or important as being commander-in-chief of the United States? President Obama thinks so, and it's called being a dad. On his pre-Father's Day radio address today, the president reflected on his own father's absence and discussed some of the ways he'...

Obama Overruled Top Lawyers on Libya

Office of Legal Counsel says he needs congressional approval

(Newser) - John Boehner isn't the only one who thinks President Obama is overstepping his legal authority in Libya. The president overruled some of the administration's top lawyers when he decided to continue participating in the air war without congressional approval, reports Charlie Savage in the New York Times...

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