President Obama

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Trump Bites Back at Obama Zingers

That's what happens when you're leading the polls, he claims

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, Donald Trump has something to say about President Obama’s jokes at his expense at last night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner. “I really understood what I was getting into,” Trump said in a phone call to Fox and Friends, but “I didn't know...

White House Correspondents' Dinner: Obama Bashes Donald Trump
 Obama Zings Trump 

Obama Zings Trump

President doesn't shy away from would-be birther candidate

(Newser) - Don't go to Vegas with Donald Trump these days: The would-be presidential candidate was betting last night that "I wouldn't think [Obama] would address me" in his speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. No such luck, reports Politico:
  • Trump's "taken some flak lately but

US Needs a Leader in Front, Not &lsquo;Behind&rsquo;
US Needs a Leader in Front, Not ‘Behind’
William Kristol

US Needs a Leader in Front, Not ‘Behind’

William Kristol: Obama's strategy is one of ‘appeasement and decline'

(Newser) - The "leading from behind" theme looks to be emerging as a conservative line of attack against President Obama. The phrase comes from an Obama adviser describing the Libya strategy in a New Yorker piece on foreign policy by Ryan Lizza. (Read it here .) The gist is that Obama...

Romney Stumbles Over 'Hang Him' Metaphor

He quickly walks back comments on President Obama

(Newser) - Mitt Romney tried to play up his recurring theme of an Obama "misery index" at a GOP forum last night, but he's drawing attention instead for his choice of words that he immediately walked back. Noting that Ronald Reagan spoke of a similar index and "hung that...

Obamas Meet Privately With Gabrielle Giffords

President and first lady spend about 10 minutes with her

(Newser) - President Obama and the first lady didn't get to see a shuttle launch today , but they did get to meet the day's star spectator. The Obamas met privately for about 10 minutes with Gabrielle Giffords, reports CBS News . The White House didn't provide any details. It's...

South Begins to Dig Out of Tornadoes’ Devastation

FEMA, National Guard, church groups organize for victims

(Newser) - In the wake of the deadliest American storms in nearly four decades, hard-hit states in the South are beginning to sift through the ruins as federal and state authorities prepare a giant cleanup effort. Some devastated areas are hardly recognizable, with homes and churches decimated, cars sent flying, and trees...

Ralph Nader: Obama Will Win in 2012
Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s
a Shoo-In

Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s a Shoo-In

But liberal firebrand is trying to drum up a primary challenger

(Newser) - Ralph Nader isn’t holding his breath waiting for President Obama to go down in flames Jimmy Carter-style. “The stars are aligned” for Obama’s reelection, Nader writes in a Bloomberg op-ed. Here’s why:
  • The Republican primary field is littered with hardcore ideologues. “Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich,

Proud Family Learns Dad Delivered President

Obama birth certificate surprises kin of Honolulu Dr. David Sinclair

(Newser) - The long-form birth certificate President Obama released yesterday was short on surprising information—except for the family of Dr. David Sinclair. Relatives of the late Honolulu obstetrician say they were "blown away" and "honored" to learn that Sinclair was the doc who delivered the future president in 1961,...

The Day America Lost Its Mind

 The Day 
 Lost Its 

The Day America Lost Its Mind

And it's all caused by 'puffed up bullfrog' Donald Trump: Independent

(Newser) - The British newspaper the Independent for one is shocked, shocked that President Obama finally succumbed to birther mania and released his long-form birth certificate to shut up the fringe ( a strategy already failing ). "Has there ever been a more absurdly surreal moment, even in US politics, that...

Oprah to Obama: What Took You So Long?

Winfrey addresses birth certificate issue in interview

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey sat down with the Obamas a few hours after the president released his long-form birth certificate and she wondered: Why did the president wait so long? "When it first came up, were you thinking, 'I hope I was born here?'" she asked. In response, Obama...

Move Over Birthers, Here Come the ‘Schoolers’

New focus will be on college records: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - The White House release of President Obama's birth certificate won't satisfy all the birthers, with charges of the document being a Photoshopped forgery already surfacing, notes Alex Pareene at Salon . Other diehards will accept it but develop new lines of attack, arguing that Obama is disqualified by his...

Gas Prices Drain Obama Approval Rating: Poll

Just 39% of hard-hit drivers approve of president's job performance

(Newser) - Gas prices are hurting Americans—and they’re hurting President Obama’s poll numbers, too, a Washington Post/ABC News survey finds. Some 60% of respondents said they are reducing their driving thanks to the prices, while 70% said the prices were causing money woes, the Post reports. Of those who...

Fox News Anchor Confirms: Obama Is US Citizen

Shep Smith: Hawaii's birth certificate proves it, ‘period’

(Newser) - CNN isn't the only cable channel crashing the birthers' party . Add none other than Fox News, or at least anchor Shep Smith. After denouncing Franklin Graham's questioning of the president's birth certificate credentials, Smith declared: “Fox News can confirm the president of the United States is...

Trump: Obama Wasn't Qualified for Ivy League

President was terrible student, Trump claims

(Newser) - Move over birthers, here come the "graders." President Obama was a "terrible" student who didn't deserve to get into the Ivy League universities he attended, Donald Trump suggests in an interview with AP . "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad...

House Progressives Release Their Own Budget

Ends Bush tax cuts, adds public health care option

(Newser) - As the budget debate continues, the House Progressive Caucus has released a plan of its own—and it's all about taxes. Their proposal would end the Bush tax cuts, add new tax brackets for millionaires, and raise corporate taxes. It would also add a public option to health care...

Supreme Court: We Won't Fast-Track ObamaCare Suit

Matter will move through appeals courts

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has denied Virginia’s request to fast-track the state’s case against the health care law, MSNBC reports. Virginia’s attorney general had sought to take the case—which calls the law’s requirement that almost all Americans purchase health care unconstitutional—straight to the high court,...

The Big Question: Should 10K US Troops Stay in Iraq?

Iraqi officials worry longer US presence could spur sectarian violence

(Newser) - The US and Iraq have been discussing the possibility of leaving 10,000 US troops in Iraq after the planned withdrawal date, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . But Iraqi leaders worry that the move could strain sectarian relations and prompt protests echoing others in the Arab world. US leaders,...

Birther Bills Pop Up in More Than a Dozen States

Debate could take center stage during election

(Newser) - Forget the evidence ; ignore the Supreme Court and Michele Bachmann . With some 45% of Republicans believing Barack Obama is foreign-born, more than 12 state legislatures have seen bills requiring candidates to prove citizenship, reports the New York Times . And Oklahoma is poised to make its measure law, calling for even...

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High
American Pessimism
Hits 2-Year High
poll numbers

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High

70% feel country headed down wrong path

(Newser) - It's springtime—and despair is in the air, according to the latest New York Times /CBS poll. Americans are more pessimistic about the economy and the direction the nation is headed than at any time since the start of the Obama administration, when the country was deep in recession,...

Obama: No 'Silver Bullet' on Gas Prices

He announces task force to investigate fraud by speculators

(Newser) - As President Obama continues his short trek on the West Coast, one issue continues to gain traction, reports Politico —those ever-rising gas prices. Today in Reno, the president announced that a new Justice Department task force will investigate whether speculators are manipulating gas and oil prices, notes the Christian ...

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