President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

 OK, Obama: 
 This Is Your 
 'Moment of 
Brooks, Maddow

OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

Paul Ryan's budget plan raises big questions: David Brooks, Rachel Maddow

(Newser) - However you feel about Paul Ryan's controversial budget plan to drastically cut government spending and redefine Medicare and Medicaid, it's clear this is not your usual dry debate about numbers:
  • David Brooks, New York Times : Brooks praises Ryan's political courage and says he's stepping to the "vacuum created by

Obama 2012: From 'Yes We Can' to 'Whatever'

Maybe it has something to do with his failure to deliver on campaign promises?

(Newser) - President Obama is officially running for reelection , but somehow his campaign slogan has gone from "Yes We Can" to "You Know, Whatever," Jon Stewart complained last night on the Daily Show . Obama's first campaign video features supporters with a disturbing lack of enthusiasm, saying (and Stewart is,...

Lawmakers Busy Sniping as Budget Talks Stall

Obama calls White House meeting as deadline looms

(Newser) - The federal government is careening rapidly toward a shutdown, so Democrats and Republicans alike are scrambling to ... lob political grenades at each other. Still. A roundup of the latest:
  • President Obama today invited John Boehner, Harry Reid, and other top lawmakers to the White House tomorrow morning to "urge

Why Obama Gets No Credit for Success

His presidency's been about 'preventing disaster,' writes Michael Grunwald

(Newser) - President Obama “prevented an atrocity” in Libya, but no one’s giving him credit. Why? “Because he prevented an atrocity,” writes Michael Grunwald in Time . It’s called the “counterfactual problem:” “It's hard to get credit for avoiding a disaster when it's impossible to...

Rove Group Unveils GOP Version of WikiLeaks

Wikicountability will spotlight White House transparency

(Newser) - Inspired by WikiLeaks, a Karl Rove-linked conservative group has started its own online home for government dirt: . The site, which aims to gather Obama administration documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, allows its creators to “crowd-source both the information and analysis of the information,”...

It's Official: Obama Launches 2012 Bid

Interviews supporters around the country in web video

(Newser) - President Obama has announced his reelection bid via web video—though he doesn’t say a word in it. Instead, it's a montage of supporters explaining why they’ll back the president in 2012. “We’re not leaving it up to chance,” or assuming he’ll win because...

Obama's 5-Ton Limo Exempt From Green Car Policy

No hybrid engine could haul that puppy

(Newser) - President Obama this week rolled out some ambitious goals toward making the federal government's fleet of cars more fuel-efficient, but his critics are likely to have fun with one thing in particular: His big limo is exempt. (Drudge has been highlighting the exemption with an upside photo of the president....

Obama to Launch 2012 Campaign: Could Be First $1B Run

President expected to file formal papers on Monday

(Newser) - President Obama will make it official next week, reports Lynn Sweet at the Chicago Sun-Times : He's running for re-election. The president is expected to file his papers with the Federal Election Commission as early as Monday to be a 2012 candidate, a move that will allow his camp to start...

David Brooks: President Barack Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Strategy

 Obama in Libya: 
 Wrong Words, 
 Right Moves 

david brooks

Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Moves

US pushes loyalists to defect, hopes for regime change: David Brooks

(Newser) - There’s a big gap between what the US is doing in Libya and how the administration is describing it—and while the White House’s explanation is "maddeningly ambiguous," the actual operation is right on, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Regime change is the...

Obama's Libya Blundering Could Wreck His Presidency
Obama's Libya Blundering Could Wreck His Presidency
andrew sullivan

Obama's Libya Blundering Could Wreck His Presidency

Andrew Sullivan: He's getting the US tangled up in a 'dumb war'

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan delivers a withering critique of President Obama on the news that CIA agents are on the ground covertly helping anti-Gadhafi rebels. It means the president has been "at best vague" and "at worst deceptive" in his public pronouncements, Sullivan writes at his Daily Dish blog at...

What the CIA Is Doing in Libya
 What the CIA Is Doing in Libya 

What the CIA Is Doing in Libya

Obama secretly authorized spies to arm rebels

(Newser) - CIA and British MI6 agents are on the ground in Libya , working covertly to help the rebels defeat Moammar Gadhafi’s forces—and they've been there for weeks, reports the New York Times . Spies from both countries have been scouting the locations of military targets like munitions depots for coalition...

Obama Gets Transparency Award ... in Secret Ceremony

Award is for openness, but meeting was definitely closed

(Newser) - Politico already seemed a little peeved that President Obama was to be presented with a “transparency” award (considering, as the site pointed out in a March 16 story , “his administration acted on fewer requests for information last year even as it was asked for more”), but...

Obama Jokes About Nobel Peace Prize

Energy secretary 'actually deserved' his prize, president quips

(Newser) - President Obama made light of his increasingly controversial Nobel Peace Prize during a speech on energy. He praised the efforts of Energy Secretary Steven Chu before quipping: "Chu’s the right guy to do this, he’s got a Nobel prize in physics—he actually deserved his Nobel prize,...

Obama OKs Support for Libya Rebels: Report

 CIA Agents Helping  
 Libyan Rebels 

CIA Agents Helping Libyan Rebels

Meanwhile, Britain Says Libya Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa Defected

(Newser) - CIA operatives are on the ground in Libya helping anti-Gadhafi rebels, reports the New York Times . They're apparently not in combat mode—instead they're collecting intelligence on military movements to guide airstrikes and setting up communication with the rebels. British agents are doing the same. The report lends credence to...

President Obama Energy Speech: Bloggers and Left and Right Say It's a Lousy Plan
Obama's Energy Speech: Smart Politics, Lousy Plan
OPINION roundup

Obama's Energy Speech: Smart Politics, Lousy Plan

Early reaction finds little to get excited about

(Newser) - President Obama laid out his energy plan for America, with the headline-grabbing line that he intends to cut oil imports by a third in about a decade. Read the full text here . A quick survey of bloggers of all stripes finds them underwhelmed, in part because they don't see much...

Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low for Obama

In wake of Libya intervention, just 42% like job he's doing

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are in the doghouse again. Just 42% of the public approves of the job Obama’s doing, compared to 48% who disapprove, an all-time low for the president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll found that Americans were less likely than...

US Finds Hints of al-Qaeda Among Libyan Rebels

But general stresses it's not the people in charge

(Newser) - US intelligence indicates “flickers” of evidence that there are fighters among the Libyan rebels with ties to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, but neither group holds significant sway over the movement, Admiral James Stavridis told Congress today. “The intelligence that I'm receiving at this point makes me feel that the...

Stewart Slams Obama's Libya Speech

What was up with the anger—and unanswered questions?

(Newser) - “Ten days after we started bombing Libya, President Obama took to the podium to convince Americans that we should … bomb Libya. Starting 10 days ago,” noted Jon Stewart last night. The speech may have been basically well-received , but not by Stewart: First of all, the president seemed...

Obama: Cut Imported Oil by 1/3 by 2020

President wants to boost domestic production, biofuels

(Newser) - President Obama will put energy policy in the crosshairs today, calling for the United States to cut the 9.7 million barrels it imports each day by a third by 2020. But even given the precarious energy situations in the Middle East and Japan, notes the Washington Post, the president...

Obama's Libya Speech Short on Specifics, Still 'Strong'

Reactions are mixed, but most agree he did a good job

(Newser) - Last night, President Obama delivered the Libya speech that some have long been calling for. How did the world take it? A sampling of reactions:
  • Jim Geraghty wasn't impressed with the way Obama's "pretty-sounding phrases" were strung together "without really getting at the questions most skeptical Americans have:

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