President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama's Pick to Win the NCAA Tourney Is ...

... Kansas, with the Jayhawks beating Ohio State in the final game

(Newser) - President Obama isn't exactly going out on a limb with his Final Four picks: He's got the top seeds of Kansas, Duke, Ohio State, and Pitt advancing, reports ESPN . He thinks Kansas ("more firepower") will be the ultimate champ by beating Ohio State in the final game. Obama...

US Drones Quietly Spy on Mexico Drug Lords

Flights kept hush-hush because they're probably illegal

(Newser) - The Obama administration has begun sending high-altitude spy drones deep into Mexican territory to keep an eye on the movements of drug traffickers, the New York Times reports. The information is intended to be shared with Mexican law enforcement, and Felipe Calderón formally agreed to the flights in his...

NRA Refuses White House Meeting on Gun Rules

Democrats are out to kill Second Amendment, says group

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to bring together both sides in the debate over gun control for a series of meetings, but the NRA sees it as a waste of time. “Why should I or the NRA go sit down with a group of people that have spent a...

President Barack Obama on Gun Control: It's Time for the American People to Find Common Ground
 It's Time to 
 Come Together 
 on Gun Control 
Barack Obama

It's Time to Come Together on Gun Control

Obama has faith the American people can find common ground

(Newser) - In the months since the Tucson shootings, 2,405 people have been shot dead , a fact President Obama laments in the Arizona Daily Star . How, he writes, was “a man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a...

Obama Gridiron Dinner: President Yuks It Up, Mitch Daniels Parries
 Obama Yuks It Up at Gridiron 

Obama Yuks It Up at Gridiron

And Mitch Daniels has some fun with the president

(Newser) - The Boss' hit "Born in the USA" greeted President Obama as he took the stage for the first Gridiron Dinner of his presidency, and the jokes went on from there, reports Politico . A rundown of the highlights (or lowlights) of the posh annual media dinner:
  • On Haley Barbour's heft:

New Hampshire Weighs 'Birther Bill'

 NH Weighs 'Birther Bill' 

NH Weighs 'Birther Bill'

Nothing to do with Obama, lawmakers insist

(Newser) - Ineligible candidates aiming to sneak into the White House won't make it past the New Hampshire primary under a proposal being considered by the state House. The chairman of the state's election law committee, a Republican, says a bill is being considered that would require presidential hopefuls to provide a...

Huckabee: I Didn't Even Bring Up Natalie Portman

And as for Kenya comment, 'I made a mistake, I corrected it'

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee has more to say on both of his recent headline-making statements: That Barack Obama grew up in Kenya , and that Natalie Portman is setting a bad example with her out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Mediaite reports Huckabee’s comments from Sirius Radio’s POTUS channel:
  • On Kenya: “The reaction ranged

Mitt Romney: Today's Job Fairs Are Like the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression
 Obama Has  
 His Very Own 
mitt romney

Obama Has His Very Own 'Hoovervilles'

Mitt Romney: Today's job fairs call to mind Depression-era misery

(Newser) - Mitt Romney welcomes Obama to Boston today with an op-ed in the Herald that blames the president's economic policies for bringing back scenes reminiscent of the Great Depression. Romney rehashes what he's been calling the Obama Misery Index : Unlike Jimmy Carter's misery index of the '70s, which combined unemployment and...

Meet America's Hottest Politician: Chris Christie

NJ governor tops poll; isn't running for president

(Newser) - Chris Christie isn't just hot stuff in his own mind: The New Jersey governor is the hottest politician in America right now, besting even the current occupant of the Oval Office by 57 points to 56.5 in Quinnipiac's latest poll. But while that's great for Christie, that's not so...

Obama Restarts Guantanamo Trials

Administration ends 2-year military prosecution freeze

(Newser) - President Obama today reversed a two-year freeze on military prosecutions against Guantanamo Bay detainees, the AP reports. In an executive order, the president restarted the process of trying the high-risk detainees—the latest acknowledgment of the political difficulties of fulfilling his campaign promise to close the Cuban detention facility. Defense...

Obamas Hop Into Beer Brewing
 Obamas Hop 
 Into Beer 


Obamas Hop Into Beer Brewing

They may even grow hops in White House garden

(Newser) - The Obamas turned heads in the beer world when word broke that they’d served something called White House Honey Ale at their White House Super Bowl party. It turns out that ale was indeed brewed by White House chefs, using homebrewing equipment the Obamas bought out of their own...

White House Offers Another $6.5B in Cuts

Officials: We're meeting GOP 'halfway' with budget proposal

(Newser) - The White House has proposed another $6.5 billion in spending cuts, its latest offer in an effort to avoid a government shutdown as another deadline looms. Vice President Biden brought the proposal to talks with congressional leaders yesterday. While it’s far less than the House’s proposed $61...

Boehner: We Will Cut Social Security, Medicare

'Most Americans don't have a clue' about the problem, says Speaker

(Newser) - John Boehner wants cuts to Social Security and Medicare in next year's fiscal budget, even if voters may not like it, he tells the Wall Street Journal in an interview. “Most Americans don't have a clue” about “how big the problem is,” and it’s time for...

Libya Rebel: 'There Are Spies Everywhere'

Tripoli braces for another potential clash

(Newser) - Gadhafi loyalists have set up checkpoints in Tripoli ahead of protests planned for today—the opposition has called for protesters to march out of mosques after noon prayers—and many fear more bloodshed. Several hours before prayers, streets were eerily empty, with few residents out. But security forces, who opened...

Obama Sending Planes to Evacuate Libya Refugees

Obama reiterates that Gadhafi must step down

(Newser) - President Obama kept up the pressure on Moammar Gadhafi during his press conference with visiting Mexican President Felipe Calderon, reports CBS and the New York Times . Highlights:
  • “The US and the entire world continues to be outraged by the appalling violence against the Libyan people. Moammar Gadhafi has lost

Face It, This Is the Biden Administration
Face It, This
Is the Biden Administration

Face It, This Is the Biden Administration

Busy veep takes lead on everything; what's Obama doing?

(Newser) - President Obama has tapped Joe Biden to try to sort out the budget mess on Capitol Hill, hoping he can work the same magic he worked in passing December’s tax cut deal, and the 2009 stimulus, the Washington Post reports. Which makes Andrew Malcolm of the LA Times wonder:...

Mike Huckabee Is Lying

 Is Lying 

Mike Huckabee Is Lying

Joe Klein: His backtracking on Obama comment makes no sense

(Newser) - First, Mike Huckabee says Barack Obama grew up in Kenya and may have been influenced by the Mau Mau revolution there. Then he backtracks and says he meant Indonesia, which doesn't make a lot of sense because the Mau Mau revolution was, in fact, in Kenya. Not buying it, writes...

In Lieu of Flowers, Give to Beat Obama in '12

Recent obituaries want to unseat president from beyond grave

(Newser) - The dead people are mad as hell, and some of them aren't going to take it anymore: A recent obituary trend involves asking for donations in lieu of flowers ... specifically, donations to anyone running against President Obama in 2012. Salon , tipped off by a tweet from The Fix , found at...

Senate Passes Spending Bill, Avoids Shutdown

Temporary measure cuts $4 billion, will last 2 weeks

(Newser) - Congress is sending President Obama a Republican-drafted bill to trim $4 billion from the budget to keep the government running for two more weeks. The Senate cleared the measure by an overwhelming 91-9 vote that gives the GOP an early but modest victory in its drive to rein in government....

Huckabee: Obama Grew Up in Kenya

Former governor misspoke, says rep

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee hasn't joined the birthers but he seems a bit mixed up about the details of President Obama's life. The possible GOP presidential contender told a radio host earlier this week that Obama, "having grown up in Kenya," might view the British as imperialists. Huckabee later said...

Stories 2461 - 2480 | << Prev   Next >>