President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Our Most Urgent Free Speech Issue: Net Neutrality
Our Most Urgent Free Speech Issue: Net Neutrality
al franken

Our Most Urgent Free Speech Issue: Net Neutrality

FCC's draft regulations 'worse than nothing'

(Newser) - Tomorrow, the FCC will discuss regulations on net neutrality—the principle that the biggest corporation and the humblest blogger should have equal access to viewers on the Internet. The FCC could protect this freedom, but its draft regulations “don't do that at all,” writes Sen. Al Franken on...

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts
Biden: We Did Go
to Mat on Tax Cuts

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts

Meanwhile, back at the New START treaty, time grows short

(Newser) - President Obama's tax-cut compromise took more than a few kicks in the teeth from the left, but Joe Biden has had enough: "We did go to the mat. A total of 130 races, I made this case. We got to the end, we couldn’t get it done, and...

Obama's 'Long Game' Pays Off on DADT
Obama's 'Long Game'
Pays Off on DADT
andrew sullivan

Obama's 'Long Game' Pays Off on DADT

Andrew Sullivan: This long process was necessary—and wise

(Newser) - President Obama exasperated gay activists for what seemed like plodding progress on his promise to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. But that slow pace turned out to be necessary to get it done right— through Congress , not by presidential fiat or through the courts, writes Andrew Sullivan at his Daily...

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'
Politifact Names
'Lie of the Year'

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'

Health care reform no 'government takeover'

(Newser) - This year’s biggest political lie is the phrase “a government takeover of health care,” holds the nonpartisan fact-checking group Politifact . The term "government takeover" was suggested by a GOP strategist, who called on Republican leaders to use it to refer to health care reform—and use...

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill
President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill
it's official

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill

He praises $858B tax cut deal

(Newser) - The Bush tax cuts live on. President Barack Obama signed the $858 billion tax bill today, praising the new law as a "substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." Before signing the bill, the president reiterated that "there are some elements of this legislation that I...

Forget Clinton, Obama's the Real Comeback Kid
Forget Clinton, Obama's
the Real Comeback Kid
charles krauthammer

Forget Clinton, Obama's the Real Comeback Kid

Charles Krauthammer: His tax deal makes it likely he'll be re-elected

(Newser) - You think Bill Clinton is the master of political comebacks? It took President Obama all of five weeks to go from political corpse to likely two-term president, writes Charles Krauthammer. It's all thanks to his "stunning" tax deal (Krauthammer marveled at it last week, too ) and his return...

House Passes Sweeping Tax Bill
House Passes
Sweeping Tax Bill
tax cut deal

House Passes Sweeping Tax Bill

Tax cut package sent to Obama's desk

(Newser) - The House of Representatives, acting with uncommon speed, has given final approval to a bipartisan bill that will avoid a scheduled rise in income taxes for millions on the first of January. The vote was 277-148 late last night on the legislation, which is the result of a compromise between...

Larry King Signs Off for Last Time
Larry King Signs Off
for Last Time

Larry King Signs Off for Last Time

Star-studded finale ends emotionally

(Newser) - Larry King signed off for the last time last night, getting emotional as he reflected on his show's 25-year run. “It’s not very often in my life I’ve been without words,” he said. Two presidents, Barbara Walters, Donald Trump, Dr. Phil, and Ryan Seacrest all appeared...

'Iconic' King Leaves Throne: Final Show Tonight
'Iconic' King Leaves Throne:
Final Show Tonight

'Iconic' King Leaves Throne: Final Show Tonight

Critics bid farewell to softballs, suspenders

(Newser) - Tonight is Larry King’s final show on CNN—Bill Maher and Ryan Seacrest will be in the studio with him, and word has it he’ll be receiving a taped sendoff from President Obama and chat with more than a dozen other mystery guests via satellite. Some 50,000...

Troops on Course to Leave Afghanistan in July: Report

White House cites 'fragile' gains in region

(Newser) - The US is “setting conditions” to begin an Afghanistan troop withdrawal in July as planned, says a White House report. While President Obama’s strategy in the region is “showing progress,” the document says, “the challenge remains to make our gains durable and sustainable,” the...

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012
Obama Would Beat
Palin, Romney in 2012

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012

Survey finds little change in president's numbers

(Newser) - Things may be tough for President Obama at the moment, but don’t rule him out: he’s poised to win in 2012, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. Though his approval rating is at its lowest, he would still beat Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney—and three-quarters of...

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19
Senate Passes
Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Heads for tougher fight in the House

(Newser) - President Obama's compromise tax deal with Republicans—a package of cuts that would add nearly a trillion dollars to the US debt—won approval in the Senate today in a 81-19 vote. The measure still faces stiff opposition in the House where Democrats see it as overgenerous to the wealthy....

Tax Deal Cutting Into Obama's Hawaiian Getaway

As Congress heads toward overtime, the president may be stuck in DC

(Newser) - Someone break the news to Sasha and Malia: They may have to body surf the Hawaiian waves without dad this year. With Congress’ lame duck session likely headed into overtime, President Obama has resolved to stay in Washington to sign anything it passes, meaning he may not find himself en...

Obama's Next 'Cave-In': Social Security
Obama's Next 'Cave-In':
Social Security

Obama's Next 'Cave-In': Social Security

Deficit commission, tax cut deal set course for disaster

(Newser) - President Obama already caved on tax cuts, and next up is Social Security, writes Robert Kuttner on the Huffington Post . The tax cut deal will increase the deficit by some $900 billion—offering more leverage to deficit hawks and “adding to the artificial hysteria that Social Security is going...

Obama Signs Nutrition Bill Into Law
Obama Signs
Nutrition Bill Into Law

Obama Signs Nutrition Bill Into Law

Law imposes nutritional requirements, expands school lunches

(Newser) - Thousands more children would eat at school and all school food would become more nutritious under a bill President Obama signed into law today, part of an administration-wide effort to combat childhood obesity. "At a very basic level, this act is about doing what's right for our children,"...

Democrats: Fine, We'll Pass Your Crummy Tax Deal

Bill to see vote this week, says House majority leader

(Newser) - Democrats haven't stopped complaining about President Obama’s tax cut deal—one House member even called it Obama's "Gettysburg"—but it looks like they’ll pass it anyway, Time reports. “We're not going to hold this thing up at the end of the day,” said Chris...

In 1995 Memoir, Obama Predicted His Problems as Prez

He remembers being warned that people wouldn't like him

(Newser) - Pundits love to offer up psychological assessments of the president, writes Walter Shapiro on Politics Daily , but few of them think to return to Barack Obama’s own autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Shapiro, reading the book for the first time, finds that no one could have predicted Obama’s...

The Unique (and Growing) Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad

(Newser) - If it seems like Joe Biden was just waxing poetic about “the first mainstream" black guy who's "bright and clean," then you probably won't recognize the fierce veep who defended the boss last week, shouting at whining Dems, "There's no goddamned way I'm going to stand...

Saudi Media Miss Joke, Buy Obama Muslim Claim

Satirical column by Andy Borowitz reported as straight news

(Newser) - Sarcasm doesn't always translate well. When satirist Andy Borowitz wrote this column at the Huffington Post headlined "In Latest Compromise With GOP, Obama Agrees He Is a Muslim," the Saudi media utterly missed the joke. A respected newspaper, Al-Hayat, and website,, reported it as straight news,...

Obama Shows Some Spine, Finally
Obama Shows Some
Spine, Finally
dana milbank

Obama Shows Some Spine, Finally

Milbank: Liberals should realize this could help down the road

(Newser) - Dana Milbank isn't thrilled with the tax-cut compromise, but he loves that President Obama is finally showing some backbone. "For once, reporters could tell Obama was angry without asking White House press secretary Robert Gibbs for evidence," he writes in the Washington Post . Liberal lawmakers like Peter DeFazio...

Stories 2581 - 2600 | << Prev   Next >>