President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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No, Hillary Clinton Didn't Start the Birther Movement

Fact-checkers say Trump is wrong

(Newser) - In defending himself after his recent birther controversy , Donald Trump raised eyebrows with this assertion about President Obama's citizenship: "Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!" Clinton called the allegation "ludicrous," prompting the fact-checkers at PolitiFact...

Pope Dives Right Into Climate Change

'Can no longer be left to a future generation'

(Newser) - Mustering all the pageantry the White House has to offer, President Obama welcomed Pope Francis to Washington today. And in his own opening remarks, Francis didn't just dabble in small talk: Climate change, he warned, is an urgent problem that "can no longer be left to a future...

Pope Francis Arrives in US
 Pope Francis Arrives in US 

Pope Francis Arrives in US

And he's getting a 'rock-star welcome'

(Newser) - Pope Francis is getting a rock-star welcome as he arrives for his first visit to the US. Crowds at Andrews Air Force Base cheered as the pope's plane touched down. Shortly after, President Barack Obama walked from the air base's terminal to the plane, where the American flag...

White House Loses 'One of the Best' in Cycling Accident

Jake Brewer was killed during cancer fundraiser

(Newser) - President Obama has lost one of his top technology advisers—and Jake Brewer's colleagues say the world has lost a good man with great ideas. The 34-year-old senior policy adviser to the Office of the Chief Technology Officer was killed on Saturday when his bike went out of control...

Obama Nominee Would Be 1st Openly Gay Service Chief

President nominates Eric Fanning for Army secretary

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is nominating longtime Pentagon official Eric Fanning to be the Army's new secretary. If confirmed, Fanning would be the nation's first openly gay leader of a military service. Obama says Fanning brings years of experience and leadership to the role. He says in a statement...

Trump Fails to Correct Man Who Calls Obama a Muslim

Man at town hall tells Trump Obama is not an American

(Newser) - Donald Trump, apparently forgetting about the time he pressured the president of the United States into producing his birth certificate , failed to correct a man at a town hall event last night who claimed President Obama is a Muslim—and not an American. The questioner at the Rochester, NH, event...

Bristol Palin Slams Obama for His Support of 'Clock Kid'

White House invite 'encourages more racial strife,' she says

(Newser) - It may seem like absolutely everyone is rallying behind Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old arrested after the clock he made was mistaken for a bomb, but don't exactly count Bristol Palin among that number. After President Obama tweeted the teen an invitation to the White House , Palin responded on her...

'Clock Kid' Ahmed Gets 3 Very Cool Invitations

From the president, Zuck, and an astronaut

(Newser) - On Monday, Ahmed Mohamed was getting interrogated at a police station because he brought a homemade clock to school and it was mistaken for a bomb . But soon, the Texas 14-year-old might be hanging out in some much, much better locations. Three of the high-profile responses after his story went...

Big Thaw? Obama, Netanyahu to Meet in Nov.

Things have been a little icy since Israel PM appeared before Congress

(Newser) - The White House says President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet at the White House on Nov. 9. It will be the first formal meeting between the two leaders in months. White House press secretary Josh Earnest says the two leaders will discuss implementation of the...

29% of Americans Still Think Obama Is a Muslim

But 80% say he was born American

(Newser) - Bit of bad news for President Obama: The latest CNN/ORC poll shows that nearly a third of Americans and 43% of Republicans still believe he's Muslim. Breaking that down, 39% of adults say he's Protestant or another kind of Christian, 29% say he's Muslim, 14% don't...

Obama Scores Major Win on Iran Nuclear Deal

3 Democratic senators announced their support for the deal today

(Newser) - The Iran nuclear deal appears good to go following announcements of support from three Democratic senators today in what the Hill is calling an "impressive lobbying win" for President Obama and the White House. Those three senators bring the total votes for the deal to 41 in the Senate,...

Obama Extends Sick Leave to 300K Workers

Labor Day order applies to employees of federal contractors

(Newser) - Showing solidarity with workers on Labor Day, President Barack Obama will sign an executive order today requiring paid sick leave for employees of federal contractors, including 300,000 who currently receive none. The White House wouldn't specify the cost to federal contractors to implement the executive order, which Obama...

Obama Locks Up Iran Deal With 34th Senator

Thanks to Barbara Mikulski, GOP now can't override presidential veto

(Newser) - Earlier this morning, President Obama was "on the brink" of wrapping up the Iran nuclear deal after Democratic Sens. Bob Casey and Chris Coons threw their support his way, the Wall Street Journal reports. Now Maryland's Barbara Mikulski has given her thumbs-up, giving the president the magic number...

To Catch Russia in Arctic, Obama Wants Icebreakers

In Alaska, president will underscore exploration opportunities we're missing

(Newser) - President Obama yesterday painted a nearly apocalyptic future for Alaska unless global warming is reined in, reports the AP , and today he's going to touch on the flip side of that: The melting Arctic also raises all kinds of exploration and commerce opportunities, and Obama will push for more...

The President Is Heading to Reality TV

Obama to appear on Bear Grylls' show

(Newser) - Bear Grylls' latest show, NBC's Running Wild With Bear Grylls, involves the survival expert taking celebrities on wilderness adventures—and he's lined up quite the celebrity for the show's second season. President Obama will go on an Alaskan trek with Grylls, former host of Discovery's Man ...

Obama Gives Mount McKinley a New Name

Old battle between Alaska, Ohio apparently comes to an end

(Newser) - Looks like North America's tallest mountain won't be Mount McKinley anymore. President Obama announced today that Sally Jewell, the secretary of the interior, has renamed it Denali—restoring a name that Alaska Natives and state residents have used for years, Alaska Dispatch News reports. "I think for...

Obama's Iran Deal Now Looks Safe in Congress

Numbers just aren't there for the GOP to override a veto

(Newser) - The numbers are adding up for President Obama on Iran. It now appears that his nuclear deal—which he defended in a letter last week—will make it through Congress because it's "nearly mathematically impossible for GOP leaders to build a veto-proof majority in either the House or...

Obama Gives Biden His 'Blessing'

"Certainly he's got something at stake here," says White House spokesman

(Newser) - Big day for Joe Biden: Over lunch at the White House, he received President Obama's "blessing" to run for the Oval Office. A top Democrat gave CNN the news and said Obama would neither advise Biden against running nor hinder his candidacy. What's more, sources say Biden...

Obama Interrupts Vacation to Send Letter to Congress

Hopes letter to Democrats will erase lingering doubts about Iran deal

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping to calm concerns among Democrats still undecided or against the Iran nuclear deal. In an Aug. 19 letter to New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler written in the midst of Obama's vacation on Martha's Vineyard , the president maintains the deal itself cannot be changed,...

Obama: Go Ahead, Shell, Drill Deeper for That Arctic Oil

Environmentalists lambast decision, saying it will 'worsen climate disruption'

(Newser) - President Obama has disappointed a slew of environmental activists by giving Shell the green light yesterday to drill deeper in the Arctic for oil, Quartz reports. The approval issued by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement expands the oil company's current permissions, allowing it to drill even further...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>