President Obama

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Health Summit Bares Hopeless Chasm
 Health Summit Bares 
 Hopeless Chasm 

Health Summit Bares Hopeless Chasm

Compromise looking more distant than ever

(Newser) - President Obama's health care summit left pundits from across the spectrum feeling more pessimistic than ever about the chances of crafting a bipartisan agreement on reform.
  • "It was a talking-point festival," writes Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal. The Republicans put forth seemingly unconnected statements, and the

Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit
Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit

Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit

That's a 233-110 advantage, if you're keeping track

(Newser) - While the winners and losers of today’s Washington health summit depend on your angle of view, there’s no debate about who used the most oxygen: President Obama, with 119 minutes on the microphone. (OK, perhaps there will be some debate on this, since it’s the Republicans’ “...

Obama Asks GOP for 'Soul Searching,' Won't Start Over

Neither side budges much in daylong debate

(Newser) - After a day of debate and disagreement, President Obama concluded today's unprecedented live talkfest on health care with the bleak assessment that accord between Democrats and Republicans may not be possible. He rejected Republican preferences for starting over, discussing the issue much longer, or taking a step-by-step solution. The president...

McCain Slams Obama for Backroom Deals
 McCain Slams Obama for 
 Backroom Deals 
Health Care Summit

McCain Slams Obama for Backroom Deals

Obama doesn't want to focus on process

(Newser) - When John McCain finally got a chance to speak at the health care summit today, he let Barack Obama have it, slamming him for crafting the legislation with backroom deals. In particular, he hit on the deal the White House struck with Big Pharma, in which Obama promised to block...

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?
 Why Are Democrats 
 Ignoring the Young? 
EJ Dionne

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?

Millennials hold the future of the party

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t paying attention to the demographic that ought to be the foundation of a new progressive era of politics: Young people. Millennials, those born in 1981 or after, are the most liberal and democratic demographic out there, argues EJ Dionne of the Washington Post . They’re not only...

Obama Crafts Scaled-Down Health Care Plan B

Fallback measure would cover 15M uninsured

(Newser) - The White House has a less ambitious health care plan waiting in the wings if today's health care summit fails to win enough support for sweeping change. The scaled-back plan would provide health insurance to some 15 million Americans, about half the number the larger bill would cover, for a...

Tea Party Boss: Obama's a Half-White Racist

Mark Williams: 'I'll defend my race record to no one'

(Newser) - Leading Tea Partier Martin Williams labeled President Obama a "half-white" racist in an email to other Tea Party Express leaders unearthed by TPM . Williams appears to be responding to accusations of racism himself in the email, which refers to a CNN interview in which Anderson Cooper made "false...

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit
GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie'
at Obama Health Summit

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit

Not challenging president will turn summit into PR exercise

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans should be a little more respectful than Joe Wilson but they shouldn't shy away from correcting the president if he makes false statements at today's health care summit, writes Karl Rove. It's only by turning the summit into a debate and challenging the president on his claims about...

Obama Presidency a Surprise Boon to Gun Owners

States loosen laws as expected gun control push fails to arrive

(Newser) - New laws allowing weapons in bars, national parks and Amtrak trains were probably the last thing gun-rights advocates would have expected from the Obama administration. But that's exactly what's happened, as the president stays largely silent on the gun issue while states bracing for a pro-gun-control agenda from Washington rush...

Yoo: I Defended 'Torture Memos' for Obama's Sake

Bush lawyer says he was fighting to preserve executive power

(Newser) - The Bush administration lawyer who authored memos blessing harsh interrogation techniques and warrantless wiretaps says he's been defending himself in order to help...President Obama. The president "may not realize it, but I may have just helped save his presidency," by winning a fight "to protect his...

Obama Goes Big With Health Care Proposal
Obama Goes
Big With Health Care Proposal

Obama Goes Big With Health Care Proposal

White House thinks not passing major reform will hurt in November

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s $950 billion health care proposal yesterday defied expectations that he would scale back his ambitions now that Republicans have the votes to filibuster the bill in the Senate. The White House braintrust has decided to go big one last time, believing that there’s still a small...

Birther Queen Appeals to UN for Protection

Orly Taitz cites vandalism, assassination attempt

(Newser) - Prominent "birther" Orly Taitz has appealed to the United Nations to protect her from persecution during her quest to prove that President Obama isn't qualified to hold office, claiming he was born in Africa. The California lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent "has applied for urgent action under...

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement
Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

'Oath Keepers' prepare for Obama martial law

(Newser) - A growing militia movement convinced that President Obama will soon find an excuse to impose martial law on the US is finding scores of recruits from within the country’s law-enforcement and military community, Justine Sharrock writes in an investigative piece for Mother Jones . The “Oath Keepers” group has...

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance
Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

62-30 vote is victory, however small, for Dems, Obama

(Newser) - A bipartisan jobs bill cleared a GOP filibuster today with crucial momentum provided by the Senate's newest Republican, Scott Brown of Massachusetts. The 62-30 vote to advance the measure to a final vote Wednesday gives both President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats a much-needed victory—even though the $15 billion...

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

 It's Time 
 to Lay Off 

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

Republicans, at some point, are going to have to do something, he says

(Newser) - It's time to get past the incessant partisan potshots being taken at President Obama and forge some progress, Colin Powell told Face the Nation today. "I don’t think the country will be well served if the next three years are attempts to bring him down and destroy him...

Man Charged With Threatening Obama in Web Poem

Kentucky's Spencer posted 'The Sniper' on white supremacist site

(Newser) - A Kentucky man has been arrested and charged with posting a poem threatening President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama on a white supremacist website. The Secret Service said Johnny Logan Spencer Jr. of Louisville wrote and posted the poem, titled "The Sniper," on a site called...

China Fumes Over Obama-Dalai Lama Meeting

Beijing is outraged, but some think it's a show for citizenry

(Newser) - China is fuming as expected after yesterday’s meeting between President Obama and the Dalai Lama. “The US action seriously interfered in Chinese internal affairs, seriously hurt the feelings of China's people and seriously harmed China-US relations,” a foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement. What’s more,...

America Is Governable&mdash; Just Not by This Man

 America Is 
 Just Not by 
 This Man  

America Is Governable— Just Not by This Man

Talk of systemic problems is whining because Obama failed: Krauthammer

(Newser) - There’s been a lot of crowing from liberals that the US is “ungovernable” because President Obama has not been able to enact key parts of his domestic agenda. Charles Krauthammer has heard the “usual litany of systemic explanations" before—this moment in history smacks of the Carter...

Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears
Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears

Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears

GOP needs to build consensus for cuts—and win back White House

(Newser) - President Obama may be just trying to save his political life with the creation of a bipartisan commission on government spending but the move shows Washington is waking up to the public's worries, writes Peggy Noonan. Concerns about federal spending and its implications for America's future have, just in time,...

Obama to Offer $1.5B in Housing Help

Money will go to the five states hardest hit by the bust

(Newser) - President Obama will unveil $1.5 billion in housing help today during a visit to Las Vegas, the city with the worst foreclosure crisis in the nation. The money will go to the five hardest-hit states to fund programs to help jobless homeowners and those with underwater mortgages. Agencies in...

Stories 3141 - 3160 | << Prev   Next >>