President Obama

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State of the Union Won't Preempt Lost: Gibbs
 State of the Union 
 Won't Preempt 
 Lost: Gibbs 
the world can exhale

State of the Union Won't Preempt Lost: Gibbs

Date for speech not set, but it's not Feb. 2: Gibbs

(Newser) - The date isn't set yet, but couch potatoes can relax: President Obama's State of the Union address will not muscle out the 3-hour premiere of the final season of Lost on Feb. 2. "I don't foresee a scenario in which the millions of people who hope to see a...

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened
 Giuliani Forgets 
 When 9/11 Happened 

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened

'We had no domestic attacks under Bush,' Giuliani says. Except...

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has some advice about terrorism for President Obama: Follow George W. Bush's example, because “we had no domestic attacks under Bush.” Dubbing American's Mayor "Mr. 9/11," Talking Points Memo points out that Sept. 11, 2001 was well into Bush’s tenure. As was shoe...

Obama Should Get Over His Gitmo Obsession
Obama Should Get Over
His Gitmo Obsession

Obama Should Get Over His Gitmo Obsession

And Detroit terror suspect should be in military custody

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer finds the White House decision to try the Detroit terror suspect as a civilian nothing short of idiotic: A guy who was "singing quite freely" when he was seized was suddenly "lawyered up and shut up." Even if they wanted to try him eventually as...

Obama: 'Buck Stops With Me'
 Obama: 'Buck Stops With Me' 

Obama: 'Buck Stops With Me'

President faults intelligence 'shortcomings' and promises reform

(Newser) - President Obama says when it comes to terror threats against the US, he is ultimately responsible. And he is ordering changes in the way information on potential threats is handled. "The buck stops with me," said Obama in a brief address to the nation. He is ordering the...

Obama May Bump Lost Premiere

Fans aren't happy about possible State of the Union switch

(Newser) - Here’s the surest sign yet that Barack Obama is an evil foreign-born socialist: He might delay the Lost premiere. ABC’s been feverishly promoting the Feb. 2 premiere since November, so when word broke yesterday that Barack Obama might push the State of the Union address back to Feb....

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit
 Rahm Emanuel 
 May Head for Exit 
hot tabloid rumor

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit

Jarrett poised to take over for chief of staff who can't make nice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s frustration with the legislative process may lead him out of the White House, but it's not clear whether the president's volatile chief of staff will jump or be pushed. Emanuel, a former congressman, has a famously explosive temper that isn't going over well in the West Wing....

Obama Lives in 'Fiscal Fantasy World'
 Obama Lives in 
 'Fiscal Fantasy World' 

Obama Lives in 'Fiscal Fantasy World'

Voters are waking up to president's free-spending ways

(Newser) - President Obama is trying to sound like he's turning tough on the deficit and federal spending in his State of the Union address, but Karl Rove isn't impressed and Americans shouldn't be, either. Obama has "rigged the game" by boosting discretionary domestic spending by more than $100 billion from...

Obama to House Dems: Back Cadillac Health Tax

Democrats reluctantly open to compromise

(Newser) - President Obama wants House Democratic leaders to drop their opposition to taxing Cadillac health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for the uninsured, he let them know in a private meeting at the White House yesterday. The health reform bill the House passed raises income taxes on high-income individuals...

Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February
Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February

Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February

President aims for health bill to be complete, signed

(Newser) - President Obama wants his State of the Union address to be in early February, a week or so later than usual, so Congress (which must formally invite him to speak) can hammer out a final health-reform bill. “The president wants to be able to talk about health care in...

Both Obamas Become Unwilling Ad Stars

PETA uses Michelle, while a jacket company likes the president

(Newser) - The president and first lady have a common beef today: Both have showed up in prominent advertisements without their permission. PETA is using Michelle's image to spread its anti-fur message, while the president appears on a Times Square billboard. He's photographed in a Weatherproof brand jacket with the tagline: "...

David Petraeus: GOP's 2012 Dark Horse
 GOP's 2012 
 Dark Horse 

David Petraeus: GOP's 2012 Dark Horse

General considered rising star by key righty pundits

(Newser) - Looking for a “true dark horse” to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012? Put your money on Gen. David Petraeus, the architect of the Iraq and Afghanistan war strategies, who’s soon to receive a big award from the conservative American Enterprise Institute, Paul Bedard writes for US ...

Pelosi Rips Obama Over Broken Campaign Promises

House Speaker irked over president's health tax plans

(Newser) - Evidently taking a hard line heading into conferences on Congress’ health bills, Nancy Pelosi ripped President Obama today for breaking campaign promises. Reminded that then-candidate Obama wanted such negotiations to be public, the House Speaker rejoined, “There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail....

Palin: US Needs a Leader, Not a 'Law Professor'

She calls President Obama's strategy on terror 'fatally flawed'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin weighed in on the nation's security today, calling President Obama's approach "fatally flawed" on her Facebook page . "The real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor," the Republican governor-turned-author writes. Among other things, she blasted the idea of giving...

Obama: Security Agencies Failed to Connect Dots

'We have to do better, and we will do better'

(Newser) - President Obama says the foiled Christmas Day airliner attack exposed "a potentially disastrous" security failure in which the US intelligence community had enough information to connect the dots ahead of time but didn't. The lapse didn't have to do with the collection of information but with the failure to...

US Denies Brits Warned About Detroit Bomber

Downing Street made a mistake, White House says

(Newser) - The UK government made "a mistake" when it claimed that British intelligence about the Detroit bombing suspect was passed on to US authorities in 2008, says a White House source. Gordon Brown's office also seemed to be backpedaling from yesterday's claim that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was included on a...

US Ends Ban on HIV-Positive Travelers

Visitors, immigrants with infection no longer barred

(Newser) - Today saw the end of a US ban on travel and immigration by HIV-positive individuals, a rule that had been in place since 1987. The Centers for Disease Control removed the infection from the category of “communicable diseases of public-health significance” after President Obama said last year the ban...

La. Cops: Man Threatened to Kill Obamas in 911 Call

John Turnpaugh, 47, phoned early Jan. 1

(Newser) - A New Orleans man has been arrested and charged with threatening to kill President Obama and his wife, Michelle. In a court filing today, a Secret Service agent said John Turnpaugh, 47, dialed 911 early Friday and told a police dispatcher he planned to kill the couple. Agents traced the...

It's Cheney's Fault Yemen's So Dangerous

Ex-VP deserves 'warm jihadi thank-you note': former ambassador

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s attacks on President Obama over counter-terror policy are absolute hogwash, a former US ambassador writes, given that the former vice-president, who “proudly micro-managed all things Gitmo,” is personally responsible for getting terrorists back into al-Qaeda’s Yemen operation. Indeed, Marc Ginsberg says, Cheney deserves “...

Obama Returns to DC, Packing Epic To-Do List

Terrorism trumped health care over vacation, and there's more

(Newser) - President Obama is back at the White House after an 11-day vacation in Hawaii, and he has his work cut out for him. USA Today runs down the most pressing issues awaiting the president in 2010.
  • Terrorism: The attempted bombing of Flight 253 returned security to the top of the

Military Stymies Obama Nuke Reduction Plan

Catches lurk everywhere, from stockpile to strategy

(Newser) - A truculent military and national security apparatus has bogged down President Obama’s push to reconsider the size and mission of the US nuclear arsenal, just as it did during the Clinton administration. Insiders tell the Los Angeles Times that there are multiple areas of concern, including how much of...

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