President Obama

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Wanted: Economist to Trash Health Bill

Foes look for an expert to prove that Obamacare kills jobs

(Newser) - Pro-business groups opposed to the president's health care reform are raising funds to hire a "respected economist" to study the impact of the reform—and find that it is a threat to jobs and the economy. In an email obtained by the Washington Post , a top official at the...

Leaders Punt on Copenhagen Deal
 Leaders Punt on 
 Copenhagen Deal 

Leaders Punt on Copenhagen Deal

Acknowledge gaps too far to bridge before climate change summit

(Newser) - Just 22 days ahead of Copenhagen, President Obama and other leaders have declared that a meaningful and binding international deal is unlikely to come out of the climate change conference. The move, as the New York Times reports, sets the bar much lower and effectively delays the most treacherous issues...

Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat
 Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat 

Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat

White House 'will expect more,' focused on defeating 'those who attacked us'

(Newser) - It's time for Afghan President Hamid Karzai to put up or shut up, Hillary Clinton said today, underscoring the White House's heightened expectations of Kabul. "We are expecting there to be a major crimes tribunal, an anti-corruption commission," she told This Week, adding that the original Afghan mission...

Obama to Myanmar: Free Suu Kyi

First direct appeal for pro-democracy leader's release

(Newser) - President Barack Obama today abandoned decades of Western avoidance and told Myanmar's prime minister to free opposition leader and fellow Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in a rare face-to-face meeting. The strong message, delivered during his summit with leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, signals a further thawing in...

Afghan Calculus: 40K Troops Equals $40B

High long-term costs a big factor in debate

(Newser) - When President Obama rejected advisers' recommendations on Afghan troops and insisted they be retooled with exit strategies, he had the war's long-term financial costs in mind, an insider tells the New York Times . While military strategy gets the headlines, the financial constraints also are weighing heavily. Some specfics:
  • Gen. McChyrstal's

Obama's Ego Needs Its Own ZIP Code
 Obama's Ego Needs 
 Its Own ZIP Code 

Obama's Ego Needs Its Own ZIP Code

President has switched tone from 'we' to 'I'

(Newser) - The budget deficit hasn’t been the only thing ballooning since President Obama took office—the man’s ego is growing by leaps and bounds, moving Jeff Jacoby to wonder, “Was there ever a president as deeply enamored of himself as Barack Obama?” A video message for this week’...

Obama Bows to Emperor
 Obama Bows to Emperor 
here we go again?

Obama Bows to Emperor

Critics on the right already weighing in

(Newser) - Prepare for another bowing controversy. A photo of President Obama bowing to Japanese Emperor Akihito has surfaced, and it's likely to set off critics on the right—as happened when Obama maybe sorta bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia in April. This time, there's no question about it: It's...

Obama: China No Threat to US
 Obama: China No Threat to US  

Obama: China No Threat to US

President promises ties to Japan won't suffer

(Newser) - President Obama wrapped up his visit to Japan today with a speech in which he said the US would maintain its relationships with longtime allies in the region—like the host country—while pursuing stronger bonds with China. Indeed, Obama said, an ever-stronger China is not a threat to the...

Obama Arrives in Japan to Shore Up Relations

President will be in Asia for a week

(Newser) - President Obama arrived in Japan today to open his weeklong summit in Asia. At a news conference with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Obama acknowledged that relations with Tokyo have been strained and agreed that it's time to modernize the nations' 50-year-old treaty. "Our effort will be focused on revitalizing...

White House Counsel Craig Stepping Down
 White House Counsel 
 Craig Stepping Down 

White House Counsel Craig Stepping Down

He's taken flak over Guantanamo Bay policy

(Newser) - White House counsel Gregory Craig is expected to resign as early as Friday, reports the Washington Post. Craig has taken much heat over the clumsy handling of the Guantanamo Bay closure, and his resignation isn't a huge surprise. It's still the highest-level departure in the Obama administration. He will be...

Colo. Senator Compares Obama to 9/11 Hijackers

Schultheis denies reference to United 93

(Newser) - A Colorado state senator is at the eye of a storm of criticism for a tweet that critics say likened President Obama to the 9/11 hijackers—and urged violent action. “Don't for a second think Obama wants what is best for US,” David Schultheis tweeted. “He is...

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN
 Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN 

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Longtime anchor announces move on tonight's show

(Newser) - Anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN, he announced during tonight’s show—his last after 27 years at the channel. Dobbs, whose contract wasn’t up until 2011, has made waves with his anti-immigration views and his questioning of President Obama’s citizenship; he didn’t shed much light on...

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Making 2010 a referendum on prez won't work for Dems

(Newser) - Karl Rove is flattered that President Obama appears to be borrowing the strategy he devised for President Bush in the 2002 midterm elections, but he warns it won't work for the Democrats next year. Making the midterms a referendum on the White House worked in 2002 because national security...

US Ambassador Disagrees on Afghan Troop Surge

Wants Karzai government to shape up first

(Newser) - The US ambassador to Afghanistan—a former general who served there as recently as 2007—is against increasing troop levels until the Afghan government gets its act together. In classified cables ahead of President Obama’s deliberations on a surge, Karl Eikenberry cites rampant corruption and mismanagement in Hamid Karzai’...

Nation Marks Veterans Day
 Nation Marks Veterans Day 

Nation Marks Veterans Day

Obama lays a wreath at Arlington

(Newser) - The nation honored its war veterans today at services around the country. President Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington, telling vets and their families that "there is no tribute, no commemoration, no praise that can truly match the magnitude of your service and...

Top Obama Advisers Push 30K Troop Increase
 Top Obama Advisers 
 Push 30K Troop Increase 
Afghan rethink

Top Obama Advisers Push 30K Troop Increase

President, war council, weigh Afghan troop options today

(Newser) - As President Obama heads into a meeting with his national security team today, one of the four options on the table for increasing troop levels in Afghanistan has emerged as a favorite of his top advisers. Hillary Clinton, Mike Mullen, and Robert Gates all favor a plan to send about...

In Palin We Don't Trust: Fox Checks Coin Claim

GOP, not Dems, moved 'In God We Trust' to edge of coin

(Newser) - Even Fox News has started fact-checking Sarah Palin. Last night anchor Bret Baier responded to Palin's claim during a speech Friday that the phrase "In God We Trust" had recently moved from the face to the rim of the new dollar coin: Another case of Obama pushing a secular...

O'Reilly: 'We Can't Kill All the Muslims'

Fox host suggests motive for US strategy

(Newser) - Fox News host Bill O'Reilly believes the US wants to win the "hearts and minds" of the world's Muslims because we can't kill all of them, the Huffington Post reports. He let slip last night during a discussion with novelist and retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters about alleged Fort...

Poll: Grouchy Public Sticks With Obama

Glum nation pessimistic about economy, wars

(Newser) - America's mood has crashed hard after the euphoria that greeted Barack Obama's inauguration: A recent poll shows the country in a pessimistic funk as the president struggles to revive the economy and fight two wars abroad. But Americans haven't lost all faith in Obama: His approval stands at 54%, no...

Images From Fort Hood Service
 Images From 
 Fort Hood 

Images From Fort Hood Service

Emotional memorial service recognizes victims

(Newser) - Here are images from today's memorial service at Fort Hood for the 13 people killed in last week's shooting spree. "We knew these men and women as soldiers and caregivers," President Obama told the crowd. "You knew them as mothers and fathers; sons and daughters; sisters and...

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