President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging
Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging

Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging

At first presser, president paints critics as behind the times

(Newser) - Barack Obama began his presidency with major overtures to Republicans, inviting three into his Cabinet and knocking back beer with House and Senate minority leaders at the White House. But yesterday he was in fighting mode, blasting opponents of the stimulus package as discredited and out of touch. Three weeks...

Black DC Vies for First Couple's Attention

(Newser) - From churches to hair salons, Washington’s black institutions are gunning for the Obamas’ patronage, the Washington Post reports. Many in the largely black city feel a sense of camaraderie with the first couple—and know that making a connection with the town's hottest celebrities would be “a tremendous...

Too-Speedy Bailout Spending May Squander Billions

Auditors understaffed for behemoth task, leaving field open to shifty contractors

(Newser) - If new federal bailout funds are spent too quickly, billions could be wasted because the government administrative staff may be too overburdened to provide adequate oversight, warn budget experts. Billions of dollars in government money were squandered by private contractors who overcharged the Bush administration, according to a government report....

Jittery Investors Seek Direction From Feng Shui Gurus

In Asia, when a feng shui master talks, people listen

(Newser) - Hong Kong investors are invoking feng shui—the ancient Chinese art associated in the Western mind with interior decorating—to guide their depleted portfolios, the Wall Street Journal reports. Two inauspicious lunar eclipses have already predicted a grim year, and masters are warning investors to beware of the land of...

Transport Sec to Fellow GOPers: C'mon, Ride the Stimulus Train

But McCain wonders where bipartisanship is

(Newser) - Talk of the economic stimulus package dominated the morning shows today, with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a Republican, promising on State of the Union that the stimulus bill won't come with any earmarks or "boondoggles," the Chicago Tribune reports. LaHood said that he had tried to get his...

Obama to Broaden National Security Council Power

Prez will boost group's authority on wider range of issues

(Newser) - The decades-old National Security Council will undergo sweeping changes under President Obama, who is expected this week to issue a directive increasing its membership and broadening its authority, the Washington Post reports. The move is part of a strategy to modernize the agency and integrate supervision to cover a wide...

Obama Challenges Troop Surge in Afghanistan

Asks for clear strategy before sending more troops

(Newser) - President Obama has called for a review of the planned deployment of up to 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, a nation that some fear will become his “Vietnam,” the Times of London reports. Some 17,000 more troops were poised to head there last week, but defense...

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families
 Obama Meets With 9/11 Families 

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families

President moves to reassure families over his plans for terror suspects

(Newser) - Barack Obama met yesterday with people who lost relatives in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole in an effort to reassure them about his plans for detained al-Qaeda suspects, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The president hugged some of the 40 attendees at the highly emotional...

'All Obama All the Time' Garners Mixed Reviews

(Newser) - You can’t miss President Obama these days, as he undertakes a media blitz that has watchers nodding and shaking their heads in equal proportion, Linton Weeks writes for NPR. “The president who promised to be transparent is actually omniparent—appearing all over tarnation.” Some see the saturation...

Obama Ally Launches Bid for Ala. State House

Davis would be state's first black governor

(Newser) - US Rep. Artur Davis, a close ally of President Obama's, launched his long-rumored campaign for governor of Alabama today, the Birmingham News reports. "I believe the poet was wrong when he said that the past is the light that will guide our feet," said Davis, who would be...

Senate Could Vote on Stimulus Tonight

(Newser) - Harry Reid said he was confident the Senate would produce a stimulus bill ready for voting by tonight, Reuters reports. “We’ve made progress,” the majority leader said of efforts to sweat the measure down from $937 billion. “I think we’re going to be able to...

Turns Out, Bush Didn't Always Wear His Jacket

After Obama is ripped by ex-White House official, HuffPo digs up photos of informal Dubya

(Newser) - After a former White House staffer ripped Barack Obama for being under-dressed in the Oval Office, where President Bush required a suit and tie, the Huffington Post has photos of Bush jacketless in, you guessed it, the Oval Office. “There should be a dress code of respect,” Andrew...

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform
Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Because of recession, even more people need help now

(Newser) - It’s a pity Tom Daschle couldn’t stick around, notes the Economist, because his experience would be useful in navigating health reform through Senate straits. The recession is depriving more of care, and though President Obama’s short-term moves are good, a big fix is needed. Absent Daschle, “...

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus
 Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus 

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus

President ditches teleprompter; comes out swinging against critics

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech to Democratic lawmakers last night sounded more like a campaign rally than a presidential address as he ditched his teleprompter to lay into the GOP, Politico reports. The president slammed Republican criticism of spending in his stimulus plan. "What do you think a stimulus is?" he...

US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect
US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect

US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect

Obama meets families of victims, including 9/11, tomorrow

(Newser) - The US withdrew charges—at least temporarily—against the main suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing tonight, ABC News reports. They could be reinstated once the Obama administration works out the logistics of handling the cases of Gitmo detainees. President Obama, meanwhile, will meet face-to-face with families of victims...

Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On
Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On

Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On

Klein: We need to move now on the stimulus package

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Washington Post op-ed today arguing in favor of the stimulus is “a bit of a disappointment,” writes Joe Klein for Time. It’s "political boilerplate," and the president should probably stick to speeches. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that he's exactly...

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion
Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

President focuses on reducing unwanted pregnancies

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping a nuanced approach can soften the debate over one of the most contentious issues in America: abortion, writes Rob Stein in the Washington Post. Since taking office, Obama has lifted a Republican ban on funding international aid groups that provide abortion services, but also persuaded House...

Obama Is Selling It, But It's Not His Bill
Obama Is
Selling It, But
It's Not His Bill

Obama Is Selling It, But It's Not His Bill

President let Congress write stimulus, and probably regrets it

(Newser) - Barack Obama is working mightily to sell the stimulus bill, but looks have made one major mistake, Massimo Calabresi writes in Time: He let Congress write it. Obama aides let committee staffers draft the bill, relying on their legislative expertise. “They did a good job of really deferring to...

Blago College Bud Saw Some of This Coming
Blago College Bud Saw
Some of This Coming

Blago College Bud Saw Some of This Coming

Back then, he was 'honing his craft:' Powell

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich’s media blitz during his impeachment trial puzzled many, but not his best college bud. “Rod wanted to be Barack, and has been driven to distraction by the press’s fawning over him,” Bill Powell tells Men’s Journal. He recalls college-age Blago, a youthful prankster...

Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus
Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus

Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus

White House struggles with new restrictions in getting out its message

(Newser) - Barack Obama finds himself in an unfamiliar position: He’s losing a message war, Jeanne Cummings writes in Politico. Obama’s tightly controlled, tech-savvy campaign operation is still adapting to the White House’s more ponderous tool set. Republicans, meanwhile, “could practically sleep-walk through their attack plan” on the...

Stories 4741 - 4760 | << Prev   Next >>