President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Texas' Next Governor: I'm Suing Obama

Greg Abbott isn't happy about the president's immigration action

(Newser) - The governor-elect of Texas plans to do something he's done thirty times before: sue President Obama's administration. This time, it's over Obama's executive action that could grant working papers to nearly five million illegal immigrants. "We think we have standing better than any other state...

Obama Allows Bigger Combat Role in Afghanistan

Troops will be allowed to go after Taliban

(Newser) - The US still plans to wind down its mission in Afghanistan by the end of 2016, but the troops who remain in the country until then are going to be doing more fighting than previously planned, reports the New York Times . President Obama has quietly approved a broader mission with...

Obama Either Ruined or Saved America: 4 Takes
Obama Either Ruined or Saved America: 4 Takes

Obama Either Ruined or Saved America: 4 Takes

President's immigration order is today's hot topic

(Newser) - Here's a taste of the love-it or hate-it debate unfolding in the wake of President Obama's immigration speech from last night:
  • 'I, Barack': This is "a sorry day for America’s republic," declares an editorial at the Wall Street Journal . Obama's use of "

GOP: We'll Fight 'Defiant' Obama on Immigration

Dems praise 'step in the right direction'

(Newser) - President Obama unveiled sweeping actions on immigration reform last night, and while the civil unrest Sen. Tom Coburn warned of hasn't materialized, it's safe to say congressional Republicans are deeply unhappy. Obama criticized Republicans for failing to act and dared them to "pass a bill," but...

Obama: This Isn't 'Mass Amnesty,' It's a Needed Fix

On immigration, president says he wants to go after 'felons, not families'

(Newser) - President Obama made the case tonight that he's not offering a "mass amnesty" to immigrants who have entered the country illegally, reports CNN . In fact, he said in a speech laying out his executive actions on immigration that the "real amnesty" would be leaving the current system...

Things to Watch in Obama's Immigration Address

He's likely to point out that predecessors have used executive authority on the issue

(Newser) - The AP offers a guide on what to watch for tonight as President Obama unveils his changes to the nation's immigration system:
  • Winners, losers: Up to 5 million people are expected to be covered by the president's plan, including parents of US citizens and permanent residents who have

What to Expect in Obama's Immigration Order

Immigrants won't get ObamaCare; parents of Dreamers gain no protection

(Newser) - President Obama will lay out his executive order on immigration reform tomorrow night in an 8pm ET speech, one in which he's expected to shield up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. That will mostly involve providing work permits to adult immigrants who have been in the US...

House GOP Lawyers Up vs. Obama —Again

Jonathan Turley is 3rd attorney to pick up executive overreach lawsuit

(Newser) - The Grand Old Party has again lawyered up in its lawsuit against President Obama, and House Republicans are hoping that the third time is the charm, reports Politico . They've hired Jonathan Turley, a constitutional lawyer and George Washington University professor who has also represented the polygamists of TLC's...

US to Review How We Handle Hostage Cases

'Increased frequency of hostage-taking' abroad spurs effort

(Newser) - Amid ISIS' continued onslaught against American hostages and widespread criticism of the White House's response, President Obama has ordered a review of policy in handling hostage situations abroad, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move comes "as a result of the increased frequency of hostage-taking of Americans overseas,...

Road to an Iran Nuke Deal Is Paved With Obstacles

Obama ready to work with Khamenei, but others wary of deal, including Israel, GOP

(Newser) - Foreign diplomats begin the tough work in Vienna tomorrow of negotiating with Iran on an agreement about its nuclear weapons program, possibly even bringing it to a grinding halt, the Guardian reports. But while the Obama administration has been working to jump-start the process—the president wrote a private letter...

Defying GOP, Obama to Overhaul Immigration

President plans to offer protection for up to 5M people: NY Times

(Newser) - President Obama is making good on his promise to skirt Congress and put in place new rules that would protect millions of undocumented immigrants now in the country from deportation, reports the New York Times and Fox News . Obama is expected to unveil his plans for executive action next week....

It's Not a Treaty, but GOP Can Defang Climate Deal

And one route could lead to another government shutdown

(Newser) - Yesterday's surprising deal on climate change between the US and China came about after a personal letter from President Obama to his Chinese counterpart last spring, reports the Guardian . But while Xi Jinping will presumably face no substantive opposition from Chinese lawmakers on the goals to cut carbon emissions,...

We Shouldn't Be Optimistic About Burma—or Suu Kyi

Adam Lerner writes that the president has some shortcomings to acknowledge

(Newser) - Barack Obama is currently in the midst of a three-day visit to Burma, and after an evening meeting with President Thein Sein he expressed that he is "optimistic about the possibilities" for the country. Writing for Politico , Adam Lerner sees "optimism" as the entirely wrong word choice. As...

Climate Deal Between US, China Is 'Game Changer'

Ambitious goals please advocates for reform

(Newser) - Agreements that emerge from international summits often are met with a shrug. Not so the surprise deal between the US and China on climate change. Writers at Grist , Mother Jones , and Slate all use the phrase "game changer" in describing this one. The big takeaway numbers: The US set...

In China, Obama Chews Gum, Offends Locals

But also makes progress on expanding high-tech trade agreement

(Newser) - When 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member states convened in Beijing last night, China rolled out more than the red carpet. Treated as the biggest international event in China's capital since the 2008 Olympics, pollution levels have been lowered ( or at least manipulated ), a cultural show and...

'Obama Whisperer' Valerie Jarrett Always Has His Ear

She's one of his strongest influences on decisions big and small

(Newser) - Valerie Jarrett is President Obama's senior adviser, and as such has prime access to the president's ear, earning her the title of "Obama Whisperer" in Noam Scheiber's New Republic profile. Wielding powerful influence over the president and his decision-making, Jarrett is said to evoke such intimidation...

Obama to FCC: Keep the Internet Fair

Backs net neutrality, wants FCC to reclassify Internet as a utility

(Newser) - President Obama today waded into the politically charged debate over net neutrality , arguing that Internet service providers shouldn't be allowed to offer "fast lanes" to certain websites. Obama called on the Federal Communications Commission to "reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act."...

Obama: Here's the Plan for Iraq

President discusses ISIS, immigration, and his love for politics

(Newser) - The latest addition of 1,500 US troops to Iraq "signals a new phase" in the fight against ISIS (or ISIL, or Islamic State), but not one that includes Americans engaging in combat, President Obama says in a wide-ranging discussion with Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation, CBS News...

How 4 Words Could Doom ObamaCare
 How 4 Words Could 
 Doom ObamaCare 


How 4 Words Could Doom ObamaCare

Supreme Court case deals with exchanges 'established by the State': NYTimes

(Newser) - ObamaCare survived a 2012 Supreme Court challenge, but the fight isn't over : Now, justices have agreed to hear an attack on another section of the law. This time, the whole thing hinges on four words, the New York Times editorial board writes. In a subsection, the law says that...

Loretta Lynch: Attorney General Post Would Be My Honor

Obama nominates her as a 'fierce' defender of justice

(Newser) - As promised , President Obama nominated Loretta Lynch today to replace Eric Holder as attorney general. He introduced his choice as an accomplished prosecutor from New York City who will carry on a "fierce commitment to equal justice." Obama argued at a White House ceremony that it's...

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