President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Let the Parties Begin
 Let the 

Let the Parties Begin

(Newser) - The first couple changed into new duds after a busy day and dropped in on the first of 10 inauguration balls they are scheduled to attend, the AP reports. They treated partygoers to their first dance as a presidential couple, with Michelle wearing a white, full-skirted dress by Taiwanese designer...

Warren Prayed for All&mdash;but Invoked Jesus
Warren Prayed for All—but Invoked Jesus

Warren Prayed for All—but Invoked Jesus

Clever phrasing keeps his prayer from being controversial

(Newser) - Laden with pre-inaugural controversy, Rick Warren’s invocation today was “both inevitable and surprising,” writes Lisa Miller in Newsweek. “Inevitably,” he focused on being inclusive, alluding to Christian, Muslim, and Jewish rites; the "unkempt" pastor knows how to “strike an empathic, populist chord.”...

Europe Is Giddy for US: Can It Last?
 Europe Is  
 Giddy for US: 
 Can It Last?

Europe Is Giddy for US: Can It Last?

French expect America to 'find its path' again

(Newser) - In France, the magic of Barack Obama’s inauguration is “a bit like the liberation after World War II,” says one French analyst. This particular sentiment “may have hit the hyperbolic stratosphere,” writes Elizabeth Bryant in the Washington Times, but it reflects a groundswell. “Fundamentally,...

Obama Speech Bodes Well for the Constitution
Obama Speech Bodes Well for the Constitution

Obama Speech Bodes Well for the Constitution

Inaugural address may hint at a more respectful administration

(Newser) - All presidents swear to uphold the Constitution when they take the oath of office, but John Nichols is pleased that Obama went further than that in his inaugural address today, he writes for the Nation. Invoking Ben Franklin, Obama rejected “as false the choice between our safety and ideals,...

Thousands With Tickets Turned Away From Mall

(Newser) - While some fought to escape the Mall after the inauguration, thousands of frustrated ticketholders were barred from entering to see the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the Washington Post reports. “It is irresponsible to issue all of these tickets and not let the people in,” one Californian...

Despite Warren, Calif. Gays Celebrate Obama

Gathering at West Hollywood gay bar hiss at controversial pastor's invocation

(Newser) - A crowd gathered today at West Hollywood’s premier gay bar to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration, but also to watch with dismay as Rev. Rick Warren took the Capitol stage, the Advocate reports. Many in the community were shocked by Obama’s choice of the anti-gay marriage pastor to...

Live-Streaming Websites Smash Records With Obama

(Newser) - Websites streaming video of the inauguration reported record activity today, while a partnership between Facebook and CNN enabled thousands of people a minute to comment on the proceedings, Crain's reports. By late afternoon, CNN reported 21.3 million live video streams, while MSNBC had 9 million live streams and 5...

7 Nominees Confirmed; Clinton Vote Tomorrow

(Newser) - The Senate met after the inauguration today and promptly confirmed seven of President Obama’s nominees by unanimous vote, with the notable exception of Hillary Clinton, the Chicago Tribune reports. A vote on Clinton has been scheduled for tomorrow after Harry Reid and Sen. John Cronyn, who has concerns about...

China Military Welcomes Obama Era
China Military Welcomes Obama Era

China Military Welcomes Obama Era

Timed with inaugural, Beijing defense report urges cooperation

(Newser) - China has called for better military relations with the US in its biannual report, whose release analysts say was timed with President Obama’s inauguration, the Financial Times reports. The relationship between the two was strained by the US decision to sell $6.5 billion in arms to Taiwan. “...

Meet Obama's 'Beast'
 Meet Obama's 'Beast' 

Meet Obama's 'Beast'

Secret Service says 44's impenetrable vehicle is most sophisticated in the world

(Newser) - The latest limousine to join the presidential fleet is essentially a tank with a Cadillac exterior, Wired reports. The armored vehicle—code-named “Stagecoach” but dubbed “The Beast” due to its makeup—is the world’s most sophisticated car. The Secret Service and General Motors refuse to divulge specs...

Clinton, Cornyn Share Words
 Clinton, Cornyn Share Words 

Clinton, Cornyn Share Words

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and John Cornyn shared some spirited words today after the inauguration, Politico reports. Cornyn is blocking a Senate vote today on Clinton’s confirmation as secretary of state over concerns about the transparency of Bill Clinton’s foundation. While the conversation seemed animated, a rep for Cornyn said...

Obamas Walk Parade Route to Screaming Crowds

First Couple gets out of White House-bound motorcade, strolls about 7 minutes

(Newser) - President and Michelle Obama have gotten out twice to walk along the parade route from the Capitol to the White House this afternoon—to the full-throated delight of the record crowd, CNN reports. Between the cold and the day’s general demands, the Obamas kept their strolls brief as they...

'Human Gridlock' Plagues Ceremony

Inauguration spectators wait for hours to get in and out of Mall area

(Newser) - The record-breaking crowd—an estimated 1.8 million people—at today’s inaugural events is overwhelming Washington’s streets and mass-transit systems, creating long waits for spectators trying to exit the Mall area, the Post reports. Hours after the swearing-in, some were still waiting to enter Metro stations. “It’...

Race Hovers on Edges of Obama's Speech

President alludes to slavery, points to diversity as a strength

(Newser) - Barack Obama made only subtle reference to his race in today’s inaugural address, but it came up again and again throughout the 18-minute address. He said that America owed its prosperity to “the makers of things,” who “endured the lash of the whip and plowed the...

Obama's Speech a 'Home Run'
 Obama's Speech a 'Home Run' 

Obama's Speech a 'Home Run'

Right/left praise speech

(Newser) - The early reviews are in from Barack Obama’s inauguration address, and the news is positive. Here’s what the critics are saying:
  • At the National Review, Michael Knox Beran thought the speech was a “home run.” It predictably had “a few lines at which a conservative

Bush Street Gets Overnight 'Update' in SF

Pranksters in notoriously liberal city rename thoroughfare, if only temporarily

(Newser) - Partisan pranksters struck San Francisco overnight, covering four blocks of signs on the city’s Bush Street with “Obama Street” signs, NBC affiliate KNTV reports. The covers look professional, and chalk messages on the pavement encourage pedestrians to look up and notice the “change.” A rally is...

Kennedy Suffers Seizure, Collapses

Sen. Byrd also has medical issues at Obama lunch

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy suffered an apparent seizure and was taken from an inaugural lunch at the Capitol today by medical personnel, Politico reports. Kennedy’s health troubles came minutes after fellow senator Robert Byrd also had to leave the event due to medical troubles; Byrd was conscious but was having trouble...

Carter Gives Clinton the Cold Shoulder

Ex-presidents, in longtime feud, frostily ignore each other

(Newser) - The bad feeling between Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter was on display today as the two ex-presidents ignored each other on the way to the inaugural platform, ABC reports. Carter greeted Barbara and George HW Bush warmly but walked straight past Bill and Hillary. The feud goes back to 1980,...

Bushes Wave Last Goodbye
 Bushes Wave Last Goodbye 

Bushes Wave Last Goodbye

Former president leaves Washington

(Newser) - George W. Bush resumed life as a private citizen today, boarding a chopper for Andrews Air Force Base after a final hug and handshake with President Obama, the AP reports. The unpopularity of the Bush administration was no secret, as some in the inauguration crowd booed the Bushes and cheered...

Obama Rebukes Bush, Assures World in Speech

Rejects policies, advocates diplomacy, warns enemies

(Newser) - Barack Obama offered a clear rebuke of George Bush's policies and signaled a sharp break with his predecessor's strategy abroad in his inaugural address today. “We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals,” the new president said, referring obviously to torture of detainees and...

Stories 4901 - 4920 | << Prev   Next >>