President Obama

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Boehner: Obama's Goal Is to 'Annihilate' GOP

Speaker expects huge push to win back House

(Newser) - John Boehner spoke to a GOP think tank called the Ripon Society the day after President Obama's inauguration, and he made clear that he thinks Obama is done trying to work with Republicans, reports the Hill :
  • “Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his

History Might Decide to Like Obama Just Fine

For starters, he won a second term: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Neither of Nate Silver's picks even made it to the Super Bowl, but the stats whiz returns his gaze to politics today—specifically how President Obama might rank in history when all is said and done. Yes, he's aware that what Obama does or doesn't do in...

NRA's LaPierre Blasts Obama: 2nd Amendment Is Absolute

Says president wants to either tax guns or take them away

(Newser) - One person who was not a fan of President Obama's inaugural address: Wayne LaPierre , executive director of the NRA. Yesterday at a Nevada hunting conference, LaPierre attacked the president's speech, specifically the part where Obama urged Americans not to "mistake absolutism for principle." That was an...

Lip Reader: Smoking Joke Behind Michelle Eye Roll

'Not true,' says Boehner spokesman

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's eye roll at the inauguration luncheon was triggered by a John Boehner crack about her husband's smoking habit, a lip-reading expert tells Inside Edition . Boehner asked Obama if he had had a cigarette before the meal, and Michelle rolled her eyes when the Republican quipped "...

Obama Won't Block House GOP's Debt Bump

Short-term fix expected to pass today

(Newser) - The next debt-ceiling battle looks set to be delayed until at least May. The White House says President Obama "would not oppose" the House GOP's plan to suspend the debt limit until May 19, reports the Washington Post . Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has also backed the plan,...

Nebraska OKs Route for Keystone Pipeline

Obama will have 'stark' choice soon, says one blogger

(Newser) - The controversial and long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline just cleared a major hurdle: Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman says the state is fine with an alternative route that avoids an environmentally fragile area knows as the Sand Hills, reports NPR . (Read his full letter to President Obama here .) Nebraska's...

Obamas, Bidens Hit Inaugural Balls

Michelle Obama glows in Jason Wu gown

(Newser) - There were just two inaugural balls this time instead of 2009's 10, but the Obamas and Bidens made them count. The president thanked troops in Afghanistan via videolink from the Commander-in-Chief’s Ball and he and Michelle danced with several members of the military before heading to the Inaugural...

Michelle's 'Eye Roll' Caught on Video

She looked unimpressed with John Boehner's joke

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is getting a little attention after today's inaugural luncheon. Sitting between President Obama and John Boehner, the first lady seemed to roll her eyes at the House speaker—not once but twice, reports the Huffington Post (here's the video ). And President Obama may have touched...

Obama Gives &#39;Most Liberal&#39; Speech Ever
 Obama Gives 
 'Most Liberal' 
 Speech Ever 
opinion roundup

Obama Gives 'Most Liberal' Speech Ever

President tosses a glove at the feet of Republicans

(Newser) - A Band-Aid to heal a divided America, it was not: Liberals and conservatives alike are calling President Obama's fiery inaugural speech today a call to arms for liberal values in stark opposition to his opponents. A sample:
  • "I was expecting an anodyne tone-poem about healing national wounds, surmounting

Obamas Join Inaugural Parade
 Obamas Meet Wild Cheers 

Obamas Meet Wild Cheers

More than 8,800 line Pennsylvania Ave for celebration

(Newser) - President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama today emerged twice from their limousine to respond to wildly cheering crowds along the inaugural parade route from Capitol Hill to the White House. The couple waved to chanting, flag-waving crowds lining Pennsylvania Avenue to celebrate the start of Obama's second...

Obama Is Free &mdash;From Himself

 Obama Is Free 
 —From Himself 

Obama Is Free —From Himself

Weight of post-partisan expectations has eased: EJ Dionne

(Newser) - President Obama's first term was weighed down with expectations and the public's "illusions"—not to mention a need for reelection. Despite his achievements on health care, two wars, and the economy, he couldn't solve "our national political distemper," writes EJ Dionne in the...

Obama: &#39;Our Journey Is Not Complete&#39;

 Obama: 'Our 
 Journey Is 
 Not Complete' 
Inaugural Address

Obama: 'Our Journey Is Not Complete'

Obama calls for collective action, progressive values in inaugural address

(Newser) - President Obama gave a fiery inaugural address today, one at once soaring and distinctly combative, making the case for collective action, support for the poor, and a variety of progressive priorities. He began by reciting the beginning of the Declaration of Independence—the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of...

Obama Takes Oath Again, Flubs It (a Little)

Trips over word 'States'

(Newser) - President Obama has been publicly sworn in for his second term—though he actually took the oath yesterday . Today the oath, administered by Chief Justice John Roberts, went off a little more smoothly than it did during Obama's first inauguration, though the AtlanticWire points out it wasn't error-free....

You Won&#39;t Remember Today&#39;s Speech
 You Won't 
 Today's Speech 
david frum

You Won't Remember Today's Speech

Inaugural speeches nearly always forgettable: David Frum

(Newser) - Planning to watch President Obama's speech today? Don't get your hopes up. After all, how many inaugural speeches can we remember from the entirety of American history? Just a handful of lines from a few addresses, writes David Frum at CNN . That's in part because presidents use...

Lupe Fiasco Bashes Obama ... at Obama Event

Eventually gets thrown off stage

(Newser) - Lupe Fiasco chose an interesting venue to go on an anti-Obama rant: an Obama inauguration party. The rapper was performing at the DC party yesterday when he started playing an anti-war song that included the lyrics, "Gaza Strip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say shit. That's why...

Obama's Inaugural Address: Don't Expect Specifics

He'll emphasize 'founding values,' get to agenda in State of the Union

(Newser) - President Obama will take to the mic at noon today to share his vision for the next four years with the country, and while guns, immigration, and other big issues loom, those tuning in should expect generalities rather than details. The AP spoke with aides who say there's no...

Today&#39;s Inauguration Timeline
 Today's Inauguration Timeline 

Today's Inauguration Timeline

Crowd of up to 800K expected to watch Obama take oath

(Newser) - Today, President Obama will become just the 17th president to deliver a second inaugural address and a crowd of up to 800,000 is expected to watch him take the oath of office—though the real inauguration happened yesterday . A guide to today's events, as per Reuters and the...

Obama Sworn In for 2nd Term
 Obama Sworn In for 2nd Term 

Obama Sworn In for 2nd Term

Takes oath of office just before noon

(Newser) - President Obama has been sworn in for a second four-year term. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office today at 11:55am in the Blue Room of the White House. First lady Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha and Malia, and a few reporters witnessed the ceremony. Obama will take...

Obama's Inauguration Is Today

That whole inaugural party tomorrow is a re-enactment

(Newser) - Washington is still putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's every-four-years inauguration party, but it'll be a day late: President Obama will quietly be sworn in for a second term today, due to a Constitutional quirk that mandates that the commander in chief be sworn in at noon on...

Man Needing Health Care Threatens to Kill Obama

Stephen Espalin: I had 'no intent' to hurt him

(Newser) - A homeless Florida man says he only threatened to kill President Obama and his family in order to get better health care, the Sun-Sentinel reports. Stephen Espalin, 57, told a judge in West Palm Beach yesterday that he made the threat because he had chest pains and had been kicked...

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