President Obama

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Outmaneuvered GOP Already Defeated on Budget Battle

With public against them, Republicans look for 'orderly surrender': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Don't be fooled by posturing or rhetoric, Republicans have already lost the fight with President Obama over increasing taxes—the only question is whether they'll admit defeat before the government goes over the "fiscal cliff," writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . With Americans ready to...

Obama Uncle Gets New Deportation Hearing

He was ordered to leave US 20 years ago

(Newser) - President Obama's uncle is getting a new deportation hearing after an appeals board ordered the agency running the US immigration court system to review his case. Onyango Obama, the half brother of the president's late father, is from Kenya but has lived in the United States for decades....

How Republicans Can Avert the Fiscal Cliff
 How Republicans 
 Can Avert the 
 Fiscal Cliff 
david brooks

How Republicans Can Avert the Fiscal Cliff

Ending tax cuts for richest could ultimately benefit GOP: David Brooks

(Newser) - It's time for Republicans to face it: The Bush tax cuts on the richest Americans will have to end. If the "fiscal cliff" isn't avoided, the GOP will get the blame , and leaders in both business and national security will be furious. So they should accept an...

Pelosi to Try to Force Vote on Bush Tax Cuts

Boehner takes GOP 'fiscal cliff' case to the press

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will file a motion today to force a vote on Bush-era tax cuts, her office says. The House minority leader's "discharge petition" would aim for a vote this month on extending the cuts for those earning less than $250,000, while ending them for those earning...

Obama Warns Syria Not to Use Chemical Weapons

White House, allies weigh options to secure stockpiles

(Newser) - President Barack Obama warned Syria today that the use of chemical weapons would be "totally unacceptable" and that the country's leaders would be held accountable. Backing up earlier comments by Hillary Clinton, Obama said that if Syrian President Bashar Assad made the "tragic mistake" of deploying chemical...

Republicans Strike Back With New Budget Plan

Proposal would not raise taxes for wealthy Americans

(Newser) - House Republicans responded to President Barack Obama today, proposing a new 10-year, $2.2 trillion blueprint for avoiding the looming "fiscal cliff." The plan, sent to the White House by House Speaker John Boehner, was unlikely to win Obama's approval, but it does go part way toward...

Ex-Spy Chief: Get Ready for 'Cyber 9/11'

Mike McConnell says we've had our warning

(Newser) - First, it was defense secretary Leon Panetta warning of a " cyber Pearl Harbor ." Now, the former director of national intelligence says it's time to prepare for "the cyber equivalent of the World Trade Center attack," the Financial Times reports. Recent attacks on big banks like...

GOP Considers 'Doomsday' Fiscal Cliff Plan

Meanwhile, Pelosi planning her own end-run

(Newser) - With fiscal cliff negotiations going, in John Boehner's words, "nowhere," Republicans are considering what ABC News correspondent Jon Karl calls a "doomsday" contingency plan. Under the plan—which Karl's sources say "is becoming the most likely scenario"—the House would approve extending the...

Obama Honors Led Zeppelin, Letterman, Hoffman
Obama Honors Led Zeppelin, Letterman, Hoffman

Obama Honors Led Zeppelin, Letterman, Hoffman

Don't trash the White House, he warns rock legends

(Newser) - Led Zeppelin, David Letterman, and guitarist Buddy Guy were among an eclectic group of performers awarded Kennedy Center Honors last night. At a White House receptions before the awards gala, President Obama joked that the group had "no business being on the same stage together," the Los Angeles ...

Now Obama Has to Start Raising Money for His Library

And he might need $500M

(Newser) - Big Democratic donors might not want to put away their checkbooks just yet. It's library time, Politico reports. Though he has yet to be sworn in for his second term, President Obama must soon start raising private money for his presidential library, and he'll likely need somewhere around...

US May Soon Recognize Syrian Opposition

Phones, Internet still cut off

(Newser) - Syria's new opposition coalition is working toward a transitional government—and if it achieves the goal soon, formal US recognition may not be far behind. Britain, France, Turkey, and the Gulf Cooperation Council recognize the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, as it's formally called, but...

GOP Hates Obama's Opening Offer

The fiscal cliff talks are under way

(Newser) - Details are emerging on Treasury secretary Tim Geithner's trek to Capitol Hill today to present the White House's wish list in the fiscal cliff talks, a move that "in some sense amounts to a formal start of negotiations," reports the Wall Street Journal . The short version...

Romney, Obama Lunch Remains Low-Key

They talk foreign policy, promise to stay in touch

(Newser) - The most interesting thing that happened in regard to Mitt Romney's lunch with President Obama today took place before it even began. Secret Service arrested a man who apparently tried to stop Romney's motorcade at a White House security gate, reports AP . He reportedly became combative with an...

On Fiscal Cliff, Dems and GOP Closer Than They Look

But mortgage interest deduction might be a casualty

(Newser) - Depending on who you ask, the fiscal cliff confrontation in Washington is either a massive standoff, or a massive mirage. "It is not going to happen soon," John Barrasso, the Senate's fourth-ranking Republican said yesterday. But top officials tell Politico that behind the scenes John Boehner and...

US Prisons Able to Absorb All Gitmo Detainees
Our Prisons Could Safely Hold Every Gitmo Detainee
new report

Our Prisons Could Safely Hold Every Gitmo Detainee

Facilities have room, necessary security: report

(Newser) - US prisons are capable of taking on all 166 Guantanamo Bay detainees, thereby allowing the US to close the facility, a report finds. "This report demonstrates that if the political will exists, we could finally close Guantanamo without imperiling our national security," says Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who commissioned...

Obama Wants You to Tweet Congress on Fiscal Cliff

He's even got a hashtag

(Newser) - President Obama is enlisting social media to help him in negotiations with Republicans on the fiscal cliff. The president today asked people to tweet their congressional representatives to urge them to preserve middle-class tax cuts, and he even provided a hashtag: #My2k. “If there’s one thing that I’...

eBay Removes Glenn Beck's 'Obama in Pee Pee' Art

Even though host said 'urine' was really just beer

(Newser) - For some reason, eBay didn't want to sell a piece of "art" by Glenn Beck dubbed "Obama in Pee Pee." Beck debuted the piece—a mason jar holding an Obama figurine submerged in Beck's "urine," which he says is really beer—on his...

At Fiscal Cliff, a Debt Ceiling Showdown Now Looms

Fiscal cliff debate roaring through Washington

(Newser) - Wrangling at the edge of the fiscal cliff is the main event in Washington right now, and the stakes might be even higher than most people realize. At President Obama's first meeting with John Boehner, he asked him to raise the debt ceiling before the end of the year,...

We Need a Minimum Tax on &Uuml;ber Rich

 We Need a 
 Minimum Tax 
 on Über Rich 
warren buffett

We Need a Minimum Tax on Über Rich

Warren Buffett: Taxes won't deter wealthy investors

(Newser) - Warren Buffett is taking another stand in the tax debate. In a New York Times op-ed this morning, the Berkshire Hathaway boss calls on Congress to establish a minimum tax on the richest Americans, "right now." His proposal: "30% of taxable income between $1 million and $10...

White House Pushed for Drone Rules to Give 'President Romney'

Explicit procedures are still in the works

(Newser) - President Obama's administration was worried enough about his chances of getting re-elected that it quickly worked to codify US drone policy, the New York Times reports. Two administration officials say the White House was working quickly to write up explicit standards, procedures, and rules for drone strikes so a...

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>