President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Immigration Move May 'Make or Break' Obama's Run

Payoff could be huge, but so could the backlash

(Newser) - One thing seems certain about President Obama's move to ease deportation rules on younger illegal immigrants: The political ramifications are big. Some assessments today:
  • The Hill : It could "make or break his relection bid," writes Jordy Yager. Given its potential to galvanize Latino voters, "the political

Obamas Might Want to Keep Bo Inside

Study says dogs don't play well as public props in tough economy

(Newser) - The doggie debates have begun again . Forget about strapping a dog to the roof of your car —even having a canine companion could be a political hazard in a tough economy, a study suggests. "In times of war or scandal, dogs are welcome public companions, but not so...

US: Yes, We're Fighting in Somalia, Yemen

Obama acknowledges battles against extremists there

(Newser) - For the first time, President Obama has publicly acknowledged the United States has engaged in "direct action" against al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Somalia and Yemen, telling Congress in a letter that the militants pose terrorist threats to "the United States and our interests," reports the New York Times...

Romney Could Win Just by Showing Up
Romney Could Win
Just by Showing Up

Romney Could Win Just by Showing Up

Given the economy, doing as little as possible might work: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Small focus groups might not be the most reliable of political predictors, but a new one suggests that some of President Obama's supporters in 2008 are "going wobbly," writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Why? The specifics may not matter. The fact is, Obama is president at a...

Irked Obama Defends Immigration Move
Irked Obama Fends Off Interrupting Reporter

Irked Obama Fends Off Interrupting Reporter

He spars twice during Rose Garden statement on immigration move

(Newser) - President Obama surely expected that his decision to make it easier for younger illegal immigrants to stay in the country wouldn't play well on the right. But he probably didn't expect to confront that criticism in the middle of his Rose Garden announcement. As ABC News notes, Neil...

&#39;Chatty Cathy&#39; Is Our National Security Adviser
'Chatty Cathy' Is Our
National Security Adviser
peggy noonan

'Chatty Cathy' Is Our National Security Adviser

Peggy Noonan: Enough with the leaks

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan weighs in on all the leaks coming out of the White House these days and bestows a new name on national security adviser Tom Donilon: "When I was a child, there was a doll called Chatty Cathy," she writes in the Wall Street Journal . "You...

Aretha Spends $2K Per Minute to Be Near Obama

Leaves Sarah Jessica Parker-hosted fundraiser after 20 minutes

(Newser) - Aretha Franklin paid the $40,000 ticket price to attend Sarah Jessica Parker's Obama fundraiser last night, but left after just 20 minutes. That means she spent $2,000 per minute to be there, TMZ helpfully calculates. Apparently it was worth it, because she described the food ("chicken...

Obama Offers Immunity to 800K Young Immigrants

Enacts major DREAM act goals without Congress

(Newser) - President Obama has struggled to get his immigration goals through Congress; now his administration is instituting major reforms on its own. In a plan to be announced today, the White House won't deport illegal immigrants younger than 30 who came to the US before they were 16, so long...

EPA's New Soot Rules Pose Threat to Obama

11 states demanded action on air pollution, but others will likely be irked

(Newser) - The Obama administration didn't want to tighten air pollution regulations until after the election—but lawsuits from 11 states have forced its hand. The Environmental Protection Agency will today announce a proposal for stricter rules on allowable soot levels. Though a final decision won't come until December, the...

Marc Jacobs Designs Obama T-Shirt ... for Dogs

Anna Wintour behind canine fashion project

(Newser) - Finally, your dog can voice support for President Obama—without sacrificing style. Thanks to encouragement from Anna Wintour , designers Marc Jacobs and Thakoon have designed doggie wear backing the president, including a T-shirt that says, "I bark for Obama" and a leash and collar set. The designers are both...

Obama, Romney Agree: My Rival Will Wreck Economy

Candidates deliver dueling speeches in Ohio

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney gave their competing versions of how to fix the economy during Ohio speeches today, with their common advice being, don't elect that other guy. Some quotes getting play:
  • Obama: “What’s holding us back is a stalemate in Washington between two fundamentally different

Move Over 'Obama Girl,' It's 'Obama Boy'

He likes the president's view on gay marriage

(Newser) - You may remember Obama Girl from the 2008 election, a sometimes bikini-clad woman who crooned of her crush on candidate Barack Obama. Now Meet Obama Boy, who likes the president's new stance on gay marriage, notes Politico . Sample lyrics by actor Justin Brown: "I got a crush on ...

Poll: Obama Approval Sinks on Economy Fears

Most of his lead over Romney dissolves

(Newser) - Doubts about President Obama's handling of the economy have wiped out most of his lead over Mitt Romney and sent his approval ratings to their lowest since January, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. The percentage of voters who approve of Obama's job performance has dropped 3...

How George W. Bush May Help Obama Win Re-Election

Steve Kornacki: New report makes clear our economic problems go back a ways

(Newser) - On first blush, you'd think yet another lousy economic report—this one saying that the median American family's net worth had fallen back to mid-'90s levels—would be bad news for President Obama. But there's another school of thought out there, notes Steve Kornacki at Salon...

Who Cares About Leaks? Problem Is Drone Policy Itself

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Obama shouldn't have this much power

(Newser) - There's lot of outrage these days about President Obama's "kill list" and his manner of personally giving the go-ahead for drones to kill suspected terrorists. But why on earth, wonders Katrina vanden Heuvel in the Washington Post , is all the outrage directed at the media leaks that...

Obama Secretly Sucks at Basketball
 Obama Secretly 
 Sucks at Basketball 
new biography

Obama Secretly Sucks at Basketball

David Maraniss biography slams his high school game

(Newser) - President Obama, crappy hoops player? We've assumed he's good— biographer Jodi Kantor and NBA stars have said so—but an upcoming biography by David Maraniss begs to differ, Politico reports. As a prep school student in Hawaii, Obama made the team "more because of his intense passion...

Top Insurer: Law or Not, We'll Keep ObamaCare

UnitedHealthcare to maintain preventive services, other Obama rules

(Newser) - Elements of President Obama's health care law will survive regardless of the Supreme Court's decision. The nation's biggest health insurer, UnitedHealthcare—which covers some 9 million people—plans to maintain several sections of the law's "Patient's Bill of Rights": It will continue to offer...

Al-Shabab Puts Bounty on Obama's Head: 10 Camels

But only 10 chickens and 10 roosters for Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - The US placed bounties on the heads of several top al-Shabab commanders last week, and the Somali militants were so impressed that they're now copying the tactic. Of course, their payouts aren't quite as impressive as the $3 million to $7 million the US is offering. "Whoever...

NYT Scribe Defends White House Leaks

David Axelrod denies leaks came from White House

(Newser) - The public's right to know about the president and his policies outweigh secrecy and security issues, says David Sanger, the New York Times reporter behind one of two much-criticized articles on the White House's approach to national security, reports the LA Times . Sen. John McCain has repeatedly attacked...

Now Obama Knows How Romney Feels
 Now Obama 
 Knows How 
kathleen parker

Now Obama Knows How Romney Feels

Kathleen Parker: His fellow Democrats 'seem to be inching away'

(Newser) - All through the GOP primaries, Mitt Romney got at best begrudging support from many Republicans, who didn't think he could beat President Obama. Indeed, "it was hard to imagine what it must have been like to be Romney, scorned and maligned by his own tribe," writes Kathleen...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>