President Obama

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Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

 Women Give Obama 
 Big Swing-State Lead 
poll numbers

Women Give Obama Big Swing-State Lead

President beating Mitt Romney 51% to 42% in 12 battleground states

(Newser) - There's finally a clear leader in the 2012 race for the swing states: President Obama has a 51% to 42% advantage over Mitt Romney, according to the fifth USA Today/Gallup poll of the top 12 battleground states. The change from a month ago, when Romney was ahead by two...

Anders Breivik 'Planned Car Bomb' for Obama

Nobel Peace Prize ceremony was his target

(Newser) - Killing 77 innocent people apparently wasn't enough for Anders Behring Breivik. The Norwegian far-right extremist also planned to car bomb President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony back in 2009, the Telegraph reports. Breivik admitted to police that it would have been a symbolic attack—security was too...

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was &#39;Stating the Obvious&#39;
Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

The VP tackles contraception debate, Romney, ObamaCare

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't caving to the Russians or engaging in back-door politics in last week's "hot mic" moment with Dimitry Medvedev , he was just "stating the obvious," the veep charged this morning on Face the Nation. “The idea that in this election year we'...

Santorum: I Didn't Drop N-Bomb on Obama

Candidate accused of using N-word on campaign trail

(Newser) - Blogs were all a-buzz yesterday that Rick Santorum may have nearly called President Obama the N-word, RawStory reports. Addressing voters in Janesville, Wisconsin, earlier this week, the candidate stopped just short of using America's most incendiary insult: “We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like—the...

Obama Clears Way for Sanctions on Iran

President says world market has enough oil to enact restrictions

(Newser) - President Obama today greenlighted sanctions designed to choke Iran's oil industry and pressure Tehran into giving up its nuclear ambitions. The decision comes after the White House established that there's enough crude oil in world markets to keep American allies steady if they reduce imports from Iran, reports...

&#39;Devious&#39; Obama Losing Credibility Fast

 Obama Losing  
 Credibility Fast 
peggy noonan

'Devious' Obama Losing Credibility Fast

Peggy Noonan says Republicans who once trusted him no longer do so

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan thinks a lot of Republicans who once liked President Obama personally, if not politically, are having serious second thoughts. "What is happening is that the president is coming across more and more as a trimmer, as an operator who's not operating in good faith," she...

Romney Grabs 7-Point Lead in Wisconsin

But Obama leads Romney in general election polling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney leads Rick Santorum 40% to 33% in Wisconsin, according to a new NBC News-Marist poll . Ron Paul follows in third with 11% and Newt Gingrich is last with 8%. Romney leads the way with moderate and liberal Republicans, conservatives, and those earning more than $75,000 per year....

Obama, GOP Blowing Hot Air on Tax Plans
 Obama, GOP Blowing 
 Hot Air on Tax Plans 
Michael Bloomberg

Obama, GOP Blowing Hot Air on Tax Plans

Mayor Bloomberg: Let Bush cuts expire and pass Bowles-Simpson

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg sounds a little weary of election-year politics as it pertains to the economy. President Obama, for instance, is tacking way left with his populist call to soak the rich. His tax plan "is a political strategy, not an economic one," writes Bloomberg in the Wall Street ...

Obama Fan? His Voter Database Is Watching You
Obama Fan? His Voter Database Is Watching You

Obama Fan? His Voter Database Is Watching You

ProPublica is a little worried about how much we don't know about it

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign has by all accounts an impressive voter database that is getting more comprehensive by the day. But exactly how much information it is storing about supporters and what it intends to do with the cache remain big unknowns because the campaign won't talk about...

Medvedev Zings Romney: It's 2012, Not the '70s

Russian president fires back after Romney calls Russia the US' top foe

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev seems amused by Mitt Romney's recent declaration that Russia was the US' “No. 1 geopolitical foe.” “It is very reminiscent of Hollywood,” the Russian president said in South Korea today, according to CNN . He advised the GOP candidates “to listen to reason...

Obama Stands By Hot Mic Comments

Missile defense 'extraordinarily complex'

(Newser) - Asked about yesterday's "oops" when he and Dmitri Medvedev were overheard talking about European missile defense , the first thing President Obama said was, "Are the mikes on?" That got laughs, but Obama quickly turned serious, the Washington Post reports, calling missile defense "extraordinarily complex." He...

Obama, Medvedev Caught on Hot Mic

'After my election I have more flexibility,' he says in frank moment caught on camera

(Newser) - Publicly, President Obama and Dmitry Medvedev said today that delicate discussions over a European missile defense were ongoing. Inadvertently publicly, Obama told Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin to chill and give him until after the election to wrangle a deal, reports the Washington Post . The pair met today in Seoul,...

Romney's Staff Destroying His Chances

John Cassidy: Nothing going for Mitt but money

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign keeps shooting itself in the foot, and the GOP frontrunner may have passed the point of no return, writes John Cassidy in the New Yorker . After last week's blunders, Cassidy has finally had to admit "that trying to rescue Romney’s presidential bid may...

Type in, and Guess Where You'll End Up?

(Newser) - Some wily jokester apparently got ahold of and and set them to redirect … to President Obama's campaign website. Some Republicans have apparently fallen for the prank, fueling existing speculation that Obama is a socialist or a Communist, the New York Times notes: One user...

For Lawyers, Health Case an Exhausting Marathon

Long arguments will require 'enormous endurance'

(Newser) - It's a big day in Washington as the Supreme Court prepares for the opening arguments over President Obama's health care law . Teams of lawyers on both sides have been deep in preparation, staging mock arguments that have nearly drained the city of attorneys up for playing the role...

Santorum Calls Out NYT Reporter's 'BS'

He's still on the defensive after Mitt Romney comments

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been on the defensive ever since stating that President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney, the Etch a Sketch candidate. But last night he'd apparently had enough. After stating that "RomneyCare" is too similar to "ObamaCare" and makes Romney "the worst Republican...

Obama Ready to Cut Nukes Again

President issues nuclear warnings to North Korea, Iran

(Newser) - President Obama still thinks we could stand to get rid of a bunch of our nukes, and has promised a renewed effort to cut American and Russian nuclear arsenals following 2010's START treaty . "We can already say with confidence that we have more nuclear weapons than we need,...

Obama Visits DMZ, Praises Troops at 'Freedom's Frontier'

President gives credit to troops for success of South Korea

(Newser) - President Barack Obama visited the Demilitarized Zone today, staring down North Korea from behind bulletproof glass just 100 yards from the demarcation line and praising US troops serving on "freedom's frontier." His visit, which the AP calls "an unmistakable show of force," comes 100 days...

Obama's Trayvon Comment May Be 'Watershed Moment'

He handled it perfectly: Major Garrett

(Newser) - President Obama's poignant line yesterday about Trayvon Martin— "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" —may end up being a "watershed moment for his presidency," writes Major Garrett at the National Journal . Obama has generally avoided addressing "distinctly racial issues,"...

Gingrich: Obama's Trayvon Line 'Disgraceful'

He accused president of turning 'into a racial issue'

(Newser) - President Obama has generally won high praise for his widely circulated line about the Trayvon Martin shooting—" If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon "—but Newt Gingrich found the comments "disgraceful" and racially divisive. “It’s not a question of who that...

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>