President Obama

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Birthers Can't Sue Obama: US Court

Federal appeals panel upholds dismissal of lawsuit

(Newser) - Sorry, birthers: You've got no right to sue the president, a US court of appeals says. Dozens of birthers tried to bring President Obama to court over claims he wasn't born in the US, but their complaint contains no grievance that the court has the power to remedy,...

Obama to House: 'This Is About People'

President raises pressure for payroll tax cut

(Newser) - President Obama tried to turn the screws a little tighter on House Republicans today by showcasing people who said they'd be hurt if the payroll tax cut fails to go through. He again used the $40 argument , the average amount people would lose from their paychecks, reports the AP...

Americans to Congress: Do Your Job

Public frustration over gridlock, politics hits new highs

(Newser) - Congress has been extremely unpopular for some time , but Washington's inability to pass a payroll tax cut extension before adjourning for the holidays appears to have people disgusted like never before, reports the AP . "It's just another smack in our face for the working public. We just...

Palin Rips Obama Family Holiday Card

What, did you expect her to like it?

(Newser) - Is someone a little put out that she didn’t get a holiday card from the first family? Sarah Palin was recently on Fox News criticizing the Obama family’s pic , noting that the card—which features Bo Obama in front of a White House fireplace—focuses on the dog...

Economy Surges, But Trouble Looms

Q4 economy up 3.7%, but slowdown dangers lie ahead

(Newser) - Surging economic data, such as new construction, small business confidence, and initial jobless benefit claims, show the American economy is growing at the fastest clip since the recession started—at 3.7% annualized in the fourth quarter, that's four times faster than it was growing at the start of...

Obama Calls Boehner to Press for Payroll Tax Deal

But neither he nor speaker budges

(Newser) - President Obama raised the pressure on John Boehner over the payroll tax standoff with a personal phone call today, reports the Hill . But, surprise, surprise, no magical breakthroughs resulted. From the official accounts, it sounds like the two just spouted talking points at each other—Obama telling Boehner to pass...

Defense Bill Could Allow Rendition of Americans

President would be able to send terrorist suspects anywhere he wants

(Newser) - President Obama has signaled that he will sign a defense bill this week that includes language giving him broad powers to indefinitely detain terror suspects—including, many legal analysts believe, American citizens. Now, Mother Jones has spotted another charming provision in the bill that would allow the rendition of terror...

Obama's New Payroll Tax Pitch: What's $40 to You?

John Boehner, meanwhile, asks Obama to intercede

(Newser) - The White House launched a PR campaign to try to save the floundering payroll tax cut extension last night, asking supporters to chime in with what $40 meant to them—since that’s how much the average family stands to lose per paycheck if the extension doesn’t pass, CNN...

Obama's Approval Swells to 49%

Strongest since March as president improves among conservatives

(Newser) - President Obama's job-approval numbers remain poor, but at 49% they have rebounded to their strongest point since March, showing substantial improvements from young voters, seniors, and independents in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Since September, Obama's approval rating has risen by 9 percentage points among Democrats, to...

Failed Politician Calls for Assassination of Obamas

California libertarian Jules Manson defends racist rant

(Newser) - Failed politician Jules Manson appears to be better at attracting attention from the Secret Service than he was at attracting votes in his bid for a city council seat in California. In a Facebook rant sparked by President Obama's support of a revised military authorization bill, Manson called for...

Oops: Fox Calls Romney, Obama 'Best Friends'

Clip mix-up has amusing results

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Mitt Romney may differ on politics—but apparently they're best friends. At least, that's what Fox News host Bill Hemmer told viewers today. After noting that Romney had recently been interviewed about his personal life, Hemmer said, "Here is Romney on his relationship with...

Democrats Should Write In Hillary in NH Primary

Two pollsters call for grass-roots campaign to unseat Obama

(Newser) - It's time for Democrats to start a Draft Hillary campaign for the 2012 election, beginning with a write-in campaign in New Hampshire, write two Democratic pollsters on Politico . Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen called on President Obama to step aside last month, saying Clinton would make a far stronger...

Obamas: No Facebook for Malia, Sasha

Prez a big fan of Modern Family, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland

(Newser) - President Obama's elder daughter Malia is now 13, old enough to have a Facebook account, but the first couple has no intention of lifting their ban on their daughters using the site . And the girls don't mind, the president tells People , characterizing their view as, "Why would...

Medal of Honor Recipient's Story Inflated: Report

McClatchy says parts are exaggerated

(Newser) - President Obama told a tale of staggering heroism when he awarded the Medal of Honor to Dakota Meyer : The Marine had rushed to save ambushed US troops against orders, gunning down eight insurgents, rescuing 13 Americans, and jumping down from his turret to rescue 24 Afghan soldiers. It would be...

White House Releases New Family Portrait of Barack Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama
 Obamas Get New Portrait 

Obamas Get New Portrait

White House releases new family photo

(Newser) - The first family has a new portrait: President and Michelle Obama posed with daughters Sasha, 10, and Malia, 13, in the Oval Office for the new photo, snapped by White House photographer Pete Souza, notes People . Last time around, in 2009, Annie Leibovitz did the honors. Click here to see...

Best Black President? Still Might Be Clinton
Best Black President?
Still Might Be Clinton
L. Douglas Wilder

Best Black President? Still Might Be Clinton

Obama has work to do to take that title: L. Douglas Wilder

(Newser) - When Bill Clinton got tagged as the nation's "first black president," L. Douglas Wilder—the first black governor of Virginia—never quite bought it. When Barack Obama got elected, Wilder figured the US finally had the real deal. Three years in, however, Wilder isn't so sure...

Obama Should Take a Page From Tebow&#39;s Playbook
 Obama Can Learn From Tebow 

Obama Can Learn From Tebow

We need a leader who can lift us up: Matthew Dowd

(Newser) - With America struggling, we need "a leader who can raise us all up to a level we didn’t know we had in us, give us confidence in ourselves, give us a common goal to work toward, and make us believe in and have faith in ourselves again."...

Tea Party's Newt Backers Are Racist: Glenn Beck

Now he says he didn't really mean it, and just wanted to get 'people to think'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is back in the news, this time over comments that are rankling plenty of conservatives. On Friday, Beck made a bold statement: That Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama are basically the same progressive guy, so if you're a member of the Tea Party and support Gingrich, there'...

Payroll Tax Could Face Vote Today

GOP plan would tie measure to oil pipeline approval

(Newser) - The payroll tax cut could see a vote today under a GOP measure linking it to the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline. House Republicans, who have been fighting the tax cut, want to tie approval of the extension to approval of the pipeline, which would bring oil through Canada to...

US to Iran: Give Us Back Our Drone, Please

But Obama, Clinton don't seem to be holding their breath

(Newser) - Red-faced American officials have requested that Iran return a crashed US drone —the one apparently paraded before Iranians and stripped of whatever secrets it was carrying. "We have asked for it back. We'll see how the Iranians respond," said President Obama in the first confirmation that...

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