
Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>

Pakistan Emergency to End 'Within One Month'

Bhutto allowed to leave her home

(Newser) - The state of emergency will be lifted within a month, the government of Pakistan vowed today, as opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was allowed to leave her villa to meet with supporters at the offices of her party. Police moved aside barricades used yesterday to prevent her from attending a planned...

Gunmen Injure 8 After Chavez Protest Rally

Hooded thugs open fire on students returning from Caracas march

(Newser) - A band of hooded gunmen opened fire and tossed tear gas cannisters into a crowd of college students returning yesterday from a massive rally protesting President Hugo Chavez' policies. At least eight were injured, but no one was killed, AP reports. Panicked students raced through campus as ambulances arrived. Students...

With TV Cut Off, Pakistanis Turn to the Web

Musharraf can’t keep people offline in newly tech-savvy country

(Newser) - When Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency rule, he turned off all news outlets but his own, but couldn't stop Pakistanis from flocking to the Internet for independent news. The website of private news outfit GEO-TV was so flooded by traffic that the channel had to upgrade servers and remove non-text content...

Bhutto Steps Up Challenge to Emergency Rule

Protesting lawyers arrested for third day

(Newser) - The crisis in Pakistan escalated today as opposition leader Benazir Bhutto vowed to go ahead with a protest rally against emergency rule in Rawalpindi Friday, and lawyers battled police in the streets for a third day. Bhutto challenged President Pervez Musharraf to end military rule before Nov. 9, saying she...

Burma Nabs Top Dissidents
Burma Nabs Top Dissidents

Burma Nabs Top Dissidents

(Newser) - Myanmar’s rulers have arrested just about every major dissident at large, the BBC reports. The junta rounded up three more prominent figures, among them Htay Kywe, who had been in hiding. He was a leader not only of the recent protests but of the 1988 uprising as well. Amnesty...

Burma Confiscates Phones, Computers to Silence News

Authorities move to shut down last lines of communication to outside world

(Newser) - The Burmese government is cutting the last lines of communication with the outside world, confiscating satellite phones and computers that reporters and bloggers were using to spread news of the violent repression of pro-democracy protests. Officials even demanded to see permits for satellite phones at a United Nations office. Authorities...

Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech
Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech

Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech

Police use tear gas as demonstrators rush university venue

(Newser) - Iranian students mounted a rare protest today as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Tehran University. Opponents shouted “Death to the dictator!” and tried to enter the hall where the president was speaking, prompting police to fire tear gas into the crowd. Protesters also tried to prevent Ahmadinejad from leaving,...

World Pressure Bears Down on Burma
World Pressure Bears Down
on Burma

World Pressure Bears Down on Burma

Protesters around globe stage protests as US weighs sanctions

(Newser) - Protesters around the world staged a series of rallies today to protest Burma's crackdown on dissent and show support for the nation's monks. The protests began in New Zealand and were to continue in big cities throughout the world at noon local time, the BBC reported. The US and other...

Facebook Users Hook Up—With Fellow Burmese Monk Backers

300K mobilize through social networking site

(Newser) - Mammoth networking site Facebook is triggering a massive mobilization of protesters around the world who will hit the streets this weekend in support of the Burmese monks, Wired writes. Nearly 300,000 people have joined the Facebook group "Support the Monks' Protest" since a story on the movement broke...

Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling
Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling

Pakistanis Protest Court Ruling

Journalists, lawyers clash with police over decision allowing Musharraf to seek another term

(Newser) - Protests broke out in Pakistan today after lawmakers approved Pervez Musharraf's run for re-election. Protesters, led by journalists and lawyers. clashed with police, who hurled tear gas and brandished riot batons outside a federal building. At least 3 demonstrators were hospitalized and 2 journalists arrested after the melee, CNN reports.

5 Monks Killed by Burma Police
5 Monks Killed by Burma Police

5 Monks Killed by Burma Police

Monks continue to march against military despite violence

(Newser) - Five monks are reported dead and many are wounded after riot police fired at pro-democracy demonstrators, beat them with rifle butts and arrested more than 100  today in continuing protests in Yangong, Myanmar. Security forces surrounded six monasteries; as monks approached troops fired tear gas and live rounds over the...

Burmese Monks Take to Streets
Burmese Monks Take to Streets

Burmese Monks Take to Streets

Vow to see military government 'wiped from the land'

(Newser) - Thousands of Buddhist monks are protesting in the streets of Burma, and they’ll continue to do so until they’ve “wiped the military dictatorship from the land,” their leaders said today. This is the first time the monks have explicitly challenged the government, the BBC reports, and...

50K Rally to Support 'Jena Six'
50K Rally to Support 'Jena Six'

50K Rally to Support 'Jena Six'

Huge crowds arrive in tiny town to protest trial of black students

(Newser) - Busload after busload of civil rights marchers alighted in Jena, La., today to support the “Jena Six,” a group of black students charged with felonies after a 2006 fight with a white classmate. An estimated 50,000 mostly-black protesters easily outnumbered the mostly-white population of the town, where...

Jena Braces for Thousands of Protesters

Locals resent activists, fear violence; tiny LA town will shut down

(Newser) - Tiny Jena, LA, is bracing for the tens of thousands of activists expected to descend on the town of 3,000 today to protest the handling of six black high school students charged with attempted murder for beating a white classmate in December. Led by the Rev. Al Sharpton, protesters...

189 Busted in Anti-War Protest
189 Busted in Anti-War Protest

189 Busted in Anti-War Protest

Police move In after Capitol Hill 'die-in'

(Newser) - Police arrested 189 demonstrators yesterday as thousands converged on Capitol Hill to protest the war in Iraq. Hundreds staged a "die-in" in what was generally a trouble-free protest until police used chemical spray on some demonstrators attempting to scale fences in front of the Capitol, reports the Washington Post....

Aussie Chief Pleads for APEC Peace on YouTube

Howard asks protesters for support, peace

(Newser) - Australian Prime Minister John Howard has taken to the YouTube web waves in a bid to quell protests this week in Sydney at the summit on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. If demonstrators "really are concerned about poverty and climate change, they should support APEC not attack it," Howard pleads....

How to Shut Protesters Up: A White House Guidebook

ACLU lawsuit forces release of manual

(Newser) - A lawsuit sparked by two protesters wearing anti-Bush T-shirts has forced the White House to reveal its guidebook on dealing with dissenters, the Washington Post reports. The manual calls for a "protest area" separate from event sites and roaming "rally squads" to drown out demonstrators who infiltrate the...

Hurricane Dean Hastens 'Three Amigos' Summit

Bush meets neighbors, Calderon leaves early, protests turn violent

(Newser) - President Bush met with his counterparts from north and south yesterday at a Canadian summit overshadowed by Hurricane Dean and greeted with violent protests. The so-called "Three Amigos" met in a Quebec château ringed by a huge security wall, outside which police used tear gas and rubber bullets...

Chinese Issue Big Brother ID Cards
Chinese Issue Big Brother
ID Cards

Chinese Issue Big Brother ID Cards

Reproductive history, religion, landlord phone numbers will be listed

(Newser) - The Chinese government is beefing up already stringent surveillance measures, installing 20,000 police security cameras in one city and issuing computer chip identity cards to millions listing work and reproductive history, religion, police records and even landlord phone numbers. The cards will help track citizens for any number of...

Jewish Squatters Protest West Bank Evacuation

Dissidents hurl rocks, light bulbs at police

(Newser) - As Israel moves closer to an evacuation of the West Bank, hundreds of Jewish protesters barricaded themselves in Hebron's market today, Haaretz reports, using barbed wire, oil drums, and burning tires. Police evicted two families as teenagers on rooftops lobbed rocks, eggs, and light bulbs at forces trying to break...

Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>