Inauguration Day

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Bush Street Gets Overnight 'Update' in SF

Pranksters in notoriously liberal city rename thoroughfare, if only temporarily

(Newser) - Partisan pranksters struck San Francisco overnight, covering four blocks of signs on the city’s Bush Street with “Obama Street” signs, NBC affiliate KNTV reports. The covers look professional, and chalk messages on the pavement encourage pedestrians to look up and notice the “change.” A rally is...

Carter Gives Clinton the Cold Shoulder

Ex-presidents, in longtime feud, frostily ignore each other

(Newser) - The bad feeling between Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter was on display today as the two ex-presidents ignored each other on the way to the inaugural platform, ABC reports. Carter greeted Barbara and George HW Bush warmly but walked straight past Bill and Hillary. The feud goes back to 1980,...

First Family: Day 1

 First Family: Day 1 


First Family: Day 1

(Newser) - Guess who beat out the world's media to snag the best vantage point to film today's historic inauguration? Malia Obama not only watched her father from a front-row seat, but also brought along her camera, reports Australia's News Network. The 10-year-old and her sister, Sasha, 7, lit up the stage...

Bushes Wave Last Goodbye
 Bushes Wave Last Goodbye 

Bushes Wave Last Goodbye

Former president leaves Washington

(Newser) - George W. Bush resumed life as a private citizen today, boarding a chopper for Andrews Air Force Base after a final hug and handshake with President Obama, the AP reports. The unpopularity of the Bush administration was no secret, as some in the inauguration crowd booed the Bushes and cheered...

Celebs Mix It Up With the Masses
 Celebs Mix It Up 
 With the Masses 

Celebs Mix It Up With the Masses

(Newser) - Hollywood stars rubbed shoulders with everybody else as celebs like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Denzel Washington, and Dustin Hoffman waited in the cold to watch Barack Obama take office. Oprah Winfrey, seated next to Samuel L. Jackson, told Hollywood Scoop: “It’s behind the dream…amazing grace personified.” Also spotted:...

Obama Headlines Worldwide

Obama Headlines Worldwide

Papers reveal 'great expectations' for America's next president

(Newser) - The world was watching as Barack Obama took the oath of office. A sampling of headlines from around the globe:
  • National Post (Canada): The Ascension of Obama
  • Guardian (UK): Magical Spell That Will Open a New Obama Era
  • La Repubblica (Italy): America Celebrates Obama's Oath
  • Der Tagesspiegel (Germany): The World

Michelle Obama Sparkles in Isabel Toledo
Michelle Obama Sparkles in Isabel Toledo

Michelle Obama Sparkles in Isabel Toledo

Cuban-American outfits Mrs. O; first lady adds green shoes, gloves

(Newser) - The fashion world has been breathlessly waiting to see what Michelle Obama would wear to the inauguration, and the new first lady didn’t disappoint, donning a sparkling lemongrass sheath dress (no traditional suit here) from Isabel Toledo. To ward off cold, parts of the coat and sleeves were pashmina...

President Obama Takes Office
 President Obama Takes Office 

President Obama Takes Office

Chief justice swears in US' first black president

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. In front of record crowds and with his hand on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln, Obama took the oath of office from Chief Justice John Roberts. The new president swore: “I will faithfully execute the office of president...

Biden Is 47th Vice President
 Biden Is 47th Vice President 

Biden Is 47th Vice President

Longtime Del. senator sworn in at inauguration

(Newser) - Joe Biden has assumed the office of vice president of the United States, the Washington Post reports. On the steps of the Capitol, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens swore in the longtime Delaware senator, who vowed to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all...

Rev. Warren References MLK in Invocation

Obama's pick sparked gay-rights controversy

(Newser) - Offering the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration, Rev. Rick Warren called the moment “a hinge-point in history: the first inauguration of an African American as the 44th president.” The controversial pastor added, “We know that today Dr King and a great cloud of witnesses are shouting in...

What Today Means
 What Today 

What Today Means

Pundits take on magnitude of the moment

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the story today for editorial pages across the country. Here’s what the professional pundits are saying:  
  • The excitement is feverish in Washington, writes Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian, a sense that this inauguration is special, that Obama will be magically transformed into “the embodiment

400K Churn Through DC Transit
 400K Churn Through DC Transit 

400K Churn Through DC Transit

Woman hits tracks

(Newser) - Passengers swarmed Washington’s subway and bus system today, with Metro reporting more than 409,000 entries into the system as of 9am, pushing the public transit system to its limits, the Washington Post reports. At one point, service on the Red Line was disrupted when a 68-year-old woman fell...

Best Liveblogs Covering the Inauguration

From politics to traffic, these sources have DC's big day covered

(Newser) - In the 4 years since the last inauguration, news organizations have embraced live-blogging to offer running commentary on big events. Some of the most interesting inaugural liveblogs:
  • Politico Live, the Washington news source's live feed, is covering the politics and the spectacle of the day. It reports that Rep. James

Transition Gives Peek at Obama Leadership Style

Prez-elect's process a combo of 'discipline' and 'curiosity'

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s transition into the presidency has provided a window onto how he’ll operate as president, writes Peter Baker in the New York Times. Despite major challenges ahead, he has been “a font of cool confidence” throughout. But he’s “hard to label”—while he’...

Aretha: World Will Be Dancing in the Streets

Diva fired up to give Obama R-E-S-P-E-C-T at biggest gig of her life

(Newser) - Aretha Franklin is psyched to sing to the biggest audience of her life in Washington today, she tells the Times of London. When she thinks of Obama she thinks of "jubilation all over the world," the Queen of Soul says. "Dancing in Africa, dancing in London, dancing...

Obamas Head to Church
 Obamas Head to Church 

Obamas Head to Church

Prez-elect follows presidential tradition

(Newser) - As massive crowds swarmed the National Mall to witness Barack Obama's inauguration as president, the man at the center of the maelstrom began the day with his wife at a private service at St. John’s Episcopal Church across the street from the White House, a tradition for those about...

America Is Now Truly the Land of Lincoln: Durbin

Obama's election makes the dream of the Founding Fathers more real than ever

(Newser) - Abraham Lincoln's dream of extending the liberty set out by the Founding Fathers to all Americans comes one step closer to reality with Barack Obama's inauguration today, Sen. Dick Durbin writes in the Hill. Obama's election represents a “new summit” in America's long struggle to be "one nation,...

Protestants Hold Inauguration Monopoly
Protestants Hold Inauguration Monopoly

Protestants Hold Inauguration Monopoly

Priests, rabbis have been missing from ceremony for 20 years

(Newser) - Barack Obama's swearing-in will be the sixth straight inauguration where rabbis and Catholic priests will be absent from the dais, reports Time. For decades it was traditional to have Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish representatives at the ceremony, but Billy Graham’s invocation (and benediction) at George Bush’s 1989 inauguration...

Eager Crowds Swarm Before Dawn
 Eager Crowds 
 Swarm Before Dawn 

Eager Crowds Swarm Before Dawn

Rush hour at 4:30am; thousands flood mall

(Newser) - As late night became early morning in Washington, eager crowds were already forming outside Metro stops, the Washington Post reports. By 4:30am, some trains were reminiscent of rush hour; by 5:30, the line outside one station was 2 miles long. Meanwhile, thousands poured into the Mall, bundled into...

Houseguests Descend for DC Slumber Party

Couch space at a premium as friends and family flock to capital

(Newser) - Thousands of homes across the nation’s capital are jam-packed with out-of-town guests who've arrived to witness history, the Los Angeles Times reports. Guest bedrooms, sofas, and dorm room floors have been turned over to friends and family. "Every surface space, every comforter, every drop of hot water is...

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