
3 Stories

Putin's Seaside Palace: 8 Million Square Feet

Residence has casino, movie theater, amphitheater, pool, helipad...

(Newser) - With the Russian government described in leaked US cables as a "mafia state" in which bribery constitutes a "parallel tax system," it makes one wonder: What do the plutocrats do with all that cash? For Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, one previously reported answer to that question...

It's Us, Not US, That Will Crush Jon and Kate
It's Us, Not US, That Will Crush Jon and Kate

It's Us, Not US, That Will Crush Jon and Kate

Couple didn't set out to exploit kids, actually made for decent TV

(Newser) - The Gosselin brood is kind of like the family of Russia's Czar Nicholas II. So who is the Rasputin scheming to tear down this public family? Don't just assume it's US Weekly, or TLC, or the alleged Other Woman, writes Foster Kamer for Gawker. The real force working against the...

The Best All-Time Beards
 The Best All-Time Beards 

The Best All-Time Beards

These guys have the most notable chin hairs in history

(Newser) - To celebrate the public premiere of Charles Darwin's beard (or at least hair from it his great, great grandson found in a small leather box) at the British Natural History Museum, the London Times lists the best all-time chin hairs:
  1. Karl Marx. The collapse of the Soviet Union may have

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