Obama Cabinet

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Senate Delays Hearing on Geithner
Senate Delays Hearing on Geithner

Senate Delays Hearing on Geithner

Troubled Treasury bid must wait until after Inauguration

(Newser) - The incoming administration's attempt to fast-track Tim Geithner's confirmation hearing has failed in the wake of trouble with his personal finances, and the session will now take place on Jan. 21, the New York Times reports. The delay of the Senate hearing until after the Inauguration, motivated by Republican lawmakers'...

Clinton Says US Willing to Engage Syria, Iran

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton signaled a willingness to directly engage Iran and Syria in talks once she's secretary of state—a prospect she had denounced as "naive" during the campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. In her confirmation hearing—she is expected to be easily approved later this week—Clinton said...

I'll Fight for 'Hardworking Families': Solis

Union foes challenge Labor nominee, but confirmation expected

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pick for labor secretary vowed today to “improve the opportunities for hardworking families,” CNN reports. “My vision for the Department of Labor is rooted in who I am,” said Rep. Hilda Solis, the daughter of two union members. The four-term congresswoman from Los...

Daschle: Health Reform About Facts, Not Ideology

Obama nominee pledges bipartisan effort despite controversial plan

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services promised today a bipartisan effort to reform health care, the New York Times reports. “When it comes to health care, we really are in it together,” Tom Daschle said during Senate confirmation hearings, where chairman Ted Kennedy...

Obama Fills West Wing With Powerful Czars
Obama Fills West Wing With Powerful Czars

Obama Fills West Wing With Powerful Czars

Critics warn of collision between Cabinet, top advisers in key jobs

(Newser) - Stories of agencies working on the same projects and not bothering to coordinate dog every presidential administration, but Barack Obama has an ambitious plan to avoid all that: He’s concentrating power over domestic issues in the hands of White House advisers. “It really is a way of him...

Gupta's Right Doc for Political Prime Time
Gupta's Right Doc for Political Prime Time

Gupta's Right Doc for Political Prime Time

CNN's medicine man will help push preventive health care message, Park notes

(Newser) - Barack Obama's choice of CNN's health correspondent as his surgeon general is raising eyebrows, but the pick underlines Obama's plans to focus on preventive care, Alice Park writes in Time. The telegenic Sanjay Gupta, while lacking the government experience most surgeon generals have brought to the job, has anchored specials...

Sanjay Gupta Chosen for Surgeon General

(Newser) - CNN correspondent and neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta is Barack Obama’s choice for surgeon general, and the doctor is expected to accept, the Washington Post reports. The two had a meeting in Chicago in November, where the president-elect noted that Gupta would be a very high-profile appointment and would have significant...

Obama's Early Picks Disappoint His Base
 Obama's Early Picks 
 Disappoint His Base 

Obama's Early Picks Disappoint His Base

Cabinet tally, inauguration choice upset minority groups

(Newser) - Barack Obama has already slighted some of his most vehement campaign supporters. Women's groups are unimpressed by his Cabinet tally: 15 of 20 spots went to men. And the gay constituency is enraged that Obama chose anti-gay marriage evangelical Rick Warren to lead prayer in his historic inauguration. Instead...

Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records
Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records

Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records

But liberal activists, others feel left in dust

(Newser) - Barack Obama has moved so fast to set up his administration that he’s on a pace to blow past all previous presidents, reports the Wall Street Journal. By the eleventh week of their transitions, George HW Bush and Richard Nixon had made 26 and 25 appointments, respectively. As of...

It's Official: Solis, Kirk, LaHood Join Cabinet

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced his final Cabinet choices today, making official what insiders have hinted at for a week, the Washington Post reports. Hilda Solis will be the nominee for labor secretary, Ron Kirk for trade representative, and Republican Ray LaHood for transportation. Solis appears to be the lightning rod, as...

With Picks, Obama Plays Both Sides of 'Change' Coin

He's got old hands on economy, foreign policy, new faces to bring shifts elsewhere

(Newser) - Barack Obama seems intent on giving America two administrations for the price of one, Gerald Seib writes in the Wall Street Journal. The first, his national-security and economic appointments, is full of well-known Washington veterans, sending a message of steadiness amid war and financial calamity. But the second wave of...

Solis Is Cabinet's Lone Progressive
 Solis Is Cabinet's 
 Lone Progressive 

Solis Is Cabinet's Lone Progressive

Obama's Cabinet stocked with moderates—except Solis

(Newser) - Progressives are viewing Barack Obama's ever-so-centrist Cabinet with disappointment, except for the notable pick of union friend Hilda Solis for labor secretary, Politico reports. Solis, a rising star in the House who had been viewed as a potential Speaker, is the daughter of a teamster and a factory worker, and...

Ex-Dallas Mayor Kirk Will Be Obama's Trade Rep

Free-trade Democrat among few Southerners tabbed for cabinet

(Newser) - Barack Obama will announce former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk as his nominee for trade representative tomorrow, the Dallas Morning News reports. Kirk, who ran unsuccessfully for Senate in 2002, is pro-trade and a staunch supporter of NAFTA. Kirk campaigned extensively for Obama, and is one of the few Southern faces...

Support Strong for Gay Navy Secretary

'Don't ask, don't tell' wouldn't apply because post is a civilian job

(Newser) - Retired military leaders and congressional Democrats are urging Barack Obama to nominate Bill White, an openly gay executive at the New York museum featuring the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, as secretary of the Navy, the Washington Times reports. The civilian post would not be subject to the Pentagon’s “...

Obama Picks First Woman to Lead SEC
Obama Picks First Woman
to Lead SEC

Obama Picks First Woman to Lead SEC

Veteran regulator Mary Schapiro will take over agency

(Newser) - Barack Obama has made his pick for a new leader of the SEC, currently under siege for its failure to detect the massive fraud of Bernard Madoff, the Wall Street Journal reports. Obama is expected to announce tomorrow that Mary Schapiro—a former commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission—...

GOP's LaHood Will Take Transportation Post

Illinois congressman was retiring from seat

(Newser) - Barack Obama has chosen Illinois congressman Ray LaHood, a Republican, for the post of transportation secretary, Bloomberg reports. Obama is expected to make the announcement by the end of the week. LaHood, 63, had already announced his retirement from Congress this year after seven terms. He has a reputation for...

Obama Adds Centrists Salazar, Vilsack to Cabinet

Salazar brings centrist cred to the team

(Newser) - Barack Obama added Ken Salazar and Tom Vilsack to his growing list of Cabinet appointments today, tapping the noted centrists as secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture respectively. “It is time for a new kind of leadership in Washington that's committed to using our lands in a responsible way,...

Obama Picks Duncan for Education Secretary

(Newser) - Barack Obama has chosen Chicago schools reformer Arne Duncan for secretary of education, the Wall Street Journal reports. During his 7 years as Chicago schools chief, Duncan has been known for hiring new teachers and closing struggling schools without alienating unions. He is also friendly with Obama and plays pick-up...

Obama Unveils Energy Team
Obama Unveils Energy Team

Obama Unveils Energy Team

Green leaders will help America kick the oil habit, fight global warming, he says

(Newser) - Promising to end America's oil addiction and combat global warming, Barack Obama rolled out his environment and energy team today, the Boston Globe reports. He chose Nobel laureate Steven Chu for energy secretary; New Jersey official Lisa Jackson for EPA; Los Angeles deputy mayor Nancy Sutley to lead a White...

Obama to Pick Corzine Aide as EPA Chief

Many tout Jackson's record; others say pick too industry-friendly

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency is a trained scientist praised as open-minded, though her history of accommodating business gives some environmentalists pause, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Lisa Jackson, who would be the first African American in the job, is currently chief of staff to New...

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