Election 2010

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What to Watch in Today's 4 Primaries

Pennsylvania, Arizona, Kentucky offer intrigue

(Newser) - Four states go to the polls today, and the results will have huge implications. Politico breaks down what to watch for in each race, and we, as always, provide the cliff notes:
  • Pennsylvania: Arlen Specter—the longest serving senator in state history—is in real danger of losing a primary

Palin Backs 'Mama Grizzlies' in Girl Power Push

Ex-governor gets behind 'common sense conservative women'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin appears to have embraced her inner girl power. In the past 10 days she's endorsed three women in various GOP primaries, and in a speech before an anti-abortion group on Friday she made it clear that wasn't a coincidence. “This year will be remembered as the year...

Poll: GOP Steamrolling Toward Midterm Vote

They're picking up crucial blocs such as independents, seniors

(Newser) - A new poll has old news for Democrats: The midterm elections are going to be ugly. The Wall Street Journal/NBC survey says Republicans have won back crucial blocs that strayed in recent elections, including independents, seniors, suburban women, and rural voters. Also, about a third of respondents say they don't...

14-Term Democrat Ousted in W.Va Primary

Alan Mollohan becomes first House incumbent rejected

(Newser) - Long-serving West Virginia Democrat Alan Mollohan has become the first House incumbent to be ousted in this year's primaries. The 14-term congressman lost heavily to challenger Mike Oliviero, who ran a campaign attacking Mollohan's ethics, the AP reports. Oliviero, who won the support of conservative media, repeatedly called his rival...

Tea Party Shifts Focus to Kentucky

Palin backs Rand Paul over Trey Grayson

(Newser) - After taking down Bob Bennett in Utah, the Tea Party has a new target: Kentucky. Tea Party activists and other conservative critics yesterday shifted their sights to the state's mid-May primary for their next big challenge to a political establishment they have vowed to upend. The Kentucky race pits Secretary...

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)
 Immigration Will Help 
 GOP (for Now) 

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)

Poll shows support for Arizona law in battleground states

(Newser) - Democrats are quaking in their boots over yesterday's poll showing that a majority of Americans supported Arizona's harsh new immigration law. The numbers—which are even worse in battleground states than they are nationally—indicate that while immigration hawkishness may someday come back to bite Republicans, it's a big advantage...

Cinco de Mayo Ad Slaps McCain

McCain, Norton blasted to engage '08 Dem voters

(Newser) - A snarky new radio ad that skewers John McCain for supporting the Arizona immigration law hits the airwaves in Tucson today as part of a campaign to reengage Democratic voters. In the ad, which targets University of Arizona students, Arizona state troopers bust a Cinco de Mayo frat party. "...

2010: The Year of the Black Republicans?

GOP has most black candidates since reconstruction

(Newser) - Black candidates are suddenly coming out of the woodwork for Republicans; there are at least 32 running for Congress this year, which hasn't happened since Reconstruction, according to the New York Times . Of course, the party only believes five of them actually have a prayer of winning, and most face...

GOP Targets Suburbs for 2010
 GOP Targets Suburbs for 2010 

GOP Targets Suburbs for 2010

Hopes malaise over health care, national debt will help win them back

(Newser) - Republicans are convinced that the road to a takeover of the House is lined with white picket fences. Suburbia is the key to the 2010 elections, strategists from both parties tell the Wall Street Journal . An influx of minorities and the college educated—both groups that lean left—has shaded...

70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out
70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out

70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out

Country approaches midterm elections in sour mood

(Newser) - Right, left, and center, voters are unhappy: A new poll shows Americans heading into the midterm elections in the most anti-incumbent mood since 1994, with less than a third of voters leaning toward backing their current representatives in November. "I'm not really happy right now with anybody," one...

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

 Obama Finally 
 Goes On 

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

Democrats have clear advantage on financial reform

(Newser) - EJ Dionne sees a newly aggressive Barack Obama recognizing that he can put Republicans on their heels with financial reform. Republicans for the first time "are uncertain as to whether resolute opposition to a Democratic idea is in their political interest," he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Democrats, Be Careful What You Wish for
Democrats, Be Careful
What You Wish for
karl rove

Democrats, Be Careful What You Wish for

Get financial reform wrong, and it will backfire badly

(Newser) - Democrats are in rough shape heading into the midterm elections, which is why they're so giddy about the financial reform bill. They think it can "put some distance between them and the Obama administration's reckless spending policies over the past year," writes Karl Rove. "They believe that...

78% of Americans Don't Trust Their Government

Poll finds 'perfect storm' of discontent destroying faith in government

(Newser) - Americans who trust their government are becoming increasingly few and far between, according to a Pew Research Center poll that found that just 22% of those surveyed said they trust the government "just about always" or "most of the time." This is highest level of distrust in...

Harry Reid Trails GOP Foe by 10 Points

Senate majority leader's reelection bid in big trouble: poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Harry Reid’s in big trouble in Nevada. The latest poll has him a full 10 points behind Republican Sue Lowden, and that’s with the independent and Tea Party candidates in the mix, reports the Hill . Reid has trailed in polls consistently throughout the...

McCain Ad Mocks Hayworth Over Birthers, Vampires

Spoof spot casts rival as right-wing loony

(Newser) - JD Hayworth is a "birther" who believes Dracula is real and thinks gay marriage will lead to weddings between men and horses, according to a spoof ad from John McCain's Senate campaign. The web video—possibly the funniest of the midterm election season so far—seeks to portray McCain's...

Dems' Enthusiasm High, but Republicans' Higher

(Newser) - New polling shows record enthusiasm for the midterm elections, particularly among Republican voters. Among Democrats, 57% are “more enthusiastic than usual” about November, the highest percentage Gallup has ever recorded for them in a midterm. The problem? Republicans stand at a whopping 69%. This is obviously not great news...

New Rangel Challenge From Adam Clayton Powell IV
 New Rangel Challenge From 
 Adam Clayton Powell IV 


New Rangel Challenge From Adam Clayton Powell IV

NY lawmaker aims to take back seat Rangel took from dad

(Newser) - In a twist of fate, New York lawmaker Adam Clayton Powell IV will use Charlie Rangel’s ethics problems against him in an upcoming House Democratic primary, much as Rangel used similar allegations against Powell’s father to unseat him in 1970. But Powell’s decision to mount a challenge...

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart
 McCain Has Sold 
 His Soul: Jon Stewart 

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart

Disavowing 'maverick' rep like Giuliani pleading 9./11 ignorance

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is flabbergasted at John McCain’s recent assertion that “I never considered myself a maverick.” The Comedy Central host doesn’t “even f---ing need to” toss to a montage showing how often McCain has claimed the maverick label. Despite all of the Arizona senator’s...

Harry Reid Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin
 Harry Reid Pokes Fun 
 at Sarah Palin 

Harry Reid Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin

Senate majority leader sort of has a sense of humor!

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Harry Reid has a sense of humor, reports Mediaite . In his latest campaign stop, Reid took a moment to aim some snark at the tea party express event that swept into Nevada last week. “I was going to give a few remarks on the people...

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms
5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

No need for Pelosi, Reid to panic—at least not yet

(Newser) - Democrats didn’t get the bump in the polls they were hoping for after health care reform passed. Are they doomed in November? Maybe. But they have reasons for optimism, writes Jay Newton-Small for Time , including:
  • Michael Steele: He’s “the gift that keeps on giving,” and his

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