Election 2010

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Lincoln Swings to Center of Health Debate

Dems come calling as GOP eyes her seat in 2010

(Newser) - With all eyes on her last night, Blanche Lincoln cast the deciding vote to push health reform forward—and simultaneously swung herself soundly into the epicenter of the brouhaha. By warning fellow Dems she won't support a final bill with a public option, she guaranteed their attention. But in casting...

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Nate Silver

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care

Only Blanche Lincoln faces 2010 fight, and she'll be a tough sell

(Newser) - The main reason Senate Democrats have a prayer of passing health care reform is that not many of them are up for reelection next year, says Nate Silver. Only a third of the Senate is up for re-election in 2010, and most of the Democrats in that group come from...

Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate
Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate

Giuliani Plans Run for US Senate

He's also got his eye on a 2012 presidential bid, say insiders

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will run for US Senate next year as a possible steppingstone to a presidential bid in 2012, sources tell the New York Daily News. Giuliani plans to challenge Kirsten Gillibrand for the remaining two years of Hillary Clinton’s term. He had been expected to run for governor...

Dems May Lose Obama's Old Senate Seat
 Dems May 
 Lose Obama's 
 Old Senate Seat 


Dems May Lose Obama's Old Senate Seat

Illinois field isn't scaring GOP frontrunner Mark Kirk

(Newser) - The Democratic field for President Obama’s old Illinois Senate seat is anemic enough to make a GOP win a real possibility, Lynn Sweet writes. The candidates—only one of whom has run for office, ever—haven’t phased the Republican frontrunner, Rep. Mark Kirk. The statewide Dem establishment seems...

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
nate silver

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'

Party's in 'fairly bad shape,' but there's time to rebound

(Newser) - A new Gallup poll shows Republicans ahead of Democrats in a generic House ballot, a reversal of political fortune from October. Is it time for the party to panic? "Maybe a little," writes Nate Silver . "My 30,000-foot view is that between the pressures of the jobs...

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Making 2010 a referendum on prez won't work for Dems

(Newser) - Karl Rove is flattered that President Obama appears to be borrowing the strategy he devised for President Bush in the 2002 midterm elections, but he warns it won't work for the Democrats next year. Making the midterms a referendum on the White House worked in 2002 because national security...

Kiss Dem Agenda Goodbye, Say Hello to Job Worries

Pelosi will try to ram health care through before Blue Dogs bolt

(Newser) - The Obama administration is running out of time in its race to enact its liberal agenda before Democratic candidates start caring more about their own re-election than the party line, writes Kim Strassel . Tuesday's results show that Obama's power is weakening, and will be the tipping point for many "...

Democrats Who Should Be Worried
Who Should
Be Worried

Democrats Who Should Be Worried

Election '09 puts the fear into these 2010 incumbents

(Newser) - If, as Max Baucus says, Tuesday’s elections should be a “wake-up call” for Democrats, Politico knows which lawmakers should be drinking caffeine:
  • Harry Reid: The majority leader is a little like Jon Corzine; an unpopular incumbent in a state where the economy is especially bad. And like Corzine,

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?
 Dems Torn: Too Much 
 Change, or Not Enough? 

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?

Do voters want them to ditch presidential agenda, or complete it?

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress reading the tea leaves of Tuesday’s elections find themselves split: were the Republican wins in Virginia and New Jersey a vote of no confidence in the administration’s agenda, or frustration that it isn’t moving fast enough? Most agree on the first step going forward:...

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP
Health Bill Will Speed
Swing Back to GOP

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP

Suburban, independent voter trend is bad news for Dems

(Newser) - This week's election results spell out a trend that should scare Democrats in both red and blue states, warns Karl Rove . Suburban and independent voters turned away from the party at a rate that would have easily put John McCain into the White House last year, and the health bill...

Carly Fiorina Launches Calif. Senate Bid

 Carly Fiorina 
 Launches Calif. 
 Senate Bid 

Carly Fiorina Launches Calif. Senate Bid

Ex-HP chief would face Dem incumbent Boxer

(Newser) - Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina says she'll run for the US Senate seat held by California incumbent Barbara Boxer. Fiorina ended months of speculation today with an announcement in an opinion piece she wrote for the Orange County Register. She's scheduled to make a formal announcement later in the day....

Obama Can't Save Democrats
 Obama Can't Save Democrats 

Obama Can't Save Democrats

NJ, Va. votes show that president's popularity isn't catching

(Newser) - The message to Democratic candidates from yesterday's GOP wins in New Jersey and Virginia should be loud and clear: they're on their own, writes Dan McLaughlin . Jon Corzine and Creigh Deeds tied themselves as closely to possible to President Obama and lost, demonstrating that the president's continued personal popularity isn't...

GOP 2nd Wind Doesn't Mean Smooth Sailing

Party back from last year's beating but upheaval still likely

(Newser) - The victories in Virginia and New Jersey look set to revitalize the Republican Party ahead of next year's elections, writes Adam Nagourney. The party now has the chance to re-energize its base and prepare for a proper comeback from last year's defeat, although the Democratic win in New York's 23rd...

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010
 Lieberman: I'll Back 
 in 2010 

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010

Sort-of Democrat says he'll 'call them as I see them'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman says he “probably will support some Republicans in 2010” and may not seek the Democratic nomination in his own 2012 reelection campaign. “I’m going to call them as I see them,” he tells ABC News , saying he’s weary of “partisan, passionate, hardcore”...

Fundraising Looms Large on Obama's Schedule

President spends more time chasing donations thanks to McCain-Feingold

(Newser) - In between massive federal bailouts and health reform, President Obama has spent a lot of time rustling up cash for Democrats this year, with tonight marking his 26th fundraiser. George W. Bush, by contrast, headlined only six fundraisers in his first year. But that was before McCain-Feingold capped how much...

Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012
Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012
2013 suddenly too late

Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012

Everyone wants something to show by midterm elections

(Newser) - Democrats are pushing Senate leaders to rework their health care bills so that at least some benefits kick in by the 2010 and 2012 elections. As currently formulated, the bill would bring the pain immediately, in the form of $100 billion in industry fees, but its reforms mostly wouldn’t...

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide
 Reid to 'Vaporize' 
 GOP Challengers: Aide 

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide

Senate majority leader studying Corzine for cues to effective negative campaign

(Newser) - Harry Reid, his re-election campaign wilting in the polls, is getting ready to rumble: The Senate majority leader is promising an intensely negative campaign against the 2010 GOP challenger for his Senate seat. With his $8.7 million war chest—the largest ever for a Nevada statewide race—Reid will...

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Reid Ducks the Media as 2010 Fight Looms

Majority leader hopes to cut down on gaffes with fewer press talks

(Newser) - Reporters are used to getting a press conference from Harry Reid every Thursday, but since the August recess he’s been canceling them, opting instead to get the message out in more controlled environments like Senate floor speeches. A spokesman says Reid’s not intentionally hiding out, but analysts tell...

GOP Trains Fire on Pelosi
 GOP Trains Fire on Pelosi 
2010 playbook

GOP Trains Fire on Pelosi

Republicans go after House speaker despite failures in '06, '08

(Newser) - Republicans angling to take back the House and Senate in 2010—or at least trim their losses from the last two elections—are making attacks on Nancy Pelosi a central feature of their campaign, and it's already getting ugly. The GOP has been releasing statements mocking "Gen. Pelosi" for...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>