terror attack

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Explosions Rock 2 Hotels in Indonesia; 8 Dead

(Newser) - A pair of powerful bombs exploded at two luxury hotels in an upscale Jakarta business district, killing 8 and wounding at least 50, officials said. The blasts at the neighboring Ritz-Carlton and Marriott hotels blew out windows and scattered debris and glass across the street. Both hotels are strong draws...

Death Toll Rises to 11 In Pakistani Hotel Blast

(Newser) - The death toll in the suicide attack on a luxury hotel in Pakistan rose to 11 with at least 70 injured, reports the Times of London. At least two foreigners were among the dead at the five-star Pearl Oriental in Peshawar, though no more specific IDs were available. Still no...

Mumbai Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

Says he's 21 years old; co-defendants also plead not guilty

(Newser) - The only surviving suspected gunman in last year's terrorist attacks in Mumbai pleaded not guilty today to all charges against him, including waging war against India and murder. The presiding judge read out all the charges against Mohammed Ajmal Kasab in a Mumbai courtroom; Kasab responded with a plea of...

Taliban Uses Human Shields in Pakistan Fight

90K refugees flee terror campaign as battles continue

(Newser) - Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's attempt to reclaim control of Taliban-seized districts—perhaps his last shot at maintaining power—ran into new terror tactics today, the Times of London reports. In the Buner district, Taliban are using 2,000 villagers as human shields, while elsewhere they are waging an aggressive...

Pakistan Retakes Police School From Gunmen

(Newser) - Pakistani security forces overpowered a group of gunmen who staged a deadly, highly coordinated assault on a police academy today, capturing six of the militants while eight others died during an hours-long battle in the country's east. Apart from the militants, the assault left eight police and three civilians dead,...

Pakistan Admits Mumbai Attack Plot; Prosecutes 8

Minister prepares to prosecute 8 suspects

(Newser) - Pakistan's interior minister conceded today that last year's Mumbai attacks were at least partly planned in his country, reports the BBC. At a news conference, Rehman Malik said he had begun legal proceedings against eight suspects, two of whom remain at large. While the minister admitted that "some part...

NY Driver Free to Put bin Laden Reminder on Car

Former NYPD officer settles fight with DMV over 9/11-related license plates

(Newser) - A retired New York City police officer is free to use the vanity license plate “GETOSAMA” after settling a yearlong dispute with the DMV, the AP reports. Arno Herwerth ordered the tags to remind fellow motorists that the Sept. 11 mastermind was still on the loose; the DMV delivered,...

Mumbai Gunmen Aired Slights in Cell Phone Calls

During seige, attackers cite Muslim grievances in India, Kashmir

(Newser) - Cell phone calls made by Mumbai gunmen during their attacks last month have shed some light on the motivations behind the slaughter, the Washington Post reports. Two members of Lashkar-e-Taiba who phoned an Indian TV station during the attacks cited the deaths of 1,000 demonstrators—mostly Muslims—in Gujarat...

India Fighter Jets Buzz Pakistan
India Fighter Jets
Buzz Pakistan

India Fighter Jets Buzz Pakistan

Pakistan downplays 'accident,' while Brown reads riot act to Zardari

(Newser) - India fighter jets crossed into Pakistan territory yesterday before being intercepted by Pakistani aircraft who harried them back to their own nation, according to officials in Islamabad. The jets buzzed two regions where Indian officials charge that terrorists are being trained, reports the New York Times. Pakistan downplayed the "...

Terror Outcry May Nix Pakistani Cricket Tour

(Newser) - Reacting to the Mumbai terror attacks, India’s sports minister said today that he opposes upcoming cricket matches between India and Pakistan, the Washington Post reports. MS Gill said India's team should not take a 5-week Pakistani tour as planned while "people from their soil were indulging in mass...

Indian Government Admits 'Lapses' in Security

(Newser) - India’s new home minister said today that the response to the Mumbai terror attacks was lackluster, the New York Times reports. “There have been lapses,” said Palaniappan Chidambaram. “I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses.” Meanwhile, PM Manmohan...

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