Bernard Madoff

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Ruth Madoff to Bare All Expenditures Over $100

(Newser) - Ruth Madoff won't be able to spend $100 without scrutiny under a deal approved by a bankruptcy judge overseeing the liquidation of her husband's financial firm, the Wall Street Journal reports. Madoff agreed to give a full accounting of her income and any spending over $100 to a court-appointed trustee...

Costs Soar as Docs Order and Perform Tests
Costs Soar as Docs Order and Perform Tests

Costs Soar as Docs Order and Perform Tests

Fishy practice highlights challenge of medical regulation

(Newser) - As Congress wrestles with health-care reform, studies show it’s tough to regulate the status quo: Doctors’ “self-referrals” for medical imaging have continued despite efforts to legislate against them, the Washington Post reports. Doctors who own the equipment that scans patients stand to make more cash—and tend to...

Trustee Sues Ruth Madoff for $44M

Bankruptcy trustee says fraudster's wife received more than she'll admit to

(Newser) - The trustee in the Bernie Madoff case sued the swindler's wife today to demand the return of $44 million to bilked investors, Newsday reports. The complaint doesn't allege criminal activity by Ruth Madoff but says she directly received funds from her husband’s multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme. Ruth Madoff gave up...

Madoff: I Can't Believe They Didn't Catch Me

Gives first prison interview, and he's looking a little buff

(Newser) - Prison life appears to be agreeing with Bernie Madoff. A lawyer who represents victims met with Madoff today and said he appears fit. "He looked pretty good and seems to be working out," said attorney Joseph Cotchett. "He looked a lot better than he has in some...

Madoff Crafty but Dumb: New Book

Pals surprised he pulled Ponzi scheme off

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff was a swindler from a young age—but many acquaintances also considered him “the dumbest man on earth," says an upcoming exposé. Jerry Oppenheimer’s new book, Madoff With the Money, also reveals that the Ponzi schemer skirted 2 years of Army Reserve duty during the...

NY 'Madoff Law' Would Force Rich Inmates to Pay for Jail

(Newser) - New York lawmakers are considering a “Madoff” bill that would force convicts with deep pockets to pay the costs of their own imprisonment, Reuters reports. “Far too often, taxpayers are stuck with the bill for criminals who have extensive personal wealth waiting for them,” one assemblyman said...

Madoff's 'Prison Hell' Not So Hellish

But he is in the doghouse with Ruth

(Newser) - The New York Post got a little excited on today's front page, promising a look "Inside Madoff’s Prison Hell." But that turns out to be a bit of wishful thinking: “Some of the guys were talking about smacking him around a little, just to get the...

Employer Bails Out Madoff-Hit Employees

Mass. businessman donates $5M for workers' retirement

(Newser) - A Massachusetts businessman has ponied up $5 million of his own money to replace his employees’ retirement savings, which were wiped out by the collapse of Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, the Boston Globe reports. Robert I. Lappin, who made his money in vacuum cleaners, knows their pain because he,...

Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison
 Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison 

Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff has reached his destination for the next 150 years or so. Clad in a blue jumpsuit, the fraudulent financier arrived at Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina just before noon today, ABC News reports. But the 71-year-old can take heart, because he “hit the inmate lottery,...

$400M Ponzi Lawyer Gets 20 Years

(Newser) - A high-flying New York lawyer who orchestrated a Ponzi scheme to fund his lavish lifestyle has been sentenced to 20 years in jail, the New York Times reports. Marc Dreier pleaded guilty to charges including conspiracy and securities fraud relating to the scam, which bilked hedge funds and other investors...

Madoff Moved to NC Prison
 Madoff Moved 
 to NC Prison 

Madoff Moved to NC Prison

With transfer, con man begins his 150-year sentence

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff was transferred today from Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center to a prison in Butner, NC, to serve out his 150-year sentence, sources tell CNBC. Madoff’s attorney had requested that the 71-year-old convicted Ponzi schemer do his time at Otisville in upstate New York. The prison system tries...

Madoff Won't Appeal
 Madoff Won't Appeal 

Madoff Won't Appeal

Conman resigned to life in prison

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff will do his time, his lawyer said today. The 71-year-old con man sentenced to 150 years in prison on a slew of fraud charges related to his massive Ponzi scheme won’t file an appeal, Bloomberg reports. “In terms of the appeal, done, over,” Madoff’s...

Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag
 Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag 

Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag

She's the top target for Madoff attacks—thanks in part to gender, bad PR

(Newser) - Ruth Madoff “has become the primary punching bag for the media and the victims” of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, “maligned more than any other Wall Street criminal’s wife in memory,” Sheelah Kolhatkar writes in New York—but are the attacks fair? We don’t know...

Madoff May Have Paid Off Austrian Banker

She's accused of sending him investors' cash, getting kickbacks

(Newser) - The head of Bank Medici is being probed by authorities in the US, the UK, and her native Austria over alleged kickbacks she received from Bernard Madoff, the Wall Street Journal reports. Sonja Kohn is believed to have pocketed $40 million in return for turning three funds she managed into...

Marshals Seize Ruth Madoff's Penthouse

She 'left voluntarily': lawyer

(Newser) - US Marshals seized Ruth Madoff’s $7 million Manhattan penthouse today after she made a deal to give it up last week, the New York Post reports. Madoff “left voluntarily and in an orderly manner to which all sides agreed,” said her lawyer. “We’re not here...

Ruth Madoff May Not Keep Her $2.5M For Long

Victims can still sue swindler's wife to recoup losses

(Newser) - When she leaves her Manhattan penthouse, Ruth Madoff will have a mere $2.5 million to her name—and she might not have that for long either, Newsday reports. Madoff’s deal with the government—in which she’ll gives up more than $80 million in assets, keeping just the...

SEC Staffer Was Waved Off Madoff Probe

Investigator's questions could have exposed Ponzi scheme in 2004

(Newser) - An SEC investigator whose questions could have exposed Bernard Madoff's fraud in 2004 was shifted to an unrelated case after raising the alarm, the Washington Post reports. One of the supervisors who told the staffer to focus instead on a mutual funds investigation later married Madoff's niece, and the relationship...

Madoff Sentence a Massive Waste: Alec Baldwin

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin throws water on the general celebration of Bernie Madoff's prison sentence, arguing that the 150-year term handed down to the fraudster Monday was a wasted opportunity. "I want to suggest, as I am confident others have, that Madoff be given a reduced sentence in exchange for answering...

US Won't Charge Ruth Madoff

Not enough evidence to nab Bernie's wife in Ponzi scheme

(Newser) - Ruth Madoff won’t be prosecuted in her husband’s giant Ponzi scheme, insiders tell the New York Post, because the feds didn't find enough evidence against her after a 6-month probe. She had “no criminal exposure,” one source says. But if something new turns up, authorities could...

Madoff's Money Man Sells Rothkos for $310M

Merkin unloads art, but buyer's identity a mystery

(Newser) - Ezra Merkin, the financier who pumped billions of his clients' money into Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, is selling more than 10 paintings by Mark Rothko and two sculptures by Alberto Giacometti for $310 million, reports the Wall Street Journal. Some of the proceeds may go to his defrauded investors, who...

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