Bush administration

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Obama-Hagel Ticket? Tempting, but Forget It

Rumored running-mate possibility more promising in theory than in practice

(Newser) - Republican maverick Chuck Hagel is being bruted as a possible running mate for Barack Obama, and it's a tempting fantasy. He's a Vietnam vet with abundant foreign policy experience and a very public split with Bush on the Iraq war; having him on the ticket would also give serious cred...

Punditry for the Playgroup Set
 Punditry for the Playgroup Set 

Punditry for the Playgroup Set

Goodnight Bush parody 'brilliant,' though copyright might be an issue

(Newser) - The cover is a dead ringer for the bedtime classic, and the point of Goodnight Bush is equally recognizable. In authors' Erich Origen and Gan Golan’s re-purposing of Goodnight Moon, Dubya snuggles into bed wearing a “Mission Accomplished” flight suit, in the company of “war profiteers giving...

Bush's 'Poison Pill' Haunts Both Parties
Bush's 'Poison Pill' Haunts
Both Parties

Bush's 'Poison Pill' Haunts Both Parties

McCain backs tax cuts; Obama would roll back only for very rich

(Newser) - President Bush’s tax cuts have become the governmental equivalent of a corporate poison pill, Paul Krugman observes in the New York Times, aimed at hamstringing new stewardship. Both prospective replacements have tax plans very much haunted by the Bush cuts, with one-time critic John McCain promising not only to...

Britain Rolls Out New Iran Sanctions

Brown also promises more troops for Afghan fight as Bush departs Europe

(Newser) - Britain and the European Union will slap Iran with a new round of sanctions over its refusal to curtail its nuclear program, PM Gordon Brown announced today, handing President Bush an unexpected farewell gift on the last day of his weeklong European trip. Brown froze the assets of Iran's largest...

Bush to Overhaul Access for Disabled

Proposal would vastly expand 1990 disabilities act

(Newser) - With an eye to aging Boomers and Iraq vets, the Bush administration is set to propose wide-ranging new rules to improve disabled access to public spaces from retail stores to golf courses, the New York Times reports. The move, which updates  implementation of the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, would...

Bush Forced Ruling on Detainees
Bush Forced Ruling on Detainees

Bush Forced Ruling on Detainees

High court had to act after Bush flouted justice and liberty

(Newser) - President Bush forced the Supreme Court’s hand by overplaying his own over Guantanamo detainees, Stuart Taylor, Jr. writes in Newsweek. Courts usually defer to Washington on national security, but Bush so flouted ordinary "ideas of justice and liberty" that he "put the Supreme Court in an impossible...

Don't Be So Happy to See Bush Go, Europe
Don't Be So Happy to See Bush Go, Europe

Don't Be So Happy to See Bush Go, Europe

He's been a useful villain—and things may not be better under Obama or McCain

(Newser) - President Bush might be touring Europe to yawns and boos, but its citizens and pundits alike will miss their favorite political punching bag when he’s gone, Gerard Baker writes in the Times of London. “They'll miss, first, having a villain in the White House,” Baker explains. “...

Bush Loyalist Hits the Road to Save 'No Child'

Education secretary seeks to shore up reviled program

(Newser) - As George W. Bush has become less and less popular, so too has No Child Left Behind, his education initiative that one congressman calls "the most negative brand in the country." As the administration realizes that its principal domestic achievement is likely to be undone by the next...

McCain Backs Bush Wiretaps: Adviser

Says candidate believes president has right to 'override' law

(Newser) - John McCain supports President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, a top adviser writes in a letter posted on the National Review website. The adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, outlines McCain's belief that the Constitution authorizes the president to override a federal statute that requires court oversight for surveillance. The position marks a sharp...

Bush, Advisers Misled US on Iraq: Senate Report

Dem-led committee blasts administration; Republicans dismiss 'partisan exercise'

(Newser) - The Bush administration distorted facts in justifying the invasion of Iraq and overstated Saddam Hussein’s links to al-Qaeda, a long-delayed report from the Senate intelligence committee concludes. Bush and his advisers also ignored doubts about Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction in constructing their case for military...

Pakistan Cuts Off Talks With Militant Tribes

US saw increase in groups' activity in Afghanistan during lull

(Newser) - Pakistan is suspending talks with militant tribes along its lawless border with Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reports, a move that could bolster relations with the US. Negotiations won’t resume until the warlords agree to new conditions, including an end to activities within Afghanistan, Pakistani officials told the Bush...

Mideast Peace Initiatives Dodge US Disapproval
Mideast Peace Initiatives
Dodge US Disapproval

Mideast Peace Initiatives Dodge US Disapproval

America on the bench as region works itself out

(Newser) - Middle East nations are moving to resolve their conflicts without, and often in defiance of, Washington, write Hussein Agha and Robert Malley in the New York Times. Israel is in peace talks with both Hamas and Syria, and Lebanon has reached political reconciliation after a near civil war. All three...

McClellan Blasts Bush for Not Firing Rove

Role in Plamegate was enough to can him, ex-Bushie says

(Newser) - President Bush should have fired aide Karl Rove over the Plamegate affair, Scott McClellan said today. Publicizing his Washington tell-all book, McClellan also blasted Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Dick Cheney's ex-chief of staff, for denying they had leaked CIA agent Valerie Plame's name, the AP reports. "We...

Bush Mob Sets Its Sights on McClellan
Bush Mob
Sets Its Sights on McClellan

Bush Mob Sets Its Sights on McClellan

Backlash makes Lupica ponder who's 'the real bum here'

(Newser) - The Bush administration's reaction to Scott McClellan's new book should look familiar to anyone with HBO, with one important difference, writes Mike Lupica in the Daily News. "it has become clear by now that even the hoods from The Sopranos would be out of their weight class with George...

McClellan: I Believed Bush
 McClellan: I Believed Bush 

McClellan: I Believed Bush

Says he's answering 'loyalty to the truth,' that White House wanted him silent

(Newser) - Affection and loyalty blinded Scott McClellan in the run-up to the Iraq war, but now the former press secretary has found a higher allegiance—“a loyalty to the truth.” McClellan, whose book is causing a media storm for alleging President Bush ran a “propaganda” campaign about the...

Distracted US Finds Mideast Clout Waning
Distracted US Finds Mideast Clout Waning

Distracted US Finds Mideast Clout Waning

With clock ticking on Bush administration, hard-line tactics fail

(Newser) - The Bush Administration's problems are hardly confined to abysmal domestic approval ratings, writes veteran Reuters journalist Jonathan Wright. Middle Eastern leaders are paying less and less attention to the lame-duck president, who spoke of the need to isolate Hamas during a visit to Egypt last week—even as his host...

Who Cares Who We Talk to?
Who Cares Who We Talk to?

Who Cares Who We Talk to?

The only way to revive US influence is to stop empowering our foes with oil dollars

(Newser) - Though politicians and pundits alike are caught up in which foes the US should or shouldn't be reaching out to, Thomas Friedman, in the New York Times, points out that few world leaders of any stripe are sitting by the phone waiting for our call. Waning American influence and the...

Confidence in Bush Still Plunging: Poll

Approval hits career low; 82% believe US is on wrong path

(Newser) - Support for President Bush has sunk to its lowest level yet, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. Bush's 31% approval rating marks a career low as 82% of Americans now think the country is heading in the wrong direction. Opinions were highly split along partisan lines.

Detained Immigrants Dying for Lack of Health Care

Overburdened system fails to adequately diagnose and treat detainees, Post finds

(Newser) - The number of detained immigrants has skyrocketed since 9/11, and many do not receive critical health care in overburdened federal detention centers, the Washington Post reports. Several immigrants, detained for minor offenses or waiting to seek asylum, received little or no care for life-threatening symptoms which finally killed them, a...

Judge Purges General From Gitmo Case
Judge Purges General From Gitmo Case

Judge Purges General From Gitmo Case

Says he's not impartial; move could throw wrench in 9/11 trials

(Newser) - A military judge has expelled a Pentagon general from the case of a Guantanamo detainee in a move that could open the military tribunal system to further attacks. The judge said the general—who is supposed to be impartial as overseer of the Gitmo legal process—worked too closely with...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>