
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Newtown Kids' New School Mirrors Old

Classes to resume tomorrow at school in Monroe

(Newser) - The Sandy Hook Elementary students who survived the Dec. 14 massacre in Newtown return to class tomorrow, but many of them may be checking out their new destination today. An open house is being held at the formerly unused Chalk Hill Middle School in neighboring Monroe that the children will...

Newtown Lawsuit Withdrawn—for Now

Lawyer who sought to sue on behalf of girl, 6, may refile

(Newser) - A Connecticut attorney seeking to sue the state for $100 million on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor of the Newtown school massacre has withdrawn the claim—at least for now. The Stamford Advocate reports that Irving Pinsky withdrew the lawsuit but says he might refile. He says he received new...

Scientists to Study Adam Lanza's DNA

Investigation prompts controversy among experts

(Newser) - Following a request by a Connecticut medical examiner, geneticists appear poised to investigate Adam Lanza's DNA. Outside experts say the University of Connecticut scientists—who have agreed to "give any assistance they can"—will probably search for genetic mutations or abnormalities that might prompt mental illness or...

Newtown Officials: Please Stop the Gifts

Town to turn memorials into 'sacred soil'

(Newser) - Newtown officials have literally received more gifts than they know what to do with. Town leaders say they greatly appreciate the vast quantity of items sent to the town—but they can't cope with any more. So they've asked people to stop sending things for now, the AP...

Ryan Lanza Posts Tribute: RIP, Mom and Adam
Lanza Family: Ryan's
'RIP' Posts Are Fake

Lanza Family: Ryan's 'RIP' Posts Are Fake

'I am a victim,' says older brother of shooter

(Newser) - As the last Sandy Hook victims were laid to rest , the older brother of shooter Adam Lanza posted his own tribute to the tragedy, mourning the loss of two members of his family—or did he? The Lanza family claims that a Ryan Lanza Facebook page is a hoax, but...

At 9:30 This Morning, Nation to Pause

Bells will toll 26 times for Newtown Victims

(Newser) - At 9:30 this morning, exactly one week after 20 children and six teachers were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, bells will toll 26 times in memorial for the terrible tragedy, reports the Hartford Courant . Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has called for a "Day of Mourning" today, and...

Lanza Left Precious Few Clues Behind

Police say 'months' until investigation done

(Newser) - A barely used cell phone. A destroyed computer. No social media accounts. A final week spent alone playing video games. In the aftermath of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza left behind very little in the way of clues for investigators to piece together what made...

Mom Squashed Lanza's Dream to Join Marines

Said fact that he 'didn't like to be touched' would be a problem: friend

(Newser) - One of Nancy Lanza's "closest friends" is trying to help answer the nagging question: Who was Adam Lanza? Ellen Adriani tells the Connecticut Post that Lanza figured out what he wanted to do with his life at age 17: Join the Marines, or another branch of the military....

Mom Planned to Have Lanza Committed: Source

Joshua Flashman tells Fox News it could have caused shooter to snap

(Newser) - Investigators have yet to offer a motive for Adam Lanza's deadly rampage, but a Newtown resident offers one theory to Fox News : Lanza lost it because his mother planned to commit him against his will. Joshua Flashman, the son of a Newtown pastor, says he has been told that...

6-Year-Old Newtown Victim Died in Arms of Beloved Aide

Anne Marie Murphy also died in attempt to shield Dylan Hockley

(Newser) - More tales of heartbreak and heroic acts from Newtown: The Connecticut Post today shares the story of Dylan Hockley, a 6-year-old who died in Friday's massacre—in the arms of his beloved aide, who also died while trying to protect him from the gunfire. Dylan's family tells the...

Gun Debate Was Already Raging in Newtown

Sound of frequent gunshots sparked complaints

(Newser) - Guns have long been a fixture in Newtown, Conn., but this year, controversy has boiled over. The months leading to July saw 50 complaints about gunfire, twice the number made throughout 2011, the New York Times reports. The sound of shooting emanated from unusual spots—near homes, for instance, and...

Nancy Lanza to Sitter: Don't Turn Your Back

Those who knew her recall a generous, fiercely private woman

(Newser) - Adam Lanza's mother was known for her generosity and friendliness, but she always kept quiet about her home life, say those who knew her. Nancy Lanza was a regular at a local bar, where she would often pick up the tab for those who needed it. When an acquaintance...

Two 6-Year-Olds to Be Buried in Newtown Today

Police to guard schools across state

(Newser) - Newtown is bracing for the heartbreaking task of burying the victims of Friday's school massacre. The first two funerals for the 20 young children will be held today, one for 6-year-old Jack Pinto, who might be buried in New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz's jersey, and the...

Bushmaster Gun Used in Newtown Has Lethal History

Bushmaster also used in DC sniper shootings

(Newser) - The 26 victims in the Connecticut school shooting were all shot with a semiautomatic rifle , and USA Today reports that the .223-caliber Bushmaster has a dark history: It was also used in the 2002 DC sniper killings. After those murders, a $2.5 million judgment was leveled against the gun...

New School Readied for Newtown Survivors

After massacre, Sandy Hook may never reopen

(Newser) - The sound of kids' voices may never again fill the halls of the Sandy Hook Elementary School where a gunman killed 20 children and six adults, USA Today reports. Work crews are fixing up an unused school some 15 minutes away and it will be ready for Sandy Hook's...

SNL Open Honors Conn. Victims
 SNL Honors Conn. Victims 

SNL Honors Conn. Victims

New York Children's Chorus sings 'Silent Night'

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live shelved the jokes for last night's Cold Open, opting instead to let the kids do the talking in the wake of Friday's Connecticut school shooting : The show opened with the voices of the New York Children's Chorus singing "Silent Night" without accompaniment, reports...

Obama Headed to Conn. Today

Commander-in-chief's 4th turn at aftermath of a mass shooting

(Newser) - Making a sadly familiar journey, President Barack Obama will attend an evening vigil in Newtown, Conn., to mourn with a town still seeking to comprehend the unimaginable massacre of its children and teachers. His visit today to this southeastern Connecticut community comes two days after a man opened fire inside...

Police: Gunman Forced His Way Into School

Also, his mother apparently did not teach there after all

(Newser) - Police are still keeping many of the details of the Connecticut school shooting under wraps, but they made clear this morning that the gunman didn't simply walk into the building, reports the Washington Post . "He was not let in voluntarily," a State Police lieutenant said. "He...

Slain Principal Put in Place New Security Measures

Dawn Hochsprung stressed safety to parents

(Newser) - One of the 27 people killed at a school in Connecticut today was principal Dawn Hochsprung, and CNN reports that she had ramped up security at Sandy Hook Elementary just a few months ago. The new procedure required visitors to ring a doorbell, wait to be buzzed inside, and then...

20 Kids Among 27 Killed in School Shooting

Adam Lanza killed his mother, then went to the school, say police

(Newser) - Details in this morning's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, are clarifying: A young man killed his mother at their home, then drove to the elementary school he attended as a youth and killed 20 schoolchildren and six adults, reports the Hartford Courant . The shooter, identified as 20-year-old Adam...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>